This woman claims she was attacked in Pittsburgh PA. at an ATM machine by a black robber who supposedly noticed she was a McCain supporter and carved a B in her face for Barrack.

Republicans are just not sharp enough to notice that when you carve yourself up in the mirror that the B will appear backwards? Here’s the story.    And another story.

  1. GregA says:


    I have a store in Toledo directly inbetween the McCain and Obama head quarters.

    In Toledo at least two things are crystal clear to me. First the McCain supporters spend much more money at my store. Second, McCain volunteers are batshit insane people. These are the people who would be homeless bums if hey didn’t have extended famlies taking care of them.

    Obama supporters come in two stripes. First a very professional class. The other group is gonna break all my windows and burn my store down if Obama loses.

    I have already arranged to have my employees out of the area on election day, because a riot in front of my store is almost guaranteed, no matter the outcome.

  2. geofgibson says:

    The fact that it is entirely believable that this could be a McCain supporter stunt, whacked out Obamatard, or nutbag seeking attention suggests that things aren’t nearly as bad in this country as the doomsayers would have you believe.
    A society has way too much free time on its hands when any of these possibilities are fact. In a truly destitute society, people are too busy trying to feed their families to waste time with any of the above.
    Our society has become so lazy, pampered, bored, and morally bankrupt that we hardly deserve the great standard of living we’ve been graced with.
    I’ve just spent the week in Dubai. You know where the Pakistani, Indian, and Afghan immigrants who do all the labor here live? Out in camps, in tents and shacks in the desert. Know what they get paid? About $300 a month. And they send half that back to their families. And they’re glad for the work that they’ve got.
    The US really is becoming a gigantic collection of spoiled brats. If The Obamessiah gets elected by these people so they can keep sucking off the teat of the State, I won’t be surprised at all. The ghosts of Ellis Island are spitting on the what has become of the country they worked so hard to come to and set up a new life.

  3. mthrnite says:

    What? Nobody’s blamed 4chan for this yet?

  4. Erik Blazynski says:

    he could have been standing above her as she lies on the ground.

    I’d hardly call that carving, and I dont think that this has anything to do with McCain. She got robbed in a shitty neighborhood.

  5. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #32 geoGibbon – So you think we would all be better off making $300 a month?
    What’s your point?

  6. the answer says:

    i’m calling BS for for two reasons. 1) looking at the picture in photoshop closely shows some pixelation in the scar while the skin was a little bit smoother. Not a lot, but some. 2) if someone was to carve a B on a face, you think they would carve it so that it wasn’t backwards to the assailant. If you pin down someone and start carving on their face, they would fight back. You would get sloppy slashes and not curved carvings like this. Also why carve it mirrored? the perp woudl have wanted to hurry up and carve it the way he writes it.

  7. geofgibson says:

    #35 – How could you miss my point? I said, “A society has way too much free time on its hands when any of these possibilities are fact.”

    I then went on to show examples of what life could be like if things were as bad as all the doomsayers claim.

    Is it clear now?

  8. geofgibson says:

    Just reported on Fox News, girl admitted she made the story up.

    Or are you going to deny this because it’s reported on Fox? 😉

  9. MattY says:

    It was just proven to be a lie. She’ll be charged.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    OK, so another McCain supporter has been caught in a lie. This isn’t like it hasn’t happened over and over again this election. The amazing thing is how easily the McCorans believed it and used it as ammunition.

    Cow-Paddy, are you looking in the mirror?

  11. Marc Perkel says:

    Next we’ll find out that Joe the Plumber is a fake too.

  12. Dallas says:

    #43 It’s not common knowledge that Joe the Plumber is neither.

    Neither his name is Joe nor is he a Plumber. He’s is another McCain shill plant. The fat chick above would have been “Joanne the Victim” but she fucked up on the execution of the stunt.

  13. JimD says:

    Repukes must be CONGENITAL LIARS – FROM TOP TO BOTTOM !!! And they think they are ready to LEAD THE FREE WORLD ??? They wouldn’t qualify to be DOG CATCHERS !!!

  14. JimD says:


  15. SparkyOne says:

    It’s so damn difficult to get quality work out of these youngsters nowadays.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    I still think she was attacked by a lysdexic nug wielding Mobama thug.

  17. brm says:

    #47 JimD:

    You’re an idiot. How can there be a hate crime if there’s no victim to hate?

  18. Whatever says:

    She’s admitted it…just made up the whole thing. Sad and pathetic.

  19. smartalix says:

    This sadly shows how desparate the “Right” is. Anything to tar that uppity jigaboo who has actual pretenses to humanity and leadership.

  20. JMcM says:

    .egassem siht devorppa I dna niaCcM nhoJ m’I

  21. teliscop says:

    !laiF picE

  22. contempt says:

    #52 Smartalix
    >>This sadly shows how desparate the “Right” is.

    This isn’t desperation of the right. It is another product of stupidity created by our decaying public school system and too much television.

  23. smartalix says:


    You obviously are ignoring the way the McCain camp fell all over this. They are intellectually and morally bankrupt. What a bunch of pathetic losers.

  24. contempt says:

    #56 smartalix

    >>intellectually and morally bankrupt

    This coming from the thieves and whores who live by the code that what is bad for the people is great for the democrat party.

    Bad economy – great for democrats.
    Lose a war – great for democrats.
    Give government more tax money – great for democrats.
    Keep the masses dependent on government – great for democrats.

    What a bunch of mind-numbed robots.

  25. Jägermeister says:

    #57 – contempt


    foreign policy = Gunboat diplomacy.
    economy = Enrich the rich, fuck the poor.
    taxes = Blow them on the foreign policy and the economy.
    government = Supervise the population.

  26. contempt says:

    #58 Jagermeister

    It appears that we can agree on one point. Given your list and mine we seem to have reached the conclusion that more government is bad for all.

  27. Jägermeister says:

    #59 – contempt

    I believe they could reduce the cost and get more out of the government if they phased out the current management layers and hired experienced private sector managers… plus made it easier to lay off/fire people. That way you would get people who actually work and the cost would dramatically shrink (even if you pay higher salaries to get competent people on board) since you could get rid of the 60-70% of the people.

  28. Stephanie says:

    I am utterly appalled and shocked that none of you pointed out that she was from Texas so she must be a whacked out crazy redneck!

    Damn, I feel a little sad that I couldn’t throw out there that she was from College Station (Aggie Land) and that we try to avoid those folks here in the big city.

    Well I will go off and sulk now.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    She admitted it but I have yet to hear from any Republicans anything about their being wrong.


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