I wonder when this rather effective sounding method of teaching will become part of the Kansas high school curriculum.

NYU Professor Performs In-Class Demonstration on Why Students Should Lube

If you want a fresh take on sex education, then Ronald J. Moglia’s class, “Psychosexual Analysis of Human Behavior,” is the place for you.

Student Evan C. Wattles called it “the most interesting course I have ever taken here at NYU” and last Wednesday’s contraception-related class certainly provided some “interesting” material. Wattles and a female student were asked to come up for a demonstration with condoms; the girl was given the role of the “penis,” which she created by putting up two fingers. Evan was then instructed to create a “vagina” by forming an “O” shape with his fingers, which he then ran up and down the “penises” to simulate sex. Two separate condoms, one regular condom and another containing KY Jelly, were then placed on each finger of the “penis”. The female student then had to say which finger felt more sensation (the condom with the KY Jelly).

Together, they became a match made in hand-sex heaven. It was a moment where “their hands made love,” Evan said, and “lubricant dripped down her hand, and tears [of laughter] dripped down [his] cheeks”.
Yet the unconventional presentation got the point across to students; sex can be safe and still pleasurable. Even Christine, violated fingers and all, acknowledged, “While it may encompass a different way of teaching, you sure do learn.”

After the presentation, Evan says the class applauded while he and Christine cleaned their lube-covered hands. “I told her I’d call her,” said Evan. “It was undoubtedly the best sex I have ever had.”

  1. Paddy-O says:

    Now, I see how the US spends more per capita on education than any other country, and has one of the worst systems.

  2. JimD says:


    Anyway, a New Age Example of Finger F**king !!!

  3. tcc3 says:

    Nice try. NYU is a private university. Please note this is a university class in Human Sexuality.

    Why so sour Paddy? Its a cute story. Lighten up.

  4. reginald says:

    #1 is wrong as usual. Can’t even get facts about dollars correct. Amazing how right-wing fools believe so much crap without ever verifying it on their own. Is there some saintly reason why they automatically believe the Talking Heads they listen to?

    That’s without even launching into an analysis of the ratio of “administration” to pupils which further puts the lie to his ignorance.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #2 JimD sputtered, “Paddy, NYU is NOT A PUBLIC SCHOOL, but a PRIVATE UNITERSITY !!!”

    Umm, the stat takes into account ALL $ spent.

    And, what is a UNITERSITY?

  6. moss says:

    Of course it’s a cute story. And it’s about sex education which means the nutballs – from Kansas to the Beltway – will be upset over it. They never learned about sex in school. Why should their kids?

  7. QB says:

    LOL Paddy-O must have spent his undergrad years actually studying microeconomics.

  8. #1 – O’Furniture

    It’s amazing how someone who claims to have graduated from high school can be so stoopid.

    WTF is wrong with you, girl??

  9. Alex Wollangk says:

    #5: The statistic may take into account all money spent, but since NYU isn’t publicly funded it really shouldn’t be included if you’re talking about “the system”. No public funding means the government has no control over curriculum. Heck, the government doesn’t even control accreditation, so unless the course material violates the law they can teach anything they want in any way they want. (That said, if they tried this in a class of kindergarteners, I would be right there with the folks screaming for their heads. In a class of undergrads you’d REALLY hope that none of this was new.)

    Also, as a product of the US educational system, I must say that while there certainly are places I’d never send my kids, there are also some pretty bright spots. While I may just be in denial, I am still pretty firmly convinced my diplomas are worth more than the parchment they’re printed on.

    And to everyone else: LIGHTEN THE HECK UP!!! Paddy-O just responded with “facts” that “everybody” knows. Although from what I’ve heard it’s more true of health care than education. Of course, I’ve been fed by the more liberal “fact” machines so I don’t entirely trust that to be true either.

    To make sweeping statements about the “quality” of a system serving over 300 million people is WAY overly simplistic. If we had a system that was simple enough to boil down to “high quality” vs. “low quality” it would be incredibly simple to make sure it was really “high quality”. Alas, things aren’t that easy.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #9 Alex Wollangk said, “And to everyone else: LIGHTEN THE HECK UP!!! Paddy-O just responded with “facts” that “everybody” knows.”

