With 10 days until Election Day, long-brewing tensions between GOP vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin and key aides to Sen. John McCain have become so intense, they are spilling out in public, sources say.

Several McCain advisers have suggested to CNN that they have become increasingly frustrated with what one aide described as Palin “going rogue.” A Palin associate, however, said the candidate is simply trying to “bust free” of what she believes was a damaging and mismanaged roll-out…

A McCain source says she appears to be looking out for herself more than the McCain campaign. “She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone,” said this McCain adviser. “She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else.

“Also, she is playing for her own future and sees herself as the next leader of the party. Remember: Divas trust only unto themselves, as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom.”

If you want to rebuild the Republican Party after letting it be captured by 19th Century nutballs – then, you have reason to be concerned.

  1. QB says:

    You know Sarah Palin may be the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party.

  2. Sinn Fein says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  3. bhavekost says:

    I hope she does go off the reservation for the GOP. I’m tired of the old guard rolling out has-been after has-been from D.C. (McCain, Dole, etc.). I’d rather someone with some vision AND fight (unlike Romney or Thompson). Even misguided vision and fight, at least the party gets to argue it out for the next election, rather than taking the same status quo.

    The advisors are talking to CNN? Not Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage…etc? Makes you wonder where the advisors loyalties lie. (NO! I’m not insinuating that CNN is anti-GOP, just that those I mentioned above are more pro-GOP).

  4. Palin is a says:

    Praise God for making Palin as stupid as she is ambitious. God help us if the majority of the voters are as stupid as she is. Palin would be very dangerous if she was more than a half-wit.

    If there was ever a person that should never be allowed back on the public stage, she is her.

  5. Dallas says:

    Like I said earlier. The whole Republican party is unraveling. How anyone can vote for this dysfunctional ticket needs their head examined.

    Here you have a breakdown of “leadership” from the get go. A loose canon looking out for herself. This is truly unbelievable.

  6. Matt Garrett says:

    I have a bridge I can sell you if you think this is anything but a dirty trick campaign. Not going to happen, folks. You can circle jerk all you want about it. But it just isn’t true.

  7. Improbus says:

    I think the “real” Republicans, i.e,, fiscal conservatives need to form a new party. Let the religious right and the neo-con nut balls take down the GOP. At this point it is beyond redemption.

  8. bobbo says:

    One scenario: Palin destroys the repuglican party and it reforms as fiscally conservative democrats vs bleeding heart irresponsible democrats. Shouldn’t we all be demonrats?

  9. QB says:

    Garrett, the Time magazine crew has been chasing this one all week. There’s been a split in the Republican party for a while between the small government, libertarian wing and the social conservative wing. They just aren’t seeing eye-to-eye anymore.

    The Republicans can come back if they reform around people like Jindal and Pewlanty. If the “values” bunch form up around Palin and take control they will be in the hinterland for a long, long time.

  10. QB says:

    Funny River Guy, you make very good points. I live in the multi-party country of Canada and we’re evolving towards regional types parties with no one holding a majority.

    Canadians are currently happy with minority rule, and may even be happier with the type of government you propose. I know I would.

  11. sargasso says:

    I would love to see her being interviewed by Borat.

  12. Improbus says:

    @Funny River Guy

    We have this funny little document we like to call the Constitution. Not many in the executive branch pay
    any attention to it any more but they do give it lip service. To change our government to what you suggest would require a constitutional amendment at the least or a complete re-write of the Constitution. I don’t think that is in the cards any time in the near future even if it does make sense.

  13. JCD's Lovechild says:

    This “news story” smacks of desperation by the MSM to me. What a narrative…the maverick has a maverick of a VP choice.

    How ’bout an alternative hypothesis folks? The McCain campaign is run by losers and she’s trying to actually win the campaign for McCain despite the best efforts of McCain’s staff to screw things up royally.

    I guess it’s just easier for the fringe to drool and howl that she’s a “religious nutball”. It’s easier to do that and doesn’t require a lot of thought to call names like some 5 year old…guys, don’t let a successful woman intimidate you to that level of discourse.


  14. Gareth says:

    I live in the UK, I enjoy watching American politics, it gives me tonnes of content for jokes and talk with friends and family.

    I have never voted.


    The answer is simply this, every politician I have ever seen in every country suffers the same flaw. He/She is nothing more than hot air.

    Take for example, recent discussions about the UK prison system overflowing, or the de-regulation of the American financial system, ultimately leading to this global recession.

    In both cases everyone is talking about what went wrong, it was this, it was that, these are the people that make me REALLY angry.

    Then there is the level above that, these say well this, this and this went wrong, we need to fix that, these are the people that give me a faint glimmer of hope.

