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Did this make you want to vote for Barack?

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    #30 – Liberty Loser

    You continue to amuse all of us.

  2. Steve says:

    Obama scammed his way into the nomination by taking advantage of the outmoded primary rules. He’s still not far ahead of the regime that’s been draining every drop of dignity and money from our country. Clinton would be 30 + points ahead if she was in the race.
    I love the idea that a Black guy will be the president. I just wish this guy could convince me he knows something about how to handle the cleanup/recovery job that lies ahead. Once again, WE’RE

  3. Moose says:

    The CUT is for $200K and under (which includes $150K, just in case your math is shakey) and there will be NO INCREASE for everyone $250K and under (which includes what, class? That’s right, $150K AND $200K). This plan hasn’t changed one iota since he launched it, its people who don’t pay attention that think it has because they didn’t bother to get their facts straight the first time through.

  4. brm says:

    #20 Grandpa:

    Cry me a river. You were charging too much for your labor. Sorry.

    Could you also explain why outsourcing “Republican?” The unions and minimum wage laws price our labor out of the market, and this is a Republican thing? Whatever.

  5. Still voting for Nader… or Edsel the Raccoon. (My paws are makin’ rainbows!)

  6. Libertican says:

    American Enterprise Institute Editorial from Washington Post:

    Also, I have a nagging feeling that I cannot shake related to Obama’s expansion of the refundable tax credit system. One goal of Progressives has been to ease the stigma of welfare recipients. For those of us who received the 2008 Stimulus Package checks, did that feel like receiving a welfare check? From what I have read, Obama’s tax cuts will come in the form of refundable tax credits so that for those earning $10,000 annually, will actually receive $15,000 from the IRS through the tax credit, which may be equal to their annual welfare and other assistance payments. Now someone earning $60,000 annually will be taxed at higher rate than they are now, but the refundable tax credits bring the effective tax rate below their current rate. However, now the $60,000 earner is waiting on a check from the IRS (just like an annual filing refund), but will the tax credits be paid out annually, quarterly, monthly. If monthly, Obama succeeds in eliminating the stigma of monthly welfare payments, because half to two-thirds of the country is waiting on them.

    Good luck to the winners of next week’s election. May the wisdom of Solomon be your gift.

  7. MikeN says:

    In his infomercial, Obama continued to engage in what he admits is false patriotism.

    He has previously said he won’t wear a flag pin because he sees it as representing false patriotism.

  8. CaptainHar says:

    Liberty loser, it is people like you that give good republicans bad names. It is people like you with all your greedy selfish ways that brought down Wall Street.I hope you are happy with all of that money.

  9. Peter iNova says:

    When something dies that you treasure, the first responses are denial and rage.

    Now go up the list of responses here and see if there are attributes of denial and/or rage in any of them.

    But what died? The ability to hang on to the status quo.

  10. Bob says:

    History has proven that electing a person purely on the hate of the other guy rarely turns out well.

    My biggest problem with taxing to death everyone making over 200k (other than the fact that its morally wrong, treating individuals differently under the law) is that I work for people who make over that, and frankly I do not want the people who I work for taxed any more. The fact is, they are probably not going to take a paycut, instead, they are going to start looking at ways to “reduce expenses”, and that unfortunately is usually code for cutting jobs.

    Government is not here to “spread the wealth around”, and taxes are not meant to be some kind of class equalizer. They are a necessary evil, that is their purely to fund government operations, not as a stick to beat over the head of the highest achieving Americans.

    But Obama is going to win, I think that is pretty much assured, and I just hope that in two years some real republicans (after regaining their principles) are able to take back control of congress, and two years after we get a conservative with libertarian principles in place once Obama get booted out.

    I just hope that Obama and his supporters are not successful at squashing decent like they have been hinting at, otherwise we in this country are truly on our way to a Marxist state.

  11. MikeN says:

    Did Ayers help him write this commercial like he helped with the book?

  12. moss says:

    Already voted for him.

    When is Mikie old enough to vote? And enlist in the military?

  13. Mike from Illinois says:

    We all know that independent, successful people with real world business experience, knowledge, and substance aren’t fooled by Obama’s snake oil pitch, pandering to the middle class or his “class warfare” tactics. You know, people like Chris Buckley, or Ron Howard, or the CEO of Google or Colin Powell for example… and Joe the Plumber.

  14. Lassi says:

    And he will fight Russian aggression… He is certainly not watching BBC.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Somewhere there’s a painting of McCain as a really really young and handsome guy. While his real body ages and becomes more and more decrepit. Haaaaaa.

