There ain’t nothing funny about wacky-tabacky when the guys with guns kick in your door and make a beeline for your pot garden. Especially when the weed farm is next door.

[Jeremy]Gardea and about 30 neighbors who echo his complaints say Alan MacFarlane’s annual marijuana crop creates an unholy stench in the neighborhood off West Third Street near Dutton Avenue, causes noise disturbances related to motion alarms and raises the risk of criminal activity.

That risk is underscored by the number of home-invasion robberies tied to marijuana gardens, including one this month in which three robbers wearing clothing to impersonate law enforcement officials burst into a Todd Road home, handcuffed two residents and fled with 30 marijuana plants.

Gardea said reading about that case was one reason he decided to erect a sign outside his home stating, “Please don’t pull a home invasion here. Indoor buds are next door at #116. See Alan.”

“When your kids are getting a contact high and you read about home invasions in the city,” Gardea said, “hell yeah, I’ll put that sign up if it’s going to protect my kids.”

Like Amsterdam and Zurich, California is learning the hard way that legalization and availability increase crime, not deter it.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    #63 M Lawyer said, “Don’t forget the addiction part of the equation.” “This would imply that you think that marijuana is an addictive drug.”

    Umm, it might, if you didn’t actually read my post.

    Here it is again:

    “#55 “They are stolen because the taxes make them valuable.”

    Don’t forget the addiction part of the equation.”

    Since I clearly indicated I was responding to post #55, did you read post #55?

    I await your erudite response.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #65 QB – Psychological addiction is not in the same medical domain as Physical addiction. A person can be psychologically addicted to substances, or objects for that matter. Breaking a psychological addiction is mostly redirecting the urges where a chemical or physical addiction usually entails medical intervention as well as psychological redirection.

    PaddyHo thinks that marijuana is an addictive drug that would cause crime by those that crave it’s buzz. I’ve never heard tell of a person being chemically addicted to MJ nor do I recall a crime being committed in the name of getting their hands on some wackyweed.

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #66 RicePaddy – My bad. I thought you were talking about the illicit weed and not cigarettes. As an ex-smoker I can attest to tobacco’s (physical) addictive hold.

  4. James Hill says:

    QB – Wrong… as usual. Went I want to post reasonable responses I do, and they’re never refuted. Realistically, this blog doesn’t deserve it, and it’s must more fun to taunt morons like you.

    However, it’s sad that I can use those same four lines and never be defeated.

    Beside, this is a thread about pot. Relax… you’re already owned.

  5. tcc3 says:

    Why is it when we talk about taxes, national healthcare, or guns its “Those damn Lib’rals want to take our freedoms and make a nanny state with no personal responsibility”

    But if its drugs or other “moral” issues suddenly the conservatives want their hands held. Wheres your cry of freedom and responsibility then?

    Hypocrisy reigns.

  6. tcc3 says:

    James you cant argue when your opponent only parrots boasts with no underlying argument or content.

    I thing James may be a bot. Gentlemen meet next years Turing Test winner. He runs Lotus Notes and is the finest available.

  7. QB says:

    #70 Zzzzzzzzz……….

  8. tcc3 says:

    That’s not ironic at all. And you have failed to address the hypocrisy, only pointed a finger at the other side.

    Liberals like social programs. Conservatives don’t like taxes raised to pay for them. A tax on pot would help pay for “tax and spend” programs while not picking the common tax payer pocket.

    Seems like a fair compromise. You can avoid the tax by freely choosing to avoid the “sin” being taxed.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #71 “But if its drugs or other “moral” issues suddenly the conservatives want their hands held. Wheres your cry of freedom and responsibility then?”

    If the libs would support open carry, a lot of the “moral” and “drug” issues could be “dispatched” expeditiously…

  10. tcc3 says:

    I know you’re joking but you do your side a disservice. I’m a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment. The crazy or irresponsible guntoting vigilante is exactly the image the gun control lobby want to spread.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #77 tcc3 “I’m a strong proponent of the 2nd Amendment.”

    Then why vote for someone who wants to destroy it?

    If you really do believe in the 2nd you wouldn’t be voting Omama.

  12. tcc3 says:

    That’s hyperbole. And even if it weren’t, its not the only issue on the table. If you really believe they’ll send the death squads for all the guns, fine: vote your conscience. I don’t believe it.

    I don’t agree completely with either man. I don’t think any thinking person really does.

