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Did this make you want to vote for Barack?

  1. I was already going to vote for him. This certainly didn’t change my mind.

    In any case, Obama has already won, for all intents and purposes. And no matter Caribou Barbie’s claim that “I’m not doing this all for naught”. She’s doing it for naught.


  2. mthrnite says:

    Larry Stewart gots a SWEET-ass guitar!

  3. Rick Cain says:

    Its a new concept, figures the democrats would think of such an obvious thing first.

    McCain is still old media without any ideas. Nothing but attack ads which make him look like a grumpy old man with no solutions to our economic crisis.

  4. BillM says:

    Its a new concept…

    Nothing new about the concept. All that’s missing is the big tent and the snake oil.

  5. Thinking individuals on both sides are not going to change their minds at this point. It’s the ill-informed that barely know what’s going on (read comatose) who still have to pick someone that may or may not be swayed by this.

    Some will probably be upset by the campaign spending that allowed him to buy a huge prime time slot on the major networks. Some will be upset that even Faux took the money and played the infomercial.

    Some will be swayed the other way by the huge number of stories with good truthiness to them about how their lives now suck because of the mismanagement of the country under Shrubya (though really to some extent by every administration since Reagan, and possibly even Carter depending on how one views things).

    Either way, he had the requisite number of god references and all the rest of the fluff and even some real issues sprinkled here and there.

    Perhaps it will create a few fewer undecideds. I certainly hope so, even if I’m not thrilled with the means.

    On the real upside though, did everyone catch that he is willing to admit to not being perfect and won’t be a perfect president. Holy crap!! (My god reference for the evening) He’s admitting to being a human being. And, he’s a politician.

    That’s gotta count for something, right?

  6. chuck says:

    I guess he had to spend the $500 million he riased on something. His buddies in the media got their payoff.

    And they edited out all the “look” and “uh”‘s.

    Since Obama is such a good fund-raiser, why can’t we just switch to an entirely voluntary income tax system. If you truly support Obama, you won’t mind sending him half your paycheck.

  7. soundwash says:


    -oh, and now its a tax cut for those making $200k and under, not $250k, as per the last debate..and i heard Biden say $150k earlier today on the radio… So which is it?

    what small business/owner makes less than
    $200k/yr? -the 3 deli’s up my block make alot more than $200k/yr -one has 3 people, one has 7 people and the other 2.

    -we used to have a 1 tiny ONE MAN DELI up the block that grossed over a 1mil a year, he retired a 3 years ago..

    and he’s for small business??

    wake the F up people..go ask your local
    small store owners.. I dare you.

    this guy is playing on the masses naivety
    about business in general..he’s using
    straight up class warfare to get elected.

    -and he has the gall to talk about unity.

    we’re all gonna pay through the nose with his
    plans..starting with your local stores.

    ffs, someone sell America a clue..

    ignorance is bliss, apparently.


  8. #3 – Rick Cain,

    Its a new concept, figures the democrats would think of such an obvious thing first.

    I agree that this is somewhat of a new concept for a mainstream presidential candidate. It’s a good point. That just helped me figure something out.

    Obama really isn’t a liberal. However, he is progressive. Perhaps that is the misunderstanding from the far right. Perhaps the two appear the same from way out there.

  9. LibertyLover says:

    I’ve already hidden my money. To the government, it will look like I only made $55,000 in 2009. So, I should be getting a tax refund in the form of a handout for $5,000.

    Thank you middle class for buying me a:

    1) Company car (for taking customers to lunch)
    2) Truck (for hauling around computer
    3) Plane (for visiting out of town customers)
    4) Fishing boat (for entertaining my
    5) Downtown penthouse apt (for those late nights at the office when it’s too dangerous for my secretary and me to drive home)

    And the commercial insurance to cover all of the above — WOW is that expensive AND tax-deductible!

    6) Dry cleaning (for my business suits)
    7) Home Office tax deduction (for those snowy winter days)
    8) Company Workshops in Aspen, CO
    9) Alienware laptop (for the Road Warrior)
    10) 32 gig 3G iPhone

    You Dems really think you are hurting me? You’re just taking from the poor to give to the rich.

    I may not agree with the Reps but at least they understand that taxing the rich really only hurts the poor. Their problem, however, is when they cut the taxes, they don’t cut the spending, too.

  10. CaptainHar says:

    I think it was a well done production. I was already going to vote for him because it is time to have a well spoken intelligent President again. I think it helps to reassure Americans that he isn’t the “boogie man” that McCain and Caribou Barbie are try ing to paint him as.We need to try something different, because what we have now sure as hell ain’t working. Checked your 401K lately? I don’t have time to start over I retired in March.

  11. QB says:

    Question for Dvorakies. The Republicans owned talk radio which was the new media of the 80’s and 90’s. Obama’s campaign has taught the Democrats how to master and own the web and social networking. Now they are experimenting with new media techniques (games advertising, infomericals, iPhones, etc).

    Do you think they will sustain this advantage? Can the Republicans learn and leapfrog? What do you think will happen in 2010 and 2012?

  12. QB says:

    CaptainHar, I cringe when I hear about new retirees like you. I hope it works out.

  13. Montanaguy says:

    The world series was really more compelling than this warmed over re-hash. He’s lying but just more slick about it than everyone else in the primary/general election. Still has not identified all of those “programs that don’t work” that he’s going to cut. And never will. There is no question that with a projected increase in the deficit, with all of his spending visions, in the face of a recession – that people making much less than $200,000 will be paying more tax. Clinton came clean within a month or two in office about the “no middle class tax hike” garbage. We even got retroactive taxes on that lie.

