A good day on the market is a day when the market loses less than 500 points. How low we have sunk.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    The “market” responds to what it think the FUTURE holds. Not today’s condition. The big stock buyers look to conditions in the longer term.

    This is an indication of what these guys think our economy will be like in the next few years…

  2. Dallas says:

    The market swings radically because of the herd mentality which amplifies the swings.

    Once this country rids itself of the shown piece of shit ‘president’ that the republicans have installed over the last 8 years, will things start to settle.

  3. Don says:

    You can’t look at the number of points gained or lost in a day. You must look at the percent change. The October crash in 1929 was only a little over 100 points. But it was almost a third of the DJIA value at the time.

    Black Monday in 1987 was a 500 point crash in 1 day, but it was only 22% drop in the dow.

    While it always seems worse when it is happening to you right now, the current mess, while serious, is not the worst ever!


  4. Ranger007 says:

    #2 Dallas said

    “Once this country rids itself of the shown piece of shit ‘president’ that the republicans have installed over the last 8 years, will things start to settle.”

    You know, I don’t like Bush either, but I wonder what the excuse will be when he is gone. Congress (both Dems and Repubs) has had a hand in all of this mess, too.

    The market is a gamble – has been and will continue to be. “Buy low and sell high” – ask the technical guys.

  5. Breetai says:

    “The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.”

    – John Kenneth Galbraith

    Pretty much sums it up for me. It’s all snake oil as far as I’m concerned.

  6. Dallas says:

    Other changes in standards. 911 can be abused for whimsical use.

    McCain’s family feels it is OK to call 911 when stuck in traffic. Is the McCain family this explosive? Imagine when things are really bad?


  7. brendal says:

    I learned from my father who had access to intelligence that you really can never know the whole story…I do know this…Bush has kept us safe post-9/11 – nothing to sneeze at.

  8. Carcarius says:

    Just tell people that the world will actually end in 2012 (just like the Mayans predicted!), then people will spend their money trying to make the most of their time over the next 4 years. We could have the greatest economic boon ever if we play our cards right 🙂

  9. Lou says:

    Re # 7
    It’s a shame he never kept us safe on 9/11.
    That was on W’s watch. Was it not ?

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #9 “It’s a shame he never kept us safe on 9/11.”

    Yeah, it was difficult to find all the in place terrorists hiding in the country at the time he took over from Clinton.

  11. JimD says:

    # 6 Dallas, Well we already know what John’s KNEE-JERK REACTION TO CRISIS WILL LIKELY BE: “BOMB, BOMB, BOMB; BOMB, BOMB, IRAN!!”

    So, in November WE get to MAKE THE CHOICE !!!

  12. JimD says:


  13. freddybobs68k says:

    @ #10 & #7

    Arguably he could have kept us safe before 9/11. I mean there was intelligence – and dry runs of such scenarios. We could have been more prepared. Still it was difficult to predict and respond to. Hindsight is 20/20.

    Did he keep us safe, post that day?

    Well he let the Bin Laden family fly out of the country. He never caught Bin Laden to this day – even stating that it was ‘unimportant’ to capture him a few years ago. They decided not to ‘follow the money’ to who paid for the attacks – as that was apparently unimportant too. That doesn’t feel to safe or smart.

    Now we are more of a target than ever – multiple studies show as much. Whacking a bees nest and hiding behind a plastic sheet – doesn’t make you safer. There are still angry bees.

    He didn’t make it safer for the 5000+ troops that went to a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and didn’t have WMD. He didn’t make it safer for the 80,000+ troops that were seriously injured either. The troops that are there right now are presumably part of ‘us’ and I don’t think you could describe them as safe.

    Oh – and 100 of thousands of Iraqi civilians who were killed and injured. They weren’t safer. You might say – who cares? They aren’t ‘us’. Well true – but you can bet that they and their friends and families are justifiably pissed. So before they may not have cared, but now they have good reasons to hate America.

    In fact the only thing I can think of he did do to make us safer was go into Afghanistan. Unfortunately since we got distracted with attacking people who had nothing to do with 9/11 that has now become a mess again.

    So you personally might feel ‘safer’, but I’d argue that’s an illusion. Maybe some muppets on Fox said we are safe.

