A jury found U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska guilty Monday of all seven counts in his federal corruption trial.

The jury found Stevens guilty of “knowingly and willfully” scheming to conceal on Senate disclosure forms more than $250,000 in home renovations and other gifts from an Alaska-based oil industry contractor.

Stevens faces a maximum sentence of up to to 35 years in prison — five years for each of the seven counts.

Legal experts note the judge has the discretion to give Stevens as little as no jail time and probation when he is sentenced.

Tears are optional.

Thanks, K B

  1. J says:

    # 59 James Hill

    It wasn’t my misuse. It was a direct quote from your hero Paddy Cake.

  2. grog says:

    i would just like to point out that alaska is in a world of hurt.

    Alaska … is set to receive $506.34 per capita [in federal earmarks], the highest in the nation, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a watchdog group which tracks earmarks.

    without ted bringing home the bacon, our fellow americans in seward’s ice box might actually have to tax themselves.

  3. bobbo says:

    I thought every Alaskan legal resident (who is a citizen?) got about $1500 per year from Alaska State Owned Oil resources. Oil being considered owned by the people, not given away to private enterprise a la some Russian/(American) oligarchy.

  4. James Hill says:

    #60 – Thank you. But to deny him his right to express his homosexual tendencies would be bigoted, which I am not. See #61 for an example of this.

    #61 – You’re not even in my league. Sit down son.

    #62 – Too late to save yourself now.

    #62 – Wrong, not to mention ignorant. The federal government is locked in to spending massive amounts in Alaska due to the amount of land it administers. Now, if they’d like to give that land back and not send the money Alaska will happily agree… and “drill, baby, drill” the vast majority of it. A liberal controlled congress won’t let that happen, so they’ll keep sending the money even without ol’ Ted.

    #64 – Not exactly. The Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) is a yearly payment based on a portion of money set aside when Alaska sold drilling rights in the 70s (not oil itself). That fund is managed by a set of investors hired by the state, which determines how much the dividend will be every year.

    It’s actually a smart system, and the Wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Permanent_Fund) is a good read.

    Now, why we didn’t take that $700 billion and start a version of this for the whole country is a shame. The fact McCain/Palin didn’t at least propose this is just plain sad.

  5. bobbo says:

    #65–JH==thanks for the clarification. The truth makes more sense than my faulty memory.

    Yes. Even with Palin, funny that the repugs could have kept the office had McCain been true to his maverick moniker and counseled against a bailout. Too bad he had NO IDEAS AT ALL on what to do. But even just a general slam would have given him a lot of support just prior to the vote.

    All that money spent on advisers and no real good advice. Amusing.


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