A good day on the market is a day when the market loses less than 500 points. How low we have sunk.

  1. ECA says:

    problem with the DOW??
    is that STOCK is supposed to represent the VALUE of a company..
    the MORe that invest the MORE it goes DOWN…
    It hasnt been that way for 20 years..

  2. Montanaguy says:

    What exactly has Obama led, other than than millions of hynotized democrat lemmings?

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    I predict, if Barack Obama wins, we will enter a period of peace and prosperity (perhaps after a few early dust-ups), that the historians will come to name the Pax Obama.

  4. QB says:

    Former Bush speechwriter David Frum on the campaign:

    “That’s not a failure of campaign tactics. It’s not even a failure of strategy. It’s a failure of the Republican Party and conservative movement to adapt to the times.”

  5. contempt says:

    #33 Uncle Patso
    >> Pax Obama

    You have a great sense of humor. Sadly it would be just the opposite.

    A Barack Hussein Obama administration would usher in an age of trial and tribulation that will easily exceed the carnage of civil war times.

  6. Dallas says:

    In other news..

    Palin’s FIRST policy speech:

    (1) She disagrees with McCain on spending freeze
    (2) Determines that science research in Fruit Flies is a waste of money.


    I wonder what her 2nd Policy Speech will bring?

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #30 Thomas, “Can you explain how 10% of the country feel that Congress is doing a good job? … How is it that most Congressman get re-elected …”

    It’s a funny thing. People disapprove of “Congress” but feel that their Congressman is doing a good job. “All politics is local”

    In other words, the local congress person is a good liar.

  8. LibertyLover says:

    “That’s not a failure of campaign tactics. It’s not even a failure of strategy. It’s a failure of the Republican Party and conservative movement to adapt to the times.”

    I have to disagree with him.

    It was a failure to adhere to the “small government principle.” By expanding the size of the government so much, they looked too much like the democrats so people had a hard time distinguishing the two. This had the two-fold disadvantage of alienating their more libertarian following while at the same time bolstering the Dems’ statements that the “Reps can’t run things.”

    The latter is the strangest because they would have done pretty much the same thing if they had been in total control.

    Want proof? Why was the bailout the only solution that satisfied BOTH platforms?


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