    The facts are 100,000s of people are dead or injured. It wasn’t safer for them, and it isn’t for us.

  14. brendal says:

    #12 So you think…or so you were told…or so you believe…or so you say

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #12 “Paddy-O, Well, I still want to know WHY NORAD WAS GROUNDED ON THE DAY OF THE “TERRORIST ATTACK””

    Who cares? NORAD didn’t really watch point to point commercial traffic in the lower 48. For some reason they never thought that Backfire bombers would be taking off from Boston to bomb the US. LOL

    In fact, if you actually knew anything you would know why AWAC’s were put into operation afterward…

  16. contempt says:

    #13 freddybobs68k

    It’s always fun to hear people rant who think they are oh so smart when they have the benefit of hindsight on their side.

    Perhaps if you could work up a good rant on the dangers Obama will bring to the nation as president then you might raise your credibility a few points… or is hindsight all you got.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Dallas,

    Great find. Somehow this is the neo-con attitude though, thoroughly exposed. They are important, eff the people.

    If you can hear my laughter, it is because I am laughing at the Republicans and their die-hard defenders. “What do you do in a crises? Well you call 911, of course”.

  18. freddybobs68k says:

    @ #16

    So I guess you agree with what I’ve said – as you don’t seem to be arguing any point.

    As for Obama – the major danger appears to be with racism within the US.

    You seem to be saying its all hindsight and unfortunately you are wildly off the mark – after all before going into Iraq we knew it had nothing to do with 9/11. So no hindsight is required…

  19. freddybobs68k says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  20. ECA says:


  21. GWBush says:

    See, that is what is wrong with the DOW. I am proposing that we remove poor-performing companies & replace them with the Republican Donors. (Whoops, did I say that?) I meant: add Independent Contractors who have prospered under my tenure. And you liberals, don’t think of it as akin to organized crime’s protection money. NO NO NO. The difference is….AAH AAH… Hey Dick, what is the difference again?

  22. contempt says:

    #18 freddybobs68k

    >>the major danger appears to be with racism internal to the US.

    A safe prediction, but yet you show courage in saying it… well done.

    Given what we know about Obama and what he promises it is also a safe prediction that an Obama future will be much more oppressive and dangerous than the Bush past.

    I am inclined to agree with you on connecting 9/11 with Iraq. But on the other hand Islam has made it’s desires known by the very action of 9/11 so saying Bush was wrong remains to be seen.

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Off subject, sorta: Speaking of changing standards, there hasn’t been one post about Scott McClellan backing Obama today. I figure it would be worth a few remarks.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    #22 Monster, “Speaking of changing standards, there hasn’t been one post about Scott McClellan backing Obama ”

    Why would a Bush hater supporting Omama be news?

  25. Dallas says:

    #22. Good point. I suppose Uncle Dave is collecting all the Republicans backing Obama onto one post but he can’t keep up.

    This is the latest one…

    The whole party seems to be unraveling. They need to parachute in Schwarzenegger or someone people recognize.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #24 Dallas – I’m half expecting Laura Bush to be coming out for Obama next.

  27. contempt says:

    #24 Dallas

    >>The whole party seems to be unraveling.

    You would think that listening to the media PR machine for the democratic party. But don’t be so quick to judge because lies and deception are the only thing carrying the day for the Obamaites.

    It ain’t over till it’s over.

  28. Dallas says:

    #26 Totally agree with you and only cautiously optimistic for an Obama outcome.

    I do periodically hold my nose and go to FoxNews and other “unbiased” sites as well as local papers in Arizona, etc. This provides me an opportunity to look at both sides.

    All I can say is that Palin is the gift that keeps on giving. It could have been different. Although Obama is the clear leader we need and the world awaits, a McCain paired alongside a moderate with a brain would have been very tough competition.

    Just out of curiosity, are you a Bush supporter? Also, can you explain how 27% of the country feels Bush is doing a good job? It’s an enigma.

  29. travis says:

    The fundamentals of the economy are strong!

  30. Thomas says:

    Can you explain how 10% of the country feel that Congress is doing a good job? That is the greater enigma. How is it that most Congressman get re-elected and yet most disapprove of their job performance?


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