Found in a rundown Boston estate: Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango – Times Online — Gee, living right next door. Heaven forbid the US media call Obama out on this.

Barack Obama has lived one version of the American Dream that has taken him to the steps of the White House. But a few miles from where the Democratic presidential candidate studied at Harvard, his Kenyan aunt and uncle, immigrants living in modest circumstances in Boston, have a contrasting American story.

Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in Mr Obama’s best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father, lives in a disabled-access flat on a rundown public housing estate in South Boston.

A second relative believed to be the long-lost “Uncle Omar” described in the book was beaten by armed robbers with a “sawed-off rifle” while working in a corner shop in the Dorchester area of the city. He was later evicted from his one-bedroom flat for failing to pay $2,324.20 (£1,488) arrears, according to the Boston Housing Court.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    #22 – J

    >>I’d much rather talk about “Joe the Plummer”
    >>who is now McCains foreign policy expert and
    >>also has a country music contract.

    I don’t think you’re going to get any takers on that discussion.

    Even though McBush continues to pimp this phoney, most reasonable Repubs (if there are any left, after the past 8 years) don’t want to talk about him.

    He’s a punch-line on late-night talk shows.

    If there was any one event that sealed the deal on McBush’s defeat, it was bringing up this whack-o neo-Nazi charlatan, Joe “the plumber”. With his plumbing “career”, his $250,000.00 income, his plans to buy the business, and so forth.

    Haw! Way to go, Maverick!

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #35 – Cursor

    The auntie doesn’t seem to be hurting; she can donate $260 to Obama’s campaign, she has a roof over her head and 3 square meals a day.

    What’s Obama supposed to do? Put himself and his family into poverty so that his aunt can live in a nicer place? Sheesh.

    And the uncle? Haw! Maybe if he hadn’t gone MIA, somebody would be redistributing their wealth his way. When you go to groud like a chased fox, you can’t expect to get much in the way of charity donations.

  3. contempt says:

    #34 Mister Mustard

    President Obama… No way dude!

    We all know by his past actions that Obama would never send any of his own money to help a relative. Your money, well that’s a different matter.

    Your money and he gets the credit. Now that’s the way a democratic party leader operates.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #38 – contempt

    >>President Obama… No way dude!

    Read the polls, son.

    Eighty-two days, and President Obama will be walking proud, taking his seat at the desk in the Oval Office.

    Thank God Almighty! Free at last!

    If you’re looking for a Repug POTUS, you’re going to have to expand your horizons out to 2024. We’ve got at least 16 years of non-fascist presidents ahead of us. And even in 2024, it’s unlikely that the Party of Evil will be able to field a winning candidate.

  5. contempt says:

    #39 Mister Mustard
    >>Read the polls, son.

    Why would anyone believe polls? They are a tool of propaganda used to influence thought. It’s been a long time since they reflected any kind of reality.

    It’s a shame you don’t see it, but if you win you lose.

  6. Angus says:

    Best Line of the Article: She declined to answer most other questions about her relationship with the presidential contender until after the November 4 election. “I can’t talk about it, I just pray for him, that’s all,” she said, adding: “After the 4th, I can talk to anyone.”

    weird. Was she paid off?

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #41 Anus – Either she is getting money or she isn’t. What’s it gonna be.

    Innuendo anyone?

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #40 con_man – If the polls were showing your man ahead you would be blathering on about how Obama should just get out etc… Since your man is down all the polls are just crap. Same double sided reasoning that all loser Republican’s share.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #18 Angus, “Well, hard to reconcile wanting to spread the wealth around without asking why he hasn’t spread his own wealth around to relatives in need…”

    DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO and, gimme all yo money or I’ll put a cap in yo…

    Ah yes, Marxism is wonderful.

  10. Ivor Biggun says:

    Mister Ketchup and his Obumma-worshippers are delusional if they think his “solutions” are going to do anything but make things worse. We’re gonna be yearning for the days of Jimmy Carter’s economy, with 18% inflation and 12% unemployment. That’s why ol’ Jimmy is giddy at the prospect of Obumma getting in.

