Proposed USPS Mail Delivery Vehicle

HARVEY, Ill. (CBS) ― Dozens of mailboxes remain empty after the post office suspends service in one south suburban neighborhood. Some people get angry when their mail is late. But in Harvey, people have been waiting for days and days. They’re not getting any mail at all. CBS 2’s Dana Kozlov reports that one mail carrier in Harvey feels threatened.

The U.S. Post Office seems to think that this is one of the most dangerous blocks in the country. People who live on it say they haven’t gotten any mail delivered to their homes in almost two weeks. Venus Jones is one of them. “Between robberies and shootings and delayed police response, several things going on, that would make it unsafe,” said Harvey resident Venus Jones.

One of those shootings on the morning of October 10th reportedly happened yards away from the mail carrier. That’s when the mail stopped on Marshfield between 151st and 152nd streets, but the post office didn’t tell anyone. “Some of the people didn’t even know that it was being held at the post office,” Jones said. Now Jones, who says her own home has been broken into three times in 30 days is talking to her neighbors about the mail problem and what should happen next. Jones says someone from the post office told her they were going to put a cluster box for mail at the corner of 152nd and Marshfield. But she says that’s not a good idea.

“We have a lot of elderly people, a lot of older people that’s working, and for us to have to go to that corner to pick up our mail, that’s unsafe for us,” Jones said.

Who would have thought Mail Carrier was on the list of dangerous occupations?

  1. bobbo says:

    #62–Bill==so, explain why your post does not amount to: “I got mine, screw you.” Are entry level blue collar manufacturing jobs giving 25 year careers growing or shrinking in numbers in the USA?

    Are you basically healthy or does your family have a history of passing along illness and faulty social skills?

    Were you able to read a book on graduation from High School?

    etc. I’ll bet if you used your massive intellect, you could look at your own story and see the combination of hard work, circumstance, and luck that went into your success.

    Why so self centered and narrow minded?

  2. grog says:

    #62 If not then why are there people willing to jump the Reo Grande to build houses, brick them ,put roofs on them,clean them, then send the money they earn south.

    point well taken.

    get rid of the unions, the minimum wage, workman’s comp, osha, and the respect due the blue collar workers, and you’re on on to something there.

  3. J says:

    # 62 BillZ

    Wow you are making a whole lot of assumptions there aren’t you? I won’t even bother to explain to you how confused you are about reality. You apparently have some preconceived notion of what goes on in the world and I can see that no amount of fact will change your mind. Have fun with all your misdirected hate.

  4. bobbo says:

    #63–grog==well done. Nice to see the basics listed right out there for everyone to see. The repugs of course agree just as you list, but will disagree just because you said it. Just like Palin back-tracking on what a “real American” is. First thing out of your mouth is the truth, after that comes the spin.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #65 JJ said, “Really? Have you even bothered to look up the connection of violent crime and poverty?”

    Judith Basin Montana is one of the poorest areas in the country. pop ~2300

    2004 Crime Data Cases

    Murder 0 0.00
    Forcible Rape 0 0.00
    Robbery 0 0.00
    Aggravated Assault 2

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #63, grog proclaimed

    We support the rights to privacy.
    Find the root causes of terrorism and work to cure it.
    Education is good.
    We’d like to pay for out nation’s infrasture without financing it.
    The police are not above the law.
    Our politicians are not above the law.
    It’s okay if you’re different from me.


    We’re all in this together.

    Correct. That means you have to pull your own weight while I pull mine. I’m not pulling the both of us.

    Business needs sound regulation to prevent malfeasance.

    Like we had on the FMs?


    Kill ‘em all and let God sort it out.

    LOL!!! Damn that’s funny.

    Do you really need an assault rifle? Really?


    The constitution is a living document.


    That’s why on this issue I [Paul] agree with historian Kevin Gutzman, who says that those who would give us a “living” Constitution are actually giving us a dead Constitution, since such a thing is completely unable to protect us against the encroachments of government power. (p. 49) “The Revolution: A Manifesto”

    You are closer to Libertarian than you think, grog. Just a few tweaks here and there and you’ll be perfect 🙂

  7. GF says:

    # 59 Bobbo
    Well then you have not seen the whole video. I can understand that since I have not seen the whole video on cable nor broadcast television either. I’ve only found it available on the web. I wonder why? Because it makes Obama look like the moron that he is that’s why.

    As for Obama telling Joe that new upstarts will have an advantage that Joe didn’t have is like rubbing salt in a wound. And if that was not bad enough now Joe is going to be the one who gets to be saddled with the disadvantage of paying a higher percentage of taxes. Sounds like Obama’s a real good statesman, more like a MORON. I wonder if he would try a lame ass argument like that against Putin or Ahmadinejad.

    Iraq’s winding down by the way. I’m curious on what you think about Afghanistan though considering Obama has no problem attacking Pakistan from Afghanistan.

    McCain wants a multilateral approach to the energy crises, this includes solar and wind in addition to clean coal and nuclear. So, exactly how is Obama’s plan better?

