1. QB says:

    I think those are the same actors.

  2. GregA says:

    Wow, sucks to live in red america. Must feel like tanks are gonna roll on your town any day now;)

  3. phoenix5 says:

    It’s the same guys. Here’s the original and the 2008 version side by side:


    Quite a powerful contrast and statement when you view them back to back.

  4. clancys_daddy says:

    How shallow is the voter gene pool IQ when a beer ad becomes a voter statement?

  5. Balbas says:

    Beautiful ad!

  6. EvilPoliticians says:


    But sad that some really think Obama will solve all this. Maybe even before inauguration.

    I am however betting on a Dow bounce the days after he’s elected.

  7. segrays says:


  8. ECA says:


    I wonder how long it would take, if obama MAde 1/2 as many mistakes as GWB…to have him IMPEACHED..

  9. Brian says:

    4-Using a pop culture reference to make a political point is invalid, you think? Or does it perhaps speak to the fall of the good times of the Clinton years to the quagmire we all find ourselves in now?

    I found it entertaining, and a nice bit of work, using the original actors.

    Now if only McCain would be so original, instead of using planted campaign workers like Joe the ‘plumber’ who (a) isn’t a plumber, (b) doesn’t have the money to buy a business, and (c) was a documented McCain campaign contributor.

    Whasssssuppppp for sure!

  10. phoenix5 says:

    # 4: it’s not a beer ad. It’s a reflection of the reality that is going on right now. We’re still in Iraq, the economy is in the toilet, our investments are toast, people are losing their homes. It’s people who that think this is a “beer ad” that are the ones that are shallow and have a low IQ. For the rest of us, these characters reflect and embody the struggles that many Americans are going through right now. Maybe the depth of your IQ is too shallow to realize this.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    Good one, McCullough. 🙂

  12. danijel says:

    #11 It’s a ripoff of a beer commercial, not a Dickens novel. Get a life man….

  13. phoenix5 says:

    # 13: did I say it was a Dickens novel? Nope. But it is a nice little distillation of the crap hole our country is in now after 8 brilliant years of Bush/Cheney rule. Oh, and regards to your “get a life” comment…these characters in this little short film represent what IS LIFE for a lot of Americans right now: job loss, home loss, fighting in Iraq, etc. Man, I can’t wait for Bush to leave the White House. Worst President Ever! And McCain would just be more of the same. Or considering his advancing age (and slowing mental capacity), he might even be worse.

  14. JoaoPT says:


    McCain: more of the shame!
    And it has the potential of being worse too: As Cheney was (is) an eerie terror inspiring character, Palin is a candidate to become the “decider” that would erase Dubya’s bad image with an even worse one.
    Seriously, if this was a soap opera, it could not be crappier.

  15. DCI Gene Hunt says:


  16. clancys_daddy says:

    Lets see Phoenix5, I make just shy of 40K a year working a 40 hour a week service job. I have a house, a 2 year old truck, and a boat. My student loans are paid off. I owe less then 500.00 in credit card debt. Right now and for the current outlook, I’m in good shape no matter who wins. Not one of my multitude of friends and coworkers has lost their job or their home. The media portrayal is biased not towards the politicos but to the if it bleeds it leads mentality. The problem with the economy is easy to blame on who ever is in office. The reality I have discovered in my 40+ years on this planet. Is it doesn’t matter who is in office someone all ways gets it in the shorts, and they blame the current admin. No real money has been lost in the wall street meltdown, contrary to the media, it is in fact a LOOONG overdue correction. Due to the inherent need of people to demand their stocks pay off dividends at rates above what is realistic. Do CEO’s make entirely to much money yes but then so do sports and media stars. Life is surprisingly simple, spend less then you make, screw keeping up with the joneses, and vote for the person who best represents your ideas and values. To bad in this case its neither one.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Phoenix,

    Well said.

  18. ECA says:

    why is it that the POOR suffer, when the RICH have a problem..?
    They still need their toilets washed.


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