I think they should use the money to buy Palin more clothes! You would think they would at least wait till after the election before they start their borrow and spend habit. But – who is loaning them the money? Are they borrowing the 5 million from a bank that they bailed out? Someone research this and post it in comments. Here’s the story.

The Republican National Committee, growing nervous over the prospect of Democrats’ winning a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, is considering tapping into a $5 million line of credit this week to aid an increasing number of vulnerable incumbents, top Republicans say.


  1. JimD says:

    This story ran on 10/13, so it is already OLD !!! There were articles running at that time that said all the airtime was ALREADY COMIMTTED, and given the ECONOMIC SINKHOLE THE REPUKES HAVE PUT THE US AND THE REST OF THE WORLD IN, any more money spent by the Repukes would be MONEY DOWN A RATHOLE !!! They ought to use the 5 Mil, if the got it, for MORE CLOTHES FOR SARAH !!!

  2. James Hill says:

    Angry liberals are fascinated by women’s clothing. There’s a shock…

    In any event, what’s the story, that they can actually get credit these days… or that you’re too lazy to research your own story… or what?

    Honestly, if the editors aren’t going to try any harder, they should just name me the winner in their posts.

    [Winner of what? – ed.]

  3. Angry James Hill is seeing his poobah going down the drain. I’m sorry, Angry James Hill.

    Your worship is noted.


  4. Improbus says:

    Politicians never run out of money to piss away.

  5. Dallas says:

    The Republicans should save money to post bail after they are taken in handcuffs and charged with plundering this country’s treasury.

    Bush and Cheney should be about a billion dollars each.

    There is hope. If they put Palin on a dunking machine, they might be able to raise a billion bucks right there.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Angry James Hill… ready for a night on the town…

  7. ArianeB says:

    The Dems have a good shot at getting 8 new Senate seats this year turning seats in AK, CO, MN, NC, NH, NM, OR, and VA. That will give them 57, plus two independents, means 59, one short of a filibuster proof majority, but it means the GOP needs perfect unanimity to filibuster anything.

    The GOP is extremely vulnerable in 2010 to losing more seats. If they come off as the ones that block popular legislation, their filibuster rights will quickly disappear.

  8. Libertican says:

    #7 Nice analysis. Heaven forbid Senators vote independently on the merits of each bill and not as the first commercial in the next election. I know, so naive.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Kudos to the photographer who managed to get the “halo” like shot of the pasty-faced Senator. Basically mocking his self-righteous airs. It even looks like he might be caroling at the time.

    I think what these politicians are really worried about is that this could be the last years of a two party system, in the US. That the voters could demand more varied representation, that’s less likely to be corrupted. A three, or four, or five party government would really screw up the whole lobbying machinery. And the Electoral College would have to be dropped. States’ delegates would no longer be declared of a certain party by a slim majority vote.

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Wow, they need a loan? They must have put their cash in the stock market!

  11. jescott418 says:

    It is very sad how nobody in government seems to realize how bad things have become. They all seem to be out for themselves when money starts to be handed out. For once government should start helping people at the bottom instead of at the top.
    WHAT A MESS!!!!

  12. “…a $5 million line of credit…”

    This is a misnomer. The money is a slush fund of private ~voluntary donations to the GOP – just like the DNC has for their discretion.

    These are not tax dollars or congressionally mandated loans from banks (ala the CRA & fannie mae corruption).

    The GOP candidates will ~supposedly have to pay back the RNC for these funds. This is SOP on both sides.

    Where else did you expect GOP funds to go besides to GOP candidates?

    Obama’s $800 tailor made suits??

    If he had a vagina, I guess only then would it be a scandal.

    Palin, palin, blah, blah, blah.

  13. James Hill says:

    Ed – Winner of the thread. Look at how I made the left wing hacks go off topic so easily. They’re more interested in their own cross dressing and homosexual tendencies than attacking the GOP on a legitimate topic.

    I own them. And they’re for sale. Anyone want to buy some left wing hacks?


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