  16. Grandpa says:

    How rich Republican assholes benefit from Obama:

    Obama will tax the outsourcing rich people who exported our tax base and benefited from it.

    Obama will help middle class workers who lost their jobs by giving them taxes collected from rich outsourcing asshole Republicans.

    Obama will change tax laws to bring jobs once again to the middle class.

    Obama will collect taxes from working middle class and lower taxes on rich Republican outsourcing assholes.

    We all benefit from Obama.

  17. John Paradox says:

    Heck with it, I’m voting for Ron Popeil.


  18. Malcolm says:

    Already voted for Obama.
    Several days left to vote a few more times too…

  19. Shubee says:

    I think it’s shocking that so many Americans prefer the disastrous policies of Bush and that Senator Obama is only ahead by 7 percentage points. I believe that Ralph Nader is right in characterizing the two leading candidates as “fearless in offending progressives, constant in appeasing the powerful.” It was a great joy for me to vote for Mr. Nader.

  20. #47 — Most people will have learned by the age of, uh, 40, that these are all lies. Both candidates are full of crap. But it’s fun to see the never-ending fallout of the true-believers.

  21. Mike the !Plumber says:

    #41 – again, it’s 250,000 not 200,000. Also, they aren’t going to be taxed to death he wants to roll back the Bush cuts so that rate would revert to what it was under Clinton and if I recall the economy was humming along nicely then. He’s also LOWERing the taxes for people under $200,000.

  22. LibertyLover says:

    #39, I’m not republican. I’m not democrat.

    I’m Libertarian living by the rules these two parties have fostered on the people.

  23. Someone says:

    Why after he says: “I am reminded every single day that I am not a perfect man.” do they cut to Ms. Obama?

  24. al_bickers says:

    LibertyLover – Everybody is impressed, not only with your income and how you are so wily as to not pay your fair share in taxes, but also with your persistence in convincing a bunch of random strangers that you are who you say you are. Bravo! Keep at it lest some stranger think you do not, indeed, have an airplane.

  25. GF says:

    Nope. But I sure hope Obama redistributes that half a billion dollars in his campaign coffer to the I.R.S. to help get the deficit down. I won’t be holding my breath though.

  26. TravisB says:

    I made up my mind on voting for Obama long ago. For me the choice is not about taxes or health care, but more about technology and energy. When you get down to it the current problems with energy are with getting enough of it to power our technology. To me Obama has a better grasp of technology.

    And on the subject of technology. I’m a little surprised that nobody has mentioned Eric Schmidt’s endorsement at the beginning. It may not be an endorsement from Google, but it is close. Schmidt’s endorsement gives you a good indicator on what Obama’s technology policies will be. He will probably be more favorable to network neutrality. Wikipedia even has a blurb on Schmidt’s page about possibly being CTO in Obama’s administration. Obama has also made several references to electronic medical records when he talks about health care. Google launched their online medical record service in January of this year. I guess health care played some part in my decision after all.

  27. Brian says:

    listen to the grumpy old mccain backers bashing obama.

    The same tired tactics that the repubs have run on for 8 years – look, the American people want to hear something different.

    Why, when Obama wants to roll back tax cuts that weren’t even around 8 years ago, he’s seen as a ‘redistributor’ (wtf kind of word is that anyways, mcbush?), but when they were put in place no one called them a redistribution of wealth (even though they were?)

    Look, ALL tax policies are a ‘redistribution’ of wealth. To say otherwise is just ignorant (a key demo of the republican party, I know).

    And for those calling for Obama to share the $500 million he raised, where’s your call for McCain to do the same? What about the $20k a week he’s spending on lipstick for his pig, oops I mean running mate?

    The hypocritical nature of right wing backers is sickening.

  28. GregA says:


    Goes much farther back than 8 years. This is pretty much spot on the same campaign that that Bob Dole ran, and both Bush campaigns before then as well. All smear and no substance. After 30 years this is what you get.

    Stop trying to understand it, they are partisans, they dont give a damn what his policies are. They could totally agree with every policy he has (look at Clinton for example) and they would still hate him because he has a D behind his name.

  29. LibertyLover says:

    #56, so wily as to not pay your fair share in taxes

    So who gets to decide what my fair share of taxes are?

    “Everybody wins! Prizes for everybody!”

  30. LinusVP says:

    So he really DOES like poor white people!


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