Senate Races – 10-25-2008

So where is the best place to invest your political dollar in the final 10 days before the election? I think the best investment is in the Senate races. Obama has the presidency won and has an obscene amount of money. So giving to Obama isn’t worth it. McCain will just spend his money on more clothes for Palin. The House is firmly in the hands of the Democrats. But in the Senate where Dems hope to get to 60 seats, that’s where the real battles are. So – depending what side you are on the battleground comes down to 7 Senate races. AK, MS, GA, NC, KY, MN, and OR. If you’re going to fight the good fight you need to be able to find the battlefield.

  1. Dallas says:

    Please don’t jinx an Obama victory by making such predictions!!

    It ain’t done till the caribou lady sings .. and I betcha you know who I’m talk’n about.

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    “If you’re going to fight the good fight”

    Yeah, right.

  3. contempt says:

    Obama has spent as much money buying this election as the gross national product of many nations. Spend Obama Spend!

    But then the demand to satisfy his selfish desires at any cost is the first requirement of all tyrants.

  4. Sea Lawyer says:

    #3, hey, if people choose to spend their money giving it to Obama, good on them

    I actually have to give him credit for not taking public funds for his campaign, as I am completely against politicians using the government’s power to tax to pay for their power seeking endeavors.

  5. Floyd says:

    #3: Obama is bright, articulate, and isn’t in his 70s with a dingy running mate.

  6. contempt says:

    #4 Sea Lawyer

    >>if people choose to spend their money giving it to Obama, good on them.

    You have an interesting standard on the subject especially since foreign terrorist organizations and nations are also contributing in hopes of getting him elected.

    That should at least make us think about what is actually going on. It won’t, but it should.

    #5 Floyd

    Obama is a con man playing for high stakes.

  7. dude984 says:

    I’m still voting for Steve Colbert.

  8. brendal says:

    What planet are you living on, Marc…or maybe you are from one of Saturn’s moons? The election hasn’t been held yet…

  9. ApexMI says:

    While I can’t support either of these jackasses, The election is far from “In the bag” for Obama.

  10. Jess Hurchist says:

    #6 since foreign terrorist organizations and nations are also contributing in hopes of getting him elected.

    That should at least make us think about what is actually going on. It won’t, but it should.

    Maybe they think Obama might be interested in negotiating rather than bombing their people.

  11. QB says:

    Marc Perkel said: “McCain will just spend his money on more clothes for Palin.”

    That’s hysterical. Nicely done.

  12. GregA says:


    If you feel that way, you would be foolish to not put down $10 on McCain at When McCain wins, you will make nearly $100.

  13. Max Bell says:

    59-41, 56-44, who cares?

    The pendulum has swung.

  14. bobbo says:

    #4–Sea Lawyer==one of your few erroneous posts. You say: “I actually have to give him credit for not taking public funds for his campaign, as I am completely against politicians using the government’s power to tax to pay for their power seeking endeavors.”

    Actually public financing of all elections is one of the few reforms that could actually be accomplished that could/maybe/might remove some of the influence of corporations over our political system. Still lots of other issues to confound the system, but public financing is certainly a good stand alone effort.

  15. contempt says:

    #10 Jess Hurchist

    >>Maybe they think Obama might be interested in negotiating rather than bombing their people.

    Yeah that’s it. The increase in the number of American suicide bombers has taken its toll.

  16. GF says:


  17. Sea Lawyer says:

    #14, whether or not corporations should be allowed to give to political campaigns is a separate issue from individuals, who do have natural rights, being allowed to give as much or as little of their property to a campaign they support.

  18. Sea Lawyer says:

    Taxation is not a choice, and politicians should never be able to use the government’s power to compel people (who may or may not support them) to fund their re-elections.

  19. bobbo says:

    #17–SL==or just the opposite.

    I suppose you can view elections as an arena in which to exercise individual liberties==but we can see in USA the harm this brings us.

    Why not think of elections as an arena of obligations in which it is America itself that needs to be served rather than natural individuals?

    Or do you think there is only one proper way to think about the universe?

  20. Sea Lawyer says:

    #19, The only obligation is to protect the rights of the individual. That is why individuals come together to form governments in the first place.

  21. jccalhoun says:

    Some of the recent polls have Indiana going to Obama. If it happens that will be the first time Indiana hasn’t gone Republican since 1964. I think the fact that such a Republican state is now seen as up for grabs is a sign of just how bad McCain is doing.

  22. Sea Lawyer says:

    Yeah, who would have thought that McCain could run a more inept campaign than Bob Dole did?

  23. bobbo says:

    #20–SL==that hominem means nothing. Intelligent people give up some of their personal autonomy when they live on an island with more than one person on it.

    Get it? – – – more than one person?

  24. Paddy-O says:

    #20 “The only obligation is to protect the rights of the individual. That is why individuals come together to form governments in the first place.”

    Pretty succinct & correct.

  25. Canucklehead says:

    #6 Contempt — what “foreign terrorist organizations” are you talking about? link?

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, ace,

    That theory might work in a Parliamentary system where the Prime Minister comes from the governing ranks. In the Republican system and a President elected individually, multi parties don’t thrive. As I understand, there are at least 200 political parties in the US. Only two have garnered enough support to be relevant.

  27. Rick Cain says:

    Invest in Oklahoma senator Jim Inhofe’s opposition.

    Andrew Rice will bring common sense back to washington. Inhofe is proud of his connections to big oil, and is more than happy to push his conservative christian values on everybody. He’s considered the biggest idiot on the hill at present, and thats a tough prize to achieve considering…

    Donate to Andrew Rice’s campaign, please!!!!


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