  14. #11 – Loobertie Looser

    Haw. Haw haw haw!

    That’s the best parody I’ve seen, heard, or read.

    If you even had a truck to drive around in, I’d be impressed.

    So far, I’m not impressed.

  15. Ivor Biggun says:

    If Obumma’s “bottom-up” economic principle is so successful, why aren’t Cuba, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela in the G-8? After all, they are all models for his economic plan.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    #16, Mister Poison,

    No brag, just fact. All legal and encouraged by the IRS though their generous deduction rules.

    Life is going to be good next year if Obama gets elected. It will be like a breath of fresh air!

  17. #18 – Loser

    Yeah, you’re a rock star. Tee hee hee!!! A veritable impresario. I’m choking on my arugula! Haw

    >>Life is going to be good next year if Obama
    >>gets elected. It will be like a breath of
    >>fresh air!

    Not sure I can disagree with that.

  18. Grandpa says:

    As someone who lost his good job to Republican outsourcing, I’m willing to believe Obama. If you are rich, Obama aint your man. If you want to become rich, Obama is your man. Earn your money through growth or earn your money by leaching the poor. The choice is clear.

  19. loconavi says:

    #17 I assume you are sleeping in a bed of money? Or are you the lucky one to have some ball sweat trickled down to you?

  20. Digby says:

    Ohhh, yes. SAAAVVVE me…SAAAAVE me please, Missuh O Bam Ah. I don’t know nuthin ’bout birthin’ no babies, Mr O Bam Ah. Saave me, pleese, Missuh O Bam Ah…I jus’ a ig’nrant slave girl, Missuh O Bam Ah. Ah’l do what you say. Jus’ save me. Save me, pluze, Mr Oh BAM Ah.

  21. CVQuesty says:

    Someone please tell me you noticed that LibertyLover is just a little full of crap. There *IS* no 32G iPhone.

  22. LibertyLover says:

    #19, Loser That will be the name for the poor in this country if either of these two candidates are elected.

    Yeah, you’re a rock star.

    Nope, not a rock star. Just a small business owner with “too much money” and a good accountant.

    >>Life is going to be good next year if Obama
    >>gets elected. It will be like a breath of
    >>fresh air!

    Not sure I can disagree with that.

    I’m sure! Heck, I’m looking forward to it. My plane is scheduled for delivery in April.

    #20, Earn your money through growth or earn your money by leaching the poor. The choice is clear.

    This is something quite a few people don’t understand. The poor are the ones who suffer when taxes get raised on the “rich.”

    The government used to take $100,000 a year from me each year. Not anymore. I’m getting a refund in 2010 for 2009. Where do you think they’re getting their money from to give me?

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #23 – Liberty Loser

    It must be great for you to have acess to these blog to verbally fart out your silliness.

    You are a BIG PHONY, just like most of the trailer trash that’s supporing McBush.

    Get back to your Bud Light and your “Dancing With The Stars”.

    Haw. HAW!!!!

  24. Vic Morrow says:

    Obama. Sham-Wow!

  25. miamiguy says:

    #22 – You are a bigot and an ignorant jerk. I am a Republican who intends to vote for McCain. Please keep your mouth shut you fool, you make the rest of us look bad. Please.

  26. Brandon says:

    I will confess, I stopped watching four minutes in, because I could no longer stomach the message.

    This woman bemoans a lack of financial certainty, while shots show her and her children smartly dressed, with relatively new appliances, driving a vehicle which was probably bought new, watching television.

    I’m not accusing this woman of being bad, rather, she is uninformed. Statistically, it’s probable that she and her husband bought on credit, without giving a thought, really, to what that actually meant. Now that the reality has hit her, she is looking to government to save her, when that is not the answer.

    Spending less, borrowing as little as possible, and working hard to earn wealth are the cornerstones of finacial stability, in any budget, personal or governmental.

  27. LibertyLover says:

    #24, Mister Poison,

    You think it’s fantasy? LOL

    Read it and weep.

    There are some planes out there where it you get more money BACK than you actually paid that year. Yes, this is the stimulus package signed into law this year by your very own democratic congress and senate and republican president.

    I’m really looking forward to my new toys.

  28. wyser1 says:

    “-oh, and now its a tax cut for those making $200k and under, not $250k, as per the last debate..and i heard Biden say $150k earlier today on the radio… So which is it?”
    As I recall the 250K reference said that person would pay six hundred some odd dollars MORE in taxes, so obviously 250K is above the cutoff.

    “what small business/owner makes less than
    $200k/yr? -the 3 deli’s up my block make alot more than $200k/yr -one has 3 people, one has 7 people and the other 2.”
    This is an income tax, a business owner is taxed on their profit, so after you take out the expenses which can include his own salary, beside the rest of payroll, rent, and materials, even if you gross a million the profit can be less than 200K and only that is taxed.

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    #28 – Loser

    Hah hah hah! You’re one of those guys??


    Silly goose. You’re just a schmoe, living in your trailer (or your mama’s basement), just getting your kicks by putting down the bluegum.


    You lost.


  30. LibertyLover says:

    #30, Poison,

    Laugh all you want, I’m not the one spouting racial slurs. I’m the one flying a new 182 with a glass cockpit at 10k feet looking down on the little people. Soon, I’ll be doing it from 30,000 feet.

    Poison, I am flying a $400,000 plane and it only cost me $9800. I couldn’t have done it without your support. Thanks!


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