1. ECA says:

    I like the info on jobs…
    It should also be understood, that those on TOP of the heap are making 100-1000 TIMES as much money then those CEO, board members, then in other nations.

    I figure that IF we took all the salaries and benefits of ALL THOSE TOP pay’d persons, we could probably give every man, women and child 1million dollars PER YEAR. At least a good $100,000.

    And we aren’t even using the workforce of this nation, FOR WHAT IT WAS TRAINED FOR.
    They would rather hire a person from India to be a Nurse, then to hire a USA trained person(that wants more money)..WHY?? because the USA trained person has to pay for the SCHOOLING they got, for the BILLS they are living with, HOUSING,TAXES, and so on…

    If I could survive on $2 per day, I WOULDN’T MIND being paid $3 per day.

    BIG corps. SHOULDN’T BE in the stock market. They should DEPEND on themselves.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Nothing new really. Education, education, education…

    As for Micron… they don’t need to invest more money in the US… but then again, we don’t need to invest in them or buy their stuff.

  3. admfubar says:

    wtf??? what was this about? i’m still confused… the was the most disjointed ans scrambled presentations i’ve ever come across…

    yes there is a thing called information overload, and the producers of this are in the terminal stages of it.

    no soup for them….

  4. hhopper says:

    Damn fubar,

    That’s what happens when you watch it after drinking a bottle of scotch.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – admfubar – …was the most disjointed ans scrambled presentations i’ve ever come across…

    ADD… 😉

  6. skunkman62 says:

    i’m with furbar. what was the point in all that? why was the video even posted? “china will be the largest english speaking country” okay??

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – skunkman62 – “china will be the largest english speaking country” okay??

    Meaning they’ll be able to replace you.

  8. The Commodore says:

    I though Powerpoint presentations were out of vogue nowadays?

    Anything Carly Fiorina says can be immediately discounted as so much noise.

    So those billions of Chinese and Indians have oodles of spare cash sitting around just waiting to be spent, right?

    Whoever the “Master of the Universe” are, it’s becoming more evident that that no longer care about America itself and Americans in general. Europe has been self-loathing for a couple of decades now. Where it all came from, I’m not sure, but it’s simply a matter of attitude folks.

    Surround these little vignettes with dramatic music and floating text and – oila! – it becomes TRUTH.

  9. GregA says:


    I googled it. It is an advertisement for a motivational speaker placement company.

  10. Wretched Gnu says:

    What does it all mean? “Buy my educational software. It’s totally non-linear!”

  11. Floyd says:

    Fubar–view it again and think.

    It means we may be making a lot less money than we have in the past, or our tech jobs will all be shipped to countries where a PhD will work for $7.00 an hour. You want fries with that?

  12. Wretched Gnu says:

    What does it all mean? “Pay me for my seminar. It’s totally non-linear!”

  13. GetSmart says:

    Meaningless crap. When world population approaches 12 billion, there’ll be a big die off. World population will drop into the millions. If we survive it. And IF we learn a damn thing from it. What good will your cell phone and blog do you then? If technology only allows us to survive packed together like chickens in a commercial chicken coup, what fraking good is it? With any luck I’ll be dead or so freaking senile I won’t care by the time the crap hitting the fan approaches lightspeed.

  14. @ECA:”we could probably give every man, women and child 1million dollars PER YEAR. At least a good $100,000.”

    Have you calculator handy? Rounding population to 300 million we’d need 300 trillion dollars per year for your first choice and 30 trillion for the second one.

    Now, dig up Google and find estimated total GNP of the whole world: 30 trillion per year.

    Steal all the money of all CEO’s and you’ll be maybe be able to give few hundred dollars to each family. While (though you don’t believe it) strangling the economy so everyone will become poor. Wait, Communists have already attempted that and failed miserably. But than, if done by the Chosen-One-Obama it will be possible….

  15. ECA says:

    try to find a USA(not mexico) made Stove/microwave or frig…THAT you can afford.

  16. Iditarod Dog says:

    Boy am I glad I’m a dog, because the ignorant posts here are hard to take seriously. This is a somewhat update Power point by a teacher (see: http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2007/06/did-you-know-20.html).
    The point is that the world is GLOBAL, our kids will be facing a different world. Time advances non-lineraly with the explosion of technologies, and we need to be prepared for this and we need to pprepare future generations for this as well.
    Gotta run,

  17. Skippy says:

    Holy crap, what an awful use and re-editing of music from “Last of the Mohicans”. This is a perfect example of a content creator taking music that they love and applying it without bothering to think if it actually fits the message.

  18. wiglebot says:

    I got it

    China is doing a brute-force attack on genius

    Woow with goose bump music

  19. CaptainHar says:

    It is greedy corporations like this that are going to get Barack Obama elected President.

  20. noname says:

    Iditarod Dog,

    I guess science dosn’t matter in this new world of yours.

    The hypothesis has been posited, that you did.

    Then you need to prove it, experimentally and thereby establishing a causal link. That you have not done.

    The power point is not proof. The numbers cited in the argument is not proof.

    Show me proof of one of your points, Nonlinear learning is better then linear in this internet age.

    So far, the presentation is nothing but one big con job.

    This is so bogus and so typical of circular reasoning used by motivational speakers, that only the brain dead can buy this crap.

  21. t0llyb0ng says:

    The only thing this showed me was that I don’t want to read a text presented as snippets in a “video” format. Why bother making video of it all? Just give me the text & I’ll read it.

    Couldn’t make it halfway through. Sorry.

  22. ECA says:

    and gas profits in the last few years were reaching, HOW MUCH?? per QUARTER??
    $30+ billion?? That was EACH CORP, and there are 4-5 of them.

    And I wont tell you what 1 person, ON THE BOTTOM, could do with $50k-100k..

  23. brendal says:

    only if you’re hhopper…



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