    Don’t worry about it. What you are encountering is liberal frustration. When encountered with a problematic situation the lib will counter with, “we must spend more money on the problem.”

    What I did was show that lack of money isn’t the problem with our education system. This drives the typical lib to the point of a psychotic break. That’ all you are seeing here.

  11. ultravoxfreeman says:

    So now we don’t want Sex Ed in College by consenting adults… Give me a break!

  12. natefrog says:


    When encountered with a problematic situation the lib will counter with, “we must spend more money on the problem.”

    Ah, so that’s why the conservatives bent over backwards to prevent the ass-rape of the taxpayers via the bank bailout. Oh wait, they didn’t. They took the easy way and did the only thing so-called “conservatives” know how to do anymore; throw money at it.

    Back on topic, all this proves is that our education system is failing when classes like this are needed at college, possibly a full ten years after kids are becoming sexually active.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #12 “Oh wait, they didn’t. ”

    Umm, more Repubs voted AGAINST the bailout than voted for it.

    Try again.

  14. James Hill says:

    Paddy-O owned every liberal hack in here. Too damn funny.

    #12 – Countering bad behavior with another example of bad behavior doesn’t actually counter the point. You fail. Get the fuck out.

  15. GregA says:


    Actually, that girls finger pwned that guys hand. With lube.

  16. Steve Jibs says:

    I love how so many people burst into stories to prove how superior they/their views/their political affiliations are to everyone else.

    It was a humorous story; why the hell did this turn into a conservative vs. liberal/Republican vs. Democrat argument?

    If you were smart enough you’d realize this isn’t the place to start this shit.

  17. Uncle Patso says:


    There were no classes like that when I went to college…

  18. James Hill says:

    #15 – I don’t hear the hand complaining.

    #16 – You’re new here, aren’t you?

    #17 – Cragislist has all sorts of people who can help you. Search “m4m Mr. Fusion” for more info.

  19. Sea Lawyer says:

    Funny how the predictable people here object to including money spent on private schooling with the total per capita figures. Yet my guess is they will be the first ones to include private health insurance payments to bolster their arguments about how ineffective our healthcare system is.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #19 Now that’s a good post.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #21 You make an interesting point.

    At some point in the past the US had a good health care system. Now, it isn’t working well.

    When you have a system that used to work but isn’t you must analyze changes to the system from that point forward. That way you can revert those changes and end up having the system work again.

    Now, since removing a national health care system wasn’t a change that happened, adding it doesn’t address the actual problem.

    Politicians aren’t usually interested in pinpointing and correcting problems though. In most cases they want to exploit bad situations for personal power or financial gain. Thus, the proposals for a Nat Health care system.

  22. bobbo says:

    Doesn’t “everybody know” that the USA spends the most on HEALTH and EDUCATION with much poorer results than other nations achieve–some even third world. We also spend more than all other nations combined on our military and that works to our advantage as well.

    We also spend more than anyone else on JAILS and have the highest recidivism rate.

    This is all on a per capita basis so being the largest economy doesn’t explain much except we don’t manage our money well.

    Fn: Above is from memory. Probably close enough to highlight a few issues.

  23. tcc3 says:

    Paddy –

    What changed is we let profit and corporatism run roughshod over peoples health and livelyhood.

    The other change is that we can now treat and cure disease, and that’s expensive. Expensive to the point that it can and does break people. In the “good ole days”they didn’t have mri machines and heart transplants. The poor bastards just died.

    As long as corporations are given the choice between bottom line and your welfare, you can bet the choice wont be in your favor.

  24. tcc3 says:

    And my apologies to everyone, I got sucked in by the partsan stupidity:

    Why are we arguing about healthcare/education when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.



  25. Raster says:

    Could have had a “video day” and just shown “Monty Python’s ‘The Meaning of Life'”.

    John Cleese kills in that classroom scene where the topic is “sex”.

    Also google “cleese and hannity” very funny!


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