    I have yet to the a politician that says, this, this and this went wrong, I think this is how we can fix it, and this is what I’m going to do if it kills me, then actually does that (or at least attempts to). That is a politician I would vote for. Someone, who knows he/she cannot please everyone, but does the best they can knowing they might make a mistake, they do what they believe is right regardless, they make a decision and STICK by it.

    Where have they all gone?

  15. funny river guy says:

    I lived in Alaska for 25 years. I’ve spent a lot of time in Canada.
    Wouldn’t mind living there.
    What’s with that hill out of Bella Coola?

  16. Winston Smith says:

    Quote: “Several McCain advisers have suggested to CNN that they have become increasingly frustrated with what one aide described as Palin ‘going rogue.'”

    Given her history of upsetting the Republican apple cart Alaska, what did they think she was going to do?

    Whatever Palin does, she will be in charge and the good-old-boys will be out of the picture.

    Look at those people in the photo, wearing Viking costumes. Very apropos. Palin is the 21st century equivalent of the Vikings, looting and pillaging wherever she goes, albeit more politely than the Vikings.

  17. QB says:


    The hill is great! It’s best on a bike or motorbike. Also, it keeps out the Winnebagos.

    A little bit of background for all you – the Bella Coola hill is the old “Freedom Road” into the valley on the Sea-to-Sky highway. Great views, scary as hell if you’re not used to those kind of roads.

    Think of the Going-to-Sun highway in Montana as a gravel road with no guard rails. About 11 miles long, 18 percent grades with switch-backs, and climbs about 4000-5000 feet. Did it on a loaded touring bike with bags years ago.

    The people up there are fantastic. I’d recommend it in a second.

  18. jccalhoun says:

    Of course she’s gone “rogue!” She’s a maverick!

    Regarding political parties, there’s nothing in the constitution about political parties. However, the system has evolved so that the two parties basically controll the process. There is nothing in the constitution about all this primary and caucus crap. The two parties just decided on that system to give it the illusion of democracy. They could just nominate whomever they wanted without ever holding any primaries. The media doesn’t give wall-to-wall coverage of other political parties so other political parties will never get a real foothold.

    Similarly there’s no legal basis for the debates. Guess who owns those? The Democratic and Republican parties. If they don’t want to invite in another party they don’t have to. Even when the candidates in one party debate each other they rig the rules so the ones they like get included – just ask Dennis Kusinich who got shut out by MSNBC when they decided they didn’t want him involved.

    Now, some states have their own laws which make it very hard for any other party to get on the ballot. In Indiana, for example, you even have to be a legally declared write in candidate for a write in vote to even count!

  19. QB says:

    funny river guy, I found an aerial picture of the hill:


  20. pjakobs says:

    Palin sure made the American election a lot more amusing, for two reasons: one: the things she does, two: the fact that she makes sure Obama get’s elected, which really helps me relax about it all.


  21. Montanaguy says:

    Gotta love it: We’ve gone from mavericks to rogues. It’s all calculated.

  22. Borat says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  23. right says:

    “John the Liar” is complaining about Failin’ Palin’? Both of them will have to do other things after the election and for Johnny boy, the liar, he’ll be in Arizona trying new things, heh. As for Failin’ Palin’, she;ll be in JAIL. Now how sweet is that?

  24. chuck says:

    I guess Palin didn’t get the memo. She still thinks they’re going to win. McCain’s been playing to lose for the last 6 weeks.

    “Remember: Divas trust only unto themselves, as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom.”

    Are they talking about Palin? Or Obama?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, Gareth,

    If you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem. So just shut the eff up and save the bitching to those willing to cast their opinion on a ballot.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    Sound to me like the rats are deserting the ship and looking for someone to blame.

  27. doug says:

    If Palin thinks she can separate herself for the (likely) McCain debacle the Tuesday after next, she is sadly mistaken. the narrative is already being written – she energized the base, but drove off the centrist independents that McCain needed and caused many to question his judgment.

    you can’t have a big chunk of the party blame you for a presidential crater, then come back big four years later.

  28. Brian says:

    The rats are jumping ship! Every rat for themselves! The writing’s on the wall, the republican party is about to implode, and the Dems will run the house, senate, and Presidency for the next decade.

    Meanwhile, each faction of the splintered republican party will try to win out and take power in the party, hopefully those with the core values will win: those that believe in small government, in personal rights, in small spending, but I doubt it. The religious nutjobs which have brought about this problem have just too much power.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #27 You said it.

  30. Borat says:

    #23 – Ed.,That comment you deleted was a direct quote from my movie where I commented on Pamela Anderson, in case you didn’t see it.


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