1. hhopper says:

    You’ve gone too far this time Perkel!

  2. Eideard says:

    You should see the version I had made for JCD!

  3. Thinker says:

    Thats funny! Even for MoveOn! 🙂

  4. chuck says:

    In a related story, it’s been revealed that Barack Obama has already voted for himself 6,247 times thanks to advanced ballots made possible by ACORN voter registration cards.

  5. moss says:

    And the RNC challenged Obama’s votes 124,162 times – under the Patriot Act and anything else they could think of.

  6. Marc Perkel says:

    #4 But will the Supreme Court appoint McCain anyway?

  7. Paddy-O says:

    Liberals gone wild! 😉

  8. bobbo says:

    Amusing “but” plus one vote could only tie a single state meaning in most cases that state’s electorial vote would be decided by the state’s legislature.

  9. Marc Perkel says:

    Bush won by a single vote in 2000.

  10. mthrnite says:

    That’s Marc “THE” Perkel to you, buddy!

    ..oh, and Eideard (#2), that would have been 100% more funnier… Sebastian Rupley woulda been 110% funnier tho.

  11. chuck says:

    If Obama loses by 2 votes, then we should ask Hillary and Bill who they voted for.

  12. Zybch says:

    #9 – You mean Bush ‘won’…
    The inverted commas are important when discussing his ‘victory’ in 2000.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    That was Halloween scary.

  14. hhopper says:

    #11 – Paddy – Wayne Huizenga is an asshat.

  15. Jetfire says:

    Why can liberals add? Let see Obama loses by one vote and a small sliver is celebrating (Bush’s thank you). But if Obama wins by that one vote it means a majority of the county supports him.

    If you liberal real look at Obama you have to know what a terrible candidate he real is. He still has not close the deal. With McCain running a crappy campaign and all the problems the Republicans have right now. If he wasn’t so far right and more like Bill Clinton he’d be 20 to 30 points ahead.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #15 hhopper. So? It is just indicative of what happens when a gov’t announces it is going to grab money from the citizenry. The money goes elsewhere.

    That should help the countries financial situation. LOL

  17. James Hill says:

    Based on #9, its safe to say you’re too ignorant to impact your local race for dog catcher.

    How about a thread on the skinheads who were going to kill Obama? That’s almost a real story.

  18. MikeR says:

    Dear Afraid RNC members,
    If your worst nightmare comes true and the Dems sweep everything on election night, why not move to Canada? We now have a Conservative government and no federal deficit up here.

  19. dyontranai barnett says:


  20. James Hill says:

    #19 – Good question. Let’s start a list.

    1. Your version of football sucks.
    2. Trish Stratus isn’t that hot anymore.
    3. We’re still rich.
    4. The left won’t do anything for two years, and the right will take back the Senate in ’10.
    5. So do most European countries, and they have more culture… except France.
    5a. Quebec.
    6. We’d have to move the Jets back to Winnipeg.
    7. You don’t have a military to start needless wars with.
    7a. You don’t have nuclear weapons anymore.
    8. Too lazy to figure out MPH to KPH conversion.

  21. chuck says:

    #19 – We now have a Conservative government and no federal deficit up here.

    No federal deficit – yet… wait a few more months and see what happens. In order to maintain a surplus budget, the conservatives must either: cut spending or raise taxes. My guess is they choose neither, result: deficit.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #19 “why not move to Canada?”

    With global warming it is getting easier to live further North… Hmmm…

  23. Mister Mustard says:


    Barack’s already won. Start praying for the Bathing Suit Babe in 2012.

  24. Jägermeister says:

    #19 – MikeR – We now have a Conservative government and no federal deficit up here.

    Didn’t look that way in August.

  25. moss says:

    Not bad for viral marketing. 6.3 million copies, so far, today. Presently averaging 30 copies/second.

  26. Canucklehead says:

    #19, you moran. Shh. We don’t want any Bible totin’ fascist gun nuts up here. I like my Marxist health care just the way it is thank you. No worries.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    #27 Canucklehead – Been to Moose Jaw lately?

  28. Canucklehead says:

    28 — not many 8 yr olds blowing their heads off with Uzis in Moose Jaw.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #29 That’s true, just people being beheaded while riding buses as the other passengers watch. ROFL!

  30. Canucklehead says:

    30 – the beheading was in Brandon. different province moran.


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