There ain’t nothing funny about wacky-tabacky when the guys with guns kick in your door and make a beeline for your pot garden. Especially when the weed farm is next door.

[Jeremy]Gardea and about 30 neighbors who echo his complaints say Alan MacFarlane’s annual marijuana crop creates an unholy stench in the neighborhood off West Third Street near Dutton Avenue, causes noise disturbances related to motion alarms and raises the risk of criminal activity.

That risk is underscored by the number of home-invasion robberies tied to marijuana gardens, including one this month in which three robbers wearing clothing to impersonate law enforcement officials burst into a Todd Road home, handcuffed two residents and fled with 30 marijuana plants.

Gardea said reading about that case was one reason he decided to erect a sign outside his home stating, “Please don’t pull a home invasion here. Indoor buds are next door at #116. See Alan.”

“When your kids are getting a contact high and you read about home invasions in the city,” Gardea said, “hell yeah, I’ll put that sign up if it’s going to protect my kids.”

Like Amsterdam and Zurich, California is learning the hard way that legalization and availability increase crime, not deter it.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    #32 “Do they not have zoning laws in Califonia?”

    Yes, but there isn’t a “No house plant zone” LOL

  2. Ray says:

    WOW! I can’t believe thats your conclusion…
    I expect this kind of talk of a 12 year old, but YOU?

    Not angry… dissapointed.


  3. Steve says:

    Glad to see most of the comments agree that this post is just plain stupid. The law enforcement industry is responsible for more suffering than it prevents. I support the idea of highly paid professionals enforcing logical laws that protect citizens from criminals. It seems the system we have now creates more criminals as a way of bloating itself to immense proportions. As usual, greed is at the heart of the matter.

  4. chuck says:

    I disagree that legalizing marijuana, and allowing anyone to grow it, would reduce it’s value to criminals.

    Most of the politicians up here in Vancouver, Canada (where BC bud is grown almost everywhere) that have the courage to advocate either decriminalization or outright legalization usually follow up by saying they would heavily tax and regulate the growth and sale of the product.

    In any industry where government taxes and regulates the product (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, guns) there will be a health crime-related industry determined to bypass the taxes and regulations.

  5. I’m confused. Who’s for and who’s agin legalizing pot?

    All I can say is that if you live in Mass, vote YES on Question Two.

    Get over it. There’s no rational reason to keep whacky tabacky illegal.

  6. chuck says:

    I should have said “healthy crime-related industry” .

  7. Improbus says:

    There’s no rational reason to keep whacky tabacky illegal.

    Well, there is one. Keeping law enforcement and penitentiary officers employed.

  8. Buckyballs says:

    Lots of specious arguments here IMO. How about this one; it should be NONE OF THE GOVTS DAMN BUSINESS what “We the people” choose to ingest.
    Simple idea.
    Of COURSE there will always be bad guys, but we don’t have to institutionalize half our population and harass the other half in order to protect ourselves.
    Drug laws are yet more self righteous moralising with very VERY little demonstrable benefit to society.Fear and loathing triumph again over conscientious democracy.

  9. Thinker says:

    Careful what you wish for…you might get the legalization you want.

    Then when you come back to this blog to bitch and wine about the troubles caused by this…we’ll still laugh at you.

    You’re an adult now. You have to make your own choices, even if they’re ones that cause you harm. I’m still with Paddy-O on this.

  10. QB says:

    Whacky tabacky? You know it’s a gateway drug to jazz.

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #41 Thoughtless – “I’m still with Paddy-O…”

    Must be self esteem issues.

  12. mj says:

    From the article: “When your kids are getting a contact high. . .”

    lol! Unless this dude’s kids are picking buds off the plants and smoking or eating them, they are not going to get high. How can people be so willfully ignorant?

    And #43: those are the absolute most logically sound arguments I have ever heard! You really did a lot to further this conversation :\

  13. James Hill says:

    Angry liberals continue to fail to counter intelligent posts.

    The fact the post actually came from an editor is shocking.

    #5 – Epic fail on your part. Leave the post grading to me, since I’m the only one here who can do it with any skill. However, as always, your worship is noted.

  14. Special Ed says:

    Howdy neighbor!

    A friend with weed is a friend indeed.

