MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) — Lightning struck only once – but 52 cows are dead at an Uruguayan ranch. The newspaper El Pais reports that the cows had pressed against a wire fence during a storm when the lightning bolt struck in the northern state of San Jose.

A photograph released by the San Jose Police Department shows the black and brown cows lying dead in a long row.

The newspaper said Friday that veterinarians at the scene confirmed the cause of the deaths, which happened Wednesday. The veterinarians told the newspaper that cows often crowd around fences to seek protection during storms.

Meteorologist Fernando Torena told the newspaper he wasn’t surprised that a single lightning bolt killed so many cows. But he called it “very bad luck.”

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

  1. Brandon says:

    That all depends. What are you thinking?

  2. QB says:

    I’m thinking the beef is probably rare.

  3. Special Ed says:

    Ground beef.

  4. DarkFoxDK says:

    I think so, but where are we going to find a boat big enough for all of us? *narf*

  5. Bigredcow says:

    See herd mentality can get you killed.

  6. NO says:

    If you are thinking this is a good example of why California’s proposition 2, as promoted by the Ellen Society, would tether and cage farmers into restrictive legal space, making the their animals be allowed to roam, as shown in the example of cows hit by lightning, instead of leaving things as they are where farmers keep their animals warm and dry in the storm, covered in confined spaces, claimed by some Ellen Societies to be “inhumane”, so that the animals are mandated to be “free range” and end up dead, yes, I’m thinking what you are thinking, VOTE NO ON PROP 2.

  7. Dave says:

    I’m sure PETA will protest the presence of lightning.

  8. McCullough says:

    #6. I was thinking more along the lines of a giant BBQ.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    And that’s how you deal with feminists.

  10. Knuckles says:


  11. modeltweaker says:

    Based on an earlier post your probably thinking we could take out the senators for all “52” states with one lightning bolt.

  12. Mac Guy says:

    #10 – That’s “chupacabra,” d00d. And “cabra” is goat, not cow.

  13. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    That’ll teach them!

  14. bobbo says:

    I was thinking “toga, Toga, TOGA!!!”

    With mass quantities of beer.

  15. Balbas says:

    I dunno. Whaddya thinkin’?

  16. sargasso says:

    Aliens. That’s all I’m saying.

  17. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    We had 10 cows killed by lighting over the summer this year.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    Conspiracy theorists will debate this for years… was it lightning, mass suicide or mass murder?

    #3 – Special Ed – Ground beef.


  19. deowll says:

    I’m thinking sometimes it pays to build a shed so they can take shelter

  20. Glenn E. says:

    I’m thinking, “Boy cows are sure butt stupid!” But perhaps not as stupid as farmers who don’t ground their fences, every fifty yards or so. That fence appears to be as cheap as could be made. So I guess giving the cows something non-conductive to lean up against, was not in the budget.

  21. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    deowll I’m thinking sometimes it pays to build a shed so they can take shelter

    Not if your insurance covers lightening strikes….

  22. madcow says:

    52 cows
    52 cards in a deck
    52 weeks in a year
    52 Iran hostages

    It all means something! Don’t it! Don’t it!!!

    (obscure Eddy Murphy SNL reference)

    Cheap ass farmer. With large livestock don’t they almost always use an electric fence.
    That way 2 tons of beef don’t press against
    it and easily knock it down. And as an unexpected side benefit , none of the cows
    would be touching the wire when the lightning hit it.

  23. Rich says:

    I’m thinking those little tins of corned beef will be less expensive soon.

  24. LouCipherr says:

    #4, good one!

    “I think so Brain, but me and pippi longstocking? What would the children look like?” 🙂


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