by Will Durst

I don’t know which is scarier: The American landscape the next President of the United States is destined to inherit, the people who will make that decision (us), or the fact that these two guys seem to want it so bad. Or do they? Did you ever think of that? Maybe John McCain is deliberately trying to throw the election. “Let me get this straight. Ten trillion in debt? Losing two wars? Tampa Bay in the World Series? Not what I envisioned when I gave this country the best five years of my life. Barack, my man. This one is all yours.”

It would explain a lot. Like why he and his people are running the worst campaign EVER. And that includes New Coke and Penn Jillette’s appearance on Dancing With the Stars. Or for you older folks: France in 39. Have you seen him lately? The GOP nominee is running around the country like an ornery troll with irritable bowel syndrome. Stamping his feet and shaking his fists and spitting and shouting and whose playbook is that a page out of? Rumplestilskin, Ross Perot or Naomi Campbell?

Loses all three debates; standing, sitting and strolling. His brother, Joe, the Brother, calls up 911 to complain about Beltway traffic. Gets asked how many houses he has and doesn’t know? Then again, who among us hasn’t made that same mistake? “Let’s see, how many houses do I have? Unh. There’s one and… no, just the one. Wait, wait, wait. Nope, my mistake, only one. Oh, I know, that doesn’t include the… oh yeah. It does. Sorry, still one.”

Recently, the Arizona Senator addressed a rally with a hearty “My fellow prisoners” instead of “my fellow citizens.” Very Manchurian Candidate. Do not flash the Queen of Diamonds at him between now and Election Day. Then, in one of his fifty most crucial states, he said, “Senator Obama’s supporters have been saying some pretty nasty things about Western Pennsylvania lately, and you know, I couldn’t agree with them more.” Close, but no cigar.

The nascent Dump Palin movement has morphed into a Dump McCain groundswell. No matter what side of the aisle you’re on, it’s obvious that this is the worst case of political suicide since Walter Mondale bragged in his 84 acceptance speech that he was going to raise taxes. Although Michael Dukakis dressing up at a tank commander for Halloween has to rank right up there. And oh yeah, let’s not forget John Kerry wind surfing in spandex. A visual that still makes Howard Dean shiver like a hairless Chihuahua on a BlackDiamond ski run.

But it’s way too early to talk about this election in the past tense. There’s a veritable plethora of ways this thing could still turn around. A Lee Atwater Special: Serious October surprise or November startlement. The Bradley Effect exponential factor fourteen. Convincing all first- time voters that the polls aren’t available to them until Wednesday. Keep Joe, the Biden, talking. A giant monster hand comes out of the sky and smashes Northern California. Lots of ways.

Interestingly enough, the former Navy pilot did experience a brief pop in the polls when he jumped off the campaign trail for a few days during the financial crisis. Well, there’s your answer boys. Clear the decks and let Sarah, the Palin, assume lead dog. Let the old man take a nap. His best shot at winning this thing may be to slip into a coma for the next week. Some might argue that’s a done deal.

  1. robin1943 says:

    #34;; In 1950 Harry Truman was President, but your point about lessons not learned about protracted conflicts is valid.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    #19 Improbus said,

    1) Climate Change
    2) Peak Oil

    Peak Oil won’t be an issue during the next 4 Presidential terms.

    Climate change is not something Obama has an effective plan for unless you count putting a bullet in the head of a weak economy by increasing tax burden.

    So, Dallas, what were you talking about.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #37, Cow-Paddy Shit Talker,

    Once again you weigh in on something you know nothing about. Alternative energy WILL be a major issue for some time to come until it has replaced imported energy and dirty energy sources.

    Just because you disagree with any specific plan does not make it weak or ineffective. Obama has said repeatedly it can’t be done overnight and will take several years to implement the infrastructure for alternative energy supply. Any solution requires those first steps and encouragement.

    So Cow-Paddy Shit Talker, what are you talking about. McCain has no solution except on outfitting Palin in high fashion.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #38 “Just because you disagree with any specific plan does not make it weak or ineffective. Obama has said repeatedly it can’t be done overnight and will take several years to implement the infrastructure for alternative energy supply.”

    His plan won’t result in getting off of foreign period.

  5. doug says:

    #22. “McCain/Palin is real leadership that is extremely well grounded in strength and they are the only ones with the ability to manage the complex issues at hand.”