    I find gun control distasteful and fruitless. But I find the flouting of the rest of the constitution despicable. Add Corporatism, warlust, ignorance, power grabbing, and fiscal irresposibility to that list and I cant let the current party stay in power. I cant let a single overblown hot button issue weigh against that.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #77, tcc,

    Cow-Paddy supports “open carry”. It helps mask his inadequate penis. Re-read his #76 to understand this a little better.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:


    So not only are you a homophobic racist, but an idiot too. Pot is no more addictive than a baby’s pacifier or a favorite pair of golf shoes.

    Now wouldn’t it be a fun street to live on if the inhabitants in the house in question here could also be armed to the teeth? Then instead of unsavory characters the neighbors could look forward to bullets flying around too.

  15. Montanaguy says:

    Not sure where you got this info. Pot is not addicting in the classical tolerance/withdrawal sense, but it is psychologically addicting. If you’ve been around people who smoke it daily, they go a little nuts if they can’t get their fix.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #83, HanahMontana

    Have you ever seen a baby without his pacifier?

    Have you ever see a woman who missed her favorite soap?

    Have you ever seen a golfer trying to play in unfamiliar shoes?

    Have you ever seen Mister Mustard respond to an anti religion post?

    If you answered yes to any of those then you can understand what a physiological addiction is. If you answered no to all of them, you never will understand.

  17. bobbo says:

    84–Fusion. Excellent Post. Humorous, insightful, of general application.

    Yes, lets define addictive as “X” and then if the standard definition does fit our agenda, then we’ll add “psycholoical” on top of it and then call people Nazi’s if they don’t agree with us.

    That’ll do the trick.

    BTW==what would be so wrong with a legal, safe, homegrown drug that WAS ADDICTIVE? You mean, it might be “PLEASURABLE?” You know, something like an orgasm==something to be repressed and hated?

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #79 “That’s hyperbole.”

    No, that’s fact. He supports gun bans.

    That’s fine, it’s okay you lied about being a 2nd Amendment supporter. I would have read your reply even if you didn’t lie.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #81 Confusion said, “Now wouldn’t it be a fun street to live on if the inhabitants in the house in question here could also be armed to the teeth?”

    Where I grew up everyone was “armed to the teeth”.

    I have only shot two people in my life. No problems.

  20. tcc3 says:

    Here I thought we were having a grown up conversation, Paddy. Instead of debating the issue or respectfully disagreeing, you called me a liar. I shouldn’t be surprised.

    Call me out if I’m factually wrong if you can, but you better back it up.

    Never presume to tell me what I believe.

  21. Rick Cain says:

    Once legalized, pot use will skyrocket, then settle down. Remember the yearlong party in the USA after prohibition was repealed!

  22. Special Ed says:

    #89 – Can you imagine the number of Twinkies that would sell if they legalized?

  23. QB says:

    # 67 The Monster’s Lawyer

    I agree with your point. The narrow view that most people have of addiction being “a physical disease” have never lived with an alcohol or substance dependent person.

  24. GetSmart says:

    Used to smoke cigarettes and weed. Used to drink more than a bit too. Dabbled in some of the other fun items years ago as well. I’m as sober as can be nowadays. No interventions, treatment centers or any of that, just got other stuff to do, a life to keep together and a job that requires a fairly sharp edge.
    God, I fucking hate my life now.

  25. Lou says:

    It’s funny how so many people get worked up over a weed.

  26. Brian says:

    Legalization does not INCREASE crime you dope!

    For just your third story, you’ve already blown it. Go back to where you came from, you simple-minded clown!

  27. no one important says:

    This blog has gone steadily downhill. I guess they’re just letting anyone post now. The shark has been thoroughly jumped and I doubt I will be back.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #89, Rick,

    Remember the yearlong party in the USA after prohibition was repealed!

    No. I might have a touch of grey hair but that was just a few years before my time. I think even my 90 yr/o father wasn’t allowed to stay up that late. 8)

    But I do get your point.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #87, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talker,

    Where I grew up everyone was “armed to the teeth”.

    I have only shot two people in my life. No problems.

    That is a sad comment about where you grew up.

    As for shooting two people? No remorse? You do realize that that puts you in the sociopath grouping. So now you’re an ignorant, homophobic, racist, sociopathic asshat. Not a good combination, especially one that keeps weapons around the house.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #98, I wouldn’t know as a fact since I neither smoke weed nor am a sociopath. Maybe if you made a South American connection to cocaine I could understand better your predilection for such asinine comments.

    Escapism, whether it is drugs, alcohol, Disney World, or Robinson Crusoe has been the driving force that has made America the pre-eminent power it is. The reward of pleasure is what drives us all.


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