  8. bobbo says:

    #71–LibertyLover==”living document” is all interpretive. Does the First Amendment give us free speech rights==yes it does. Do these free speech rights apply to the Interwebtubes? An irrelevant view would say the Constitution is silent about such rights, and since all rights are reserved to the people unless modified by law, one should be able to most reasonably think that “of course, free speech applies to the internet.” But the reality is that absent an express constitutional provision/interpretation, the government is able and even cheered on to restrict free speech at every turn.

    Only a living constitution protects our valuable liberties into the 21st century.

    If you like a ruling, its “adapting cherished conservative constitutional rights” and if you don’t then its “meddling legislation from the bench.” And sometimes, thats exactly what it is, but not always.

    So the truth is, as usual, that haningin labels on issues does nothing to analyze those issues.

  9. bobbo says:

    #72–GF==I’d love to see the longer video. Got a site?

    Paddy hasn’t been able to respond to this question yet, maybe you can give him some help: would you rather pay a slightly higher tax on your income over $250K or receive a small rebate on your income of $40K. Give it a shot.

  10. BillZ says:

    # 66 bobbo said, on October 23rd, 2008 at 12:24 pm

    etc. I’ll bet if you used your massive intellect, you could look at your own story and see the combination of hard work, circumstance, and luck that went into your success.

    Why so self centered and narrow minded?

    I’m not selfcentered. Some people are born better looking than others. Does that mean we should scare them so everybody looks about the same? Some people are born smarter than others. Should we take out part of their brains so they are dumber? Some people are better are running, swimming, driving, whatever. Should we criple them? Life ain’t fair. Some people just have a naturel abilty that others don’t. It’s wrong to stifle that.

    sorry for the spelling.

  11. J says:

    # 70 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    It is almost laughable that you are trying to compare Judith Basin County with a place like Harvey Il The population densities are vastly different. It is like comparing Apples to Oranges. But I will indulge

    Also a population of 2,300 with a median household income of $29,241 is not really poorer than a population of 30,000 with a median household income of $31,958. Do I need to explain averages to you? The per capita income of Harvey is $12,336 The per capita income of Judith Basin County is $14,615

    So, Harvey is poorer.

    21.10% Of Judith Basin County population is below the poverty line.

    21.7% Of Harveys population is below the poverty line.

    So Harvey is poorer.

    Not to mention it is a much more densely pact poverty than Judith Basin County. Every person in Judith Basin County could have .8 of a mile all to themselves.In Harvey that same space has to be shared by 2,700 people.

    Judith Basin County does not disprove the overwhelming statics and studies that show a connection between poverty and income inequity and violent crime. It is either an anomaly or most crime goes un reported.

    # 75 BillZ

    Spoken like a true Arian.

  12. bobbo says:

    Bill Z–so your success/irritation at the progressive tax system is all based on not wanting to impair natural ability huh?

    You think you were genetically gifted with your success. Society, circumstance and luck had nothing to do with it.

    As stated, you got yours and everyone one else can just go screw themselves. Why not see helping others to get an education, access to healthcare and what not as “an investment” in the coming generation. I thought you fiscal retards liked “investments?” I guess without a bailout mechanism to transfer wealth to the richest among us, such investments are not worthy.

  13. J says:

    Sorry Aryan not Arian

    Gues the insult doesn’t work if you spell it wrong

  14. pat says:

    Why don’t they have the mail carrier escorted by a member of the Postal Inspectors. Believe it or not, there is a federal police force dedicated to the protection of mail with nearly as much power as the FBI. I’m sure the local processing plant monitoring team could stand to loose a guy for a few months.

  15. GF says:

    # 74 Bobbo

    3:38 Flat tax and sales tax. Oh my, did he just say VAT too. I seriously question this.

    4:44 Obama saying spread the wealth.

    5:06 Capitol gains tax cut. Of course Joe would have to sell his business to take advantage of that, der dee der.

    I’d rather get a tax break by cutting back unnecessary federal government agencies and U.S. aid given to countries that don’t deserve it that’s what I want.

  16. J says:

    #79 pedro

    “#50 Boo effing hoo to you. If you cannot get to the same level in the same environment, then I’m sorry for you, not those who actually achieved something. ”

    That is such a stupid statement I don’t even know where to begin. So, are you saying that people in Harvey have the same enviroment as people in Judith Basin County?

    “#76 I see you can’t stand people who are better than you nor smarter than you. James Hill, you’ve owned him again.”

    Are you trying to get a date with James?

  17. bobbo says:

    #81–GF==thanks for the link.

    Still sounds like a very reasonable/honest person. McCain is going to spend more while cutting taxes MOST LIKELY just continuing overloading our deficit while Obama wants to help society from the bottom up.

    ANYONE would rather pay slightly more on over $250K than get a small rebate on $40K.

    Your real tax complaint is about it being progressive yet only communist countries and dictatorships have a flat tax.

    Yes, it would be nice to have a balanced budget. I don’t think programs are going to shrink. Easier to start taxing new products like drugs and prostitution and removing tax free status of churches and growing the tax base by creating green energy society.