    In 2000, I would have said McCain had real leadership. But then he hitched his wagon to the Bushies and became everything he had professed to hate.

    and no sane person would say that Sarah Palin could “manage the complex issues at hand.” If you can’t

    (1) name a news source you read;
    (2) name more than one Supreme Court case you disagree with (perhaps one involving an oil company that dumped crude all over the state you govern);
    (3) accurately list the (minimal) duties of the job you are campaigning for;
    (4) correctly pronounce the name of the world-ending weapons that (god forbid) you could one day have control of; or
    (5) match the talking point given to the question asked;

    … you can’t manage squat.

  6. billabong says:

    The only way Obama loses is if he gets caught with a dead women or a live boy.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #41 “The only way Obama loses is if he gets caught with a dead women or a live boy.”

    Nope, it wouldn’t be reported on my the MSM until after the election…

  8. makeupartist says:

    John is not trying to throw the election!!! You guys should see how long it takes him to get photo-ready. So, the whole article is rubbish. Onlly when John tells me to stop applying my special formula to make him extra-white, will I say he has conceded defeat. Until then, don’t believe the nonsense.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Earlier today I watched McCain on Meet The Press. Only a die hard McCain supporter would have approved. And Tom Brokaw gave him a very easy time about it too. Several hard questions but he allowed McCain to get away with not answering them and let him ramble on about nothing.

    McCain might be a nice guy and war hero, but he hasn’t shown himself to be Presidential material. Those that support him, still, are the Republican base and those who can’t let themselves vote for Obama because of his color. I seriously can’t believe too many people really think this guy would make a good President.

  10. Some Guy says:

    I voted Obama, but, McCain/Palin will win this election.

    McCain will be prominent the first quarter of the first term, after which, he will slowly fade into the background (maybe a ranch in Texas or something).

    Palin will take the lead and begin activating policies such as filter the internet, divide people from access to Government records (freedom of info act), etc.

    Palin will then run again in 2012 with either Tod Strickland or Jeb Bush.

    I post this in hopes my prediction will NEVER EVER come true.

  11. web says:

    # 41 billabong
    Hey if you are going to paraphrase Edwin Edwards at least give him credit.
    “The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy”.

    I think this election is a reflection of the changing demographic in this country and you will see more like it.

  12. Brian says:

    haha listen to the moronic right wing buffoons blaming the media for McCain’s problems – instead of blaming the MCCAIN!

    Look, he’s OLD, he’s OUT OF TOUCH, he’s ANGRY, and he’s spewing the same message over and over and the American people don’t want to hear it anymore. They want change – desperately. McCain’s will bends with the slightest breeze. Hilary loses to Obama in the primaries? Choose a woefully underqualified woman to be your running mate! Yeah, that’ll get the women in your camp!

    Look, right wingers, the only people to blame for McCain suffering in the polls is McCain. You can try to spin the media’s coverage all you want, but if McCain were coherent, if he had a message that didn’t include 4 more years of the same failed economic policies, then he’d have a shot in this election. As it stands, he’s done, and rightfully so.

  13. Mr Truther says:

    This should have been a slam dunk for the dems. this year by there own addmision. Worst prez, worst econ, and a stalled war. yet every honest poll has McCain right on his tail. I am not a moronic right wing buffoon. I voted for Obama alreaddy. But I am honest enough to admit the repug have run a amazing campaign concidering the background they have been running against.

  14. JimD says:

    How many think Palin will be finished once the RNC repossesses her wardrobe ???

  15. Paddy-O says:

    Carter vs. Reagan 1980

    Electoral vote:
    Reagan: 489 44 states

    Carter: 49 6 states.

    ’nuff said.

  16. QB says:


    Reagan ran was a great candidate and ran a great campaign. 2004 was even better.

    Obama has also run a great campaign considering he’s mixed race guy with a threatening name coming from a poor single parent family and lives in a big city. That’s a pretty big handicap to overcome.

    Carter ran a crappy campaign. So has John McCain. Trying to be maverick insider (yea weird) aligned with hugely unpopular President with no clear message makes perfect sense.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, Cow-Paddy Ignorant Shit Talker,

    What the eff has 1980 have to do with events 28 years later.

    Carter was constrained by events left over from Nixon / Ford, a belligerent Iran, and the Soviet Bear exerting itself. If Bush Jr was in charge we would have had a nuclear exchange before the election. Thank Carter for saving the world.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #52 “Thank Carter for saving the world.”

    Go talk to some officers who were high up at the time. Carter almost ended the world…


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