  15. Arous says:

    10 June 2008: Zurich, Vienna and Geneva are the best cities in the world as far as quality of live is concerned, says Mercer Consulting in a survey published in June 2008.

    Amsterdam ranked 13th best city…

    I think your interpretation of Amsterdam is not the general consensus, Mr. Dvorak.

  16. dennis says:

    Its called “Increased Distribution”. If you could walk into a 7-11 and buy a pack of ‘Acapulco Gold Filters”, it would make the likelyhood of being ripped off drop. Of course, you don’t see smokers growing their own tobacco do you? Why is this? (Google it…funny stuff).
    However, if it were AVAILABLE with cash and an ID, home invasions for POT would drop significantly. Federally, and even statewide, it is STILL A CRIME TO GROW A PLANT. Hence, the fact that CRIMINALS will break in and steal YOUR VALUABLE POSSESSIONS is increased. This story is a load of compost.

  17. Les says:

    Just to point out, pot gets you high. If tomatoes got you high, people would break into houses to steal them. Bad analogy.

    Cigarettes are often stolen. Case made.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, Jimmy Heel,

    Still an asshole we see. Like my always constipated uncle used to tell us, even an asshole welcomes a good shit. Meet Cow-Paddy. I think you two have a lot in common.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #53 So, what are you on? Lexapro, Celexa or another kind?

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #52, Less,

    Cigarettes are often stolen. Case made.

    They are stolen because the taxes make them valuable. If they were worth the same as candy*, Tylenol, or Smith Brothers Cough Drops they wouldn’t be.

    *Mars Bars and Snickers are the exception here.

  21. Raff says:

    Legalize pot, tax it, use the money to fight meth… cops still get to keep their jobs and beat and taze and shoot folks on meth… Potheads can stay home and get baked out of their minds, Uncle Sam makes money… Jails would be full of meth heads who steal everything (around here) that isn’t nailed down, and if it is, they take those to the recyclers too.

    Everyone wins… except for those who think their own morals should be upheld by everyone else.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #55 “They are stolen because the taxes make them valuable.”

    Don’t forget the addiction part of the equation.

  23. QB says:


    Don’t lump Paddy-) in with Jimmy! I disagree with with Paddy on a regular basis (that’s the fun part) and he has a pretty good sense of humor.

    Jimmy is just a copy and paste in every discussion by choosing from these items:

    1. Angry liberals can’t counter argument
    2. Epic fail
    3. You responded so I powned you
    4. Your worship is noted

    Let’s be honest, Rush Limbaugh’s used cigars are more interesting. I’d lump Mustard and Jimmy together in the same way I’d lump Michael Moore and Ann Coulter together. 😉

  24. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #57 PaddyHo – Addicted to MJ??????
    Cite one case.

  25. Special Ed says:

    How many of you recall a time of being stoned and sitting through 3 green lights and the people rudely behind you laying on their horn and flashing their lights? Merely contemplating where to eat…

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #59 What are you babbling about?

  27. MPL says:

    #5 I agree

    #52, Less,
    Cigarettes are often stolen. Case made.

    In violent breakins ? Really ? Where ?

    Paddy-O Thank you for your demonstration of deficiency in logic and ability to think. Truly amazing.

  28. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #61 PaddyCake – you said: “Don’t forget the addiction part of the equation.”

    This would imply that you think that marijuana is an addictive drug.

    I’m asking if you have some documented data that would support the idea that marijuana is addictive. And I don’t mean a reference to the movie “Reefer Madness”.

  29. bobbo says:

    #58==QB==Paddy and his ilk are necessary objects of derision keeping this blog active. If there were no idiots, the threads would become quite narrow.

    The real disgusting thing would be to find out just how much of what they post they actually carry-thru in real life. I suppose the worst they do is actually vote republican.

  30. QB says:

    There is conflicting evidence that marijuana is physically addictive, but it certainly can be psychologically addictive, especially to people under 25. Like alcohol, you are less likely to get addicted as you get older.

    Tobacco is far more physically addictive than marijuana and, of course, harder chemically based drugs like narcotics.

    The DSM manual classifies physical addiction by physical withdrawal symptoms, severity, and likelihood of acquisition or reacquisition from use.


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