1. Paddy-O says:

    #32 It’s in the middle of nowhere (like Moose Jaw) and along the same highway.

    I’m not as ignorant of Canada as you are of the U.S. …

  2. Canucklehead says:

    33 — if you know more about Canada, than I do of the U.S., then you are a very rare American.

  3. Jägermeister says:


  4. The Warden says:

    let’s hope that RINO does beat that Marxist lying POS bastard.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, In Canada, the Rhinos were a political party. I shared a beer and quite the lively discussion back in the late ’70s with Charles Mackenzie.

    Ah, yes, good times. And Canadians know how to spell RHINO.

    Oh ya, but they don’t allow racist assholes in. See Ernst Zundel as an example. So I guess both you, and Cow-Paddy can’t emigrate. Then there are the public health laws that would keep Jimmy Heel out.

    Yup. good times in Canada.

    Hey Marc, vote !!!

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #35 Funny. Except the video was incorrect.

  7. jehosaphat says:

    So, if Barack only lost by 1 vote, it would have been a tie if Marc had voted. Furthermore, that would mean the same amount of people voted for both candidates (roughly, electoral college, yada yada), so how come the McCain supporters are called a “sliver” of supporters. Are liberals that bad at math, or is this the new math?

    @#37 RINO means Republican In Name Only.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #40 jehosaphat said, “Are liberals that bad at math, …?”

    Yes, look at Obama. He thinks that if businesses have less money they’ll hire more people.

    I guess Harvard Law school no longer requires its students to be able to add & subtract…

  9. James Hill says:

    Liberals lost in this thread too.

  10. Sweety says:

    #41,Cow-Paddy the Ignorant Shit Talker, & #42, Jaimie Heel,

    Hey girls, have a happy November 5th.



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