1. GregA says:

    I predict that Charles Barkley will be Obamas replacement in 2016.

  2. McCullough says:

    Robocalls are THE most obnoxious form of solicitation. At least give me a human I can insult.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    This is a funny “ad”. Also, that district is a huge Ag area, nothing but pot farms.

  4. Dallas says:

    I agree with #2 . Robocalls should be outlawed. They will probably get worse.

    Again, thank Rove and the GOP slime machine for bringing this to American politics for decades to come.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #4 Dallas, “Again, thank Rove and the GOP slime machine for bringing this to American politics for decades to come.”

    Really? I’ve received “Robocalls” since at least ’95. Rove did that?

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    Hot damn this is in my local area!! I’ll vote for Zane if he’s in my jurisdiction.

  7. syrinx says:

    I don’t know Zane and I don’t know what his platform is all about, but I do know that he looks completely disingenuous in that video.

  8. syrinx says:

    That Zane guy looked completely disingenuous. It was kind of funny how he tried to spin it by saying the staff got more enthusiastic, but later makes no apologies. If he isn’t apologetic why pull the robocall?

  9. alphgeek says:

    That wasn’t a moan. More of a dirty gasping grunt.


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