    The answers are not in the past, and its not in appreciating what you have and telling everyone else to screw off. Thats how you lose everything.

  18. J says:

    # 83 pedro

    “I’m saying that Harvey’s incumbent did nothing effective to help them yet they want to vote for him. Masochism?”

    Which one?

    “He owns you.”

    LOL You really have low statndards don’t you?

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #76 J “It is almost laughable that you are trying to compare Judith Basin County with a place like Harvey Il The population densities are vastly different.”

    Sorry, you were the one who said there was a direct correlation between poverty and crime. Now, you say it is pop density that has more weight.

    Why don’t you just reference the study and ALL the stats. I showed by statistic that it wasn’t a fact. You must now round up a comprehensive list of items that make for high crime.

    It’s on you now. Constantly moving the goal posts just shows you don’t know what you’re talking about…

  20. GF says:

    #85 Lithuania, as a model of a flat tax system, is hardly communist nor is it a dictatorship Bobbo. Not that that was what my point was. My point was that Obama lies about why a flat tax won’t work. He then sprinkles in some BS about Sales tax and VATs having to be used.

    Your ‘answer’ is to tax drugs, prostitution and non-profit churches instead of shrinking government? Well taxing 2 out of 3 illegal activities is an interesting plan. I’d hate to live in your neighborhood.

    For those on the left. Let’s get one thing straight. Under the McCain tax plan if you’re a pot smoker that doesn’t generate any income you won’t have to pay any taxes and you might even get food stamps, of course this depends on your situation. 😉

  21. J says:

    “Sorry, you were the one who said there was a direct correlation between poverty and crime. Now, you say it is pop density that has more weight.”

    No. There still is a direct correlation between poverty and violent crime. I never said it was the only factor. Only an idiot like you would think that. Things like density and inequity are also an issue. That is why Judith Basin County is not a resonable comparison. Your comparision not only is unreasonable but it shows that Harvey is a poorer area than Judith Basin County so you have provided no evidece to disprove anything I have said.

    Perhaps you should start by reading a book or two? You know those things will all the paper that has words on it.

    I have proven you wrong on many counts and I am not going to continue to follow you down this rabbit hole.

  22. J says:

    # 87 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    That last post was for you Paddy Cake.

    Also, I find your lack of knowledge involving statistics to be amusing. You take one sample and assume that sample represents the whole. Unfortunately, Paddy Cake, Statistics don’t work that way.

  23. BillM says:

    Another down trodden O-man supporter that must be poor.

  24. web says:

    Liberal arrogance is enough to make anyone puke. If you guys were half as intelligent as you think you are you might accomplish something.

    Your manifesto has two points;
    1. I know how to run your life better than you do.
    2. Give me your money.

  25. GF says:

    #90 Bobbo, Lithuania is a Republic and it’s governing body sure has a lot of centrist in it as well as conservatives and social democrats.

    You missed the flat tax comment and I even gave you time code… just so you know, Bush is working hard for you right now and that isn’t a lie either. Isn’t that great 🙂

    Inflicting my values on you Bobbo, no I think that would be the majority of American voters. The majority makes the laws. If the majority wants to make it legal to be a drug using crack whore/prostitute hanging out on America’s streets then it will happen. Of course that has not happenned because you are in the minority.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:


    You didn’t provide a link for where you got your numbers for Judith Basin County. That leaves the FBI as the remaining source available on line. If you ever read the FBI disclaimer on how they gather their statistics, they come right out and say the various local police departments voluntarily provide the statistics. Therefore, I have to ask, did Judith Basin County even provide their statistics to the FBI?

    And as you are digging to find your information, remember: There are lies, damn lies, and people who use statistics incorrectly to bolster a lie.

  27. conceptedge says:

    I recommend the book Gand Leader for a Day by Sudhir Venkatesh, who spent eight years following the Black King gang in the most notorious Chicago projects. Chicago’s crime problem will not go away. We got our own third world at home.

  28. J says:

    # 98 pedro

    “You left out those willing to bend reality to defend their “causes” from your list.”

    A concept you are all to familiar with. Huh pedro?

  29. bobbo says:

    #95–GF==yes you went the extra distance with the time codes. I went back to listen specifically and my browser won’t play the clip. That happens too often, ie, can’t play a you tube video after my first visit. Must be some sort of cookie interference?

    Anyway, as I did listen, the discussion of flat tax must have been pretty short? Its not been a hallmark of his proposals anyway. Now, you think Obama, the harvard law school editor who has run the best political campaign in recent history, is a moron. I will guess that means Obama is against the flat tax?

    Any tax system that balances the budget the fine with me. In theory, it seems to me that a progressive tax is more fair as the “income” that counts is the disposable income, not the first dollar in that goes for food, clothing, shelter.

    Rich people simply need to realize how luck and circumstance have favored them and stop thinking it is nothing but hard work. Lots of poor people work hard and get no where thru no fault of their own. They too deserve a life we would tolerate.

  30. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #94 webfoot – “Your manifesto has two points;
    1. I know how to run your life better than you do.
    2. Give me your money.”

    Isn’t this the Bush Doctrine of the last 8 years?


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