As campaign managers for Sarah Palin plot last-minute tactics to get her elected, Hollywood bigwigs are convening strategy sessions of their own. Their goal: finding the ideal on-air vehicle for the vp candidate if and when she exits politics.
But as more and more polls cast doubt on the McCain-Palin ticket, producers and agents across the entertainment world are discussing possibilities for capitalizing on her fame, ranging from an Oprah-style syndicated talk show to a Sean Hannity-like perch in cable news or on radio.

“Any television person who sees the numbers when she appears on anything would say Sarah Palin would be great,” said veteran morning-show producer Steve Friedman, citing the double-digit ratings gains her appearances on “Saturday Night Live” and “CBS Evening News” generated. “The passion she has on each side, love and hate, makes television people say, ‘Wow, imagine the viewership.’ ”

Although none of the execs has — at least as far as anyone is admitting — made direct overtures to the Alaska governor, they are readying their battle plans if she decides to give up her day job.

She’s already got her makeup artist (at $22,800 for two weeks). You just know there are guys everywhere who will be waiting impatiently for her first nude scene.

  1. McCullough says:

    Oh yeah, the whores of Hollywood will line up, I just hope Americans do not. But I’m guessing they will.

  2. the answer says:

    I thought Hollywood was normally democrat. If they were meeting about anything i thought it would be ” how many money can we milk out of this”

  3. mthrnite says:

    Well, she can memorize a script, and make any sentence into an paragraph.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: Money knows no party. If he were around today and his ratings were higher than Seacrest, Hitler would he hosting American Idol.

  5. JimD says:

    Aren’t there enough CRAZY FEMALES on TV as it is ??? Well, Sarah might get 15 MORE MINUTES OF FAME, but NOT MUCH MORE !!!

  6. Special Ed says:

    I’ll have the bust please!

  7. bobbo says:

    She’s ugly on the inside.

    If fame doesn’t turn her head, she “should” return to Alaska to be a one term governor, then retire to more kids, church worship, and obscurity.

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Her voice and dialect would need some work but she would fit in well on Fox News as Rove’s dominatrix.

  9. Don says:

    Once you get a taste of the high life, it’s hard to go back. At the very least, she will run for Senator so she can hang out in Washington and run with the “Political Elites.”

    As far as a talk show, I don’t think there is enough substance upstairs for her to make it into anything long term.


  10. brendal says:

    Would love to see her in the same time slot as Oprah…buahahahaha!

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #10 Brenda Lee – I believe Oprah would eat her lunch. Literally.

  12. wardww says:

    Oh Uncle Dave, you are not one of “those guys”, or should I say, those of us who are indeed waiting for her first nude scene? Liar, Liar. There is nothing like a little bit of MILF mixed with politics to cheer us this sad and sorry season of yuletide that will be.

  13. Ranger007 says:

    Cut her some slack. You have Biden, Obamer, and McCain to make fun of – let alone Pelosi, Reid and that group. Not to mention Bush and Slick Willie.

    This is getting tiresome.

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Sarah seems more likely to show up on Trinity Broadcasting Network. They could sandwich her between John Hagee and Rod Parsley to break up the afternoon crazy zone with a show called “Maverick Mom.” She could be like a Christian version of Oprah. The great thing about going on TV would be that she could continue wearing expensive clothes, now that the RNC has gotten her hooked on designer threads.

  15. JimD says:

    # 8 The Monster’s Lawyer, But I though Rove was Rash Limpdick’s Dominatrix !!! Crack that Whip, Bitch !!!

  16. JimD says:

    “Palin’s Makeup Stylist Fetches Highest Salary in 2-Week Period”

    Trying to make a Silk Purse out of a Sow’s Ear ???

    Nevermind !!! The RNC will just BUY ONE !!!

  17. GregA says:

    How should this be written into an intrade contract?

    The contract would have to be written so that she has to actually play a role, and not just get a cameo appearance.

  18. Mark says:

    Wow, I was just having that discussion a couple of days ago. Considering the path she took, I think her natural inclination is for TV, rather than politics. FOX News would offer her millions to do a show, which would be the best place for her.

  19. paddler says:

    Doing what? She is Fred Phelps crazy and Karl Rove scary. What exactly would she be doing in Hollywood?

  20. bac says:

    #20 – She could have her on show on the Outdoor channel. It could be about moose hunting. Dick Chaney could be on the show too.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    Fox News personality. She really should have made that her career goal — she’d be fantastic.

  22. jccalhoun says:

    She’ll be on Fox news or in Penthouse (She’s too old for Playboy’s tastes) not in any acting. She barely said 5 lines in both of her SNL skits combined. Pretty much every politician that’s been on has said more than that.

  23. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Maybe she can appear on So You Think You Can Sing…In Tongues.

    She should definitely be in the remake of Land of the Lost since she believes man and dinosaurs coexisted. She could ride around on a dinosaur, trying to convert the Sleestak. Chaka!


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