    As I posted elsewhere, if Obama’s “bottom-up” economics is so successful, why aren’t Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Russia and North Korea the leading world economies?

    If Obumma accomplishes what he intends in his first 100 days (and he will if Pelosi and Reid are still in charge), there will be no economic recovery.

    The theory that stealing from the successful and giving to the unsuccessful never makes the unsuccessful rich or happy.

    Just like Wayne Huizenga, who is trying to sell off the Dolphins ASAP to avoid Obumma tax hikes, so are the rest of the successfuls prepping for an Obumma administration. I’m thinking that the Cayman Islands and Switzerland are flush with American cash right now. So when Obumma goes to the tap to get it, there won’t be any. And I applaud those who protect what they have earned from Marxist bastards like Obumma.

  11. Angus says:

    Anus? Nice, Monster Lawyer, are you like twelve or something?

  12. bhavekost says:

    JCD – instructional, not just the article, but the complete lack of debate here on the merits of the article.

  13. contempt says:

    #43 Monster’s Lawyer

    Polls are news media propaganda. The day the media began using them “as news” was the day I knew the fix was in.

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #47 Anus – Nice comeback. Is that all you got?

  15. Dick Dawkins says:

    Perhaps Obama and Michelle should dip into their deep pockets and spread the wealth with family.

    Charity begins at home…

  16. brendal says:

    Thank you, Mr. Dvorak.

  17. contempt says:

    #54 Li

    This wouldn’t mean so much had Obama not set himself up as being his brothers keeper. His claims of the need to spread the wealth in order to take care of the least among us seems fine as long it’s not his wealth.

    Obama is proving himself to be the worst kind of hypocrite. He is not willing to spread his own wealth, but demands we do it by the government stealing ours.

    Obama is selfish and disgraceful and will make an opprobrious leader.

  18. Sweety says:


    Come visit me at my site and I’ll let you pay me $150 / hour. Just click on my name and hunny pie, we can forget all about those nasty liberals. I think I might even smother you in love. Smother, smother, smother, …

    Email me hunny. I’m waiting for you. (giggle)

  19. European says:

    I hope that Obama gets elected, because it will be interesting to see how he will ruin the economy and to watch riots made by naive voters who didn’t get their Obama handouts (like it was in South Africa).

  20. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Don’t fall for it PaddyHo, it’s a commie pinko trap that will make you a liberal! Don’t do it!

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #61 Cue Mr. Bill scene. LOL! 😉

  22. Krykee Doodle.

    The comments are just stupefying.

    The hubris and hypocrisy of Obama’s ‘do as i say, not as I do’ spread the wealth nonsense is lost on these obtuse malcontents.

    You guys must really love your knee pads.

    And we all know that the MSM would never scandalize McCain over a destitute relative.

    Willful ignorance, much?

    I have to hurl….

  23. qsabe says:

    Geeze.. John has joined the sleeze patrol now.

  24. MasonReese says:

    I hate poor people just as much as the next guy…. but i hate people who are related to poor people even more.

  25. Sea Lawyer says:

    #55, proportionally equal taxation would be one thing, but progressively increasing rates of taxation is indeed a Marxist tax system, and in fact is the 2nd of the 10 so-called “pillars” he enumerated in his Manifesto of the Communist Party – right after abolishing all private property.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #68 Don’t do that!

    The last time I taught a lib about Marxism he realized what his party stood for and had a psychotic break.

    Not good. Although, some libs already know it and are fine with it.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #70 ““From each according to his ability, to each according to his need””

    Yes, Marx borrowed this piece from Smith and thus, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”

  28. Sea Lawyer says:

    #70, again, we are comparing proportionate taxation to disproportionate taxation. A progressive tax system is disproportionate.

  29. Sea Lawyer says:

    #71, I am very aware of the Fairtax, and I support the idea of it too.

  30. James Hill says:

    Barack Obama doesn’t care about black people, either.

    And you thought he wasn’t qualified for President…

    (And yes, another thread where liberals fail to contribute anything except hit count. You’re nothing but fodder for the machine.)


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