Proposed USPS Mail Delivery Vehicle

HARVEY, Ill. (CBS) ― Dozens of mailboxes remain empty after the post office suspends service in one south suburban neighborhood. Some people get angry when their mail is late. But in Harvey, people have been waiting for days and days. They’re not getting any mail at all. CBS 2’s Dana Kozlov reports that one mail carrier in Harvey feels threatened.

The U.S. Post Office seems to think that this is one of the most dangerous blocks in the country. People who live on it say they haven’t gotten any mail delivered to their homes in almost two weeks. Venus Jones is one of them. “Between robberies and shootings and delayed police response, several things going on, that would make it unsafe,” said Harvey resident Venus Jones.

One of those shootings on the morning of October 10th reportedly happened yards away from the mail carrier. That’s when the mail stopped on Marshfield between 151st and 152nd streets, but the post office didn’t tell anyone. “Some of the people didn’t even know that it was being held at the post office,” Jones said. Now Jones, who says her own home has been broken into three times in 30 days is talking to her neighbors about the mail problem and what should happen next. Jones says someone from the post office told her they were going to put a cluster box for mail at the corner of 152nd and Marshfield. But she says that’s not a good idea.

“We have a lot of elderly people, a lot of older people that’s working, and for us to have to go to that corner to pick up our mail, that’s unsafe for us,” Jones said.

Who would have thought Mail Carrier was on the list of dangerous occupations?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    #34. Apparently, you couldn’t understand an article of that complexity. I’ll post the picture book version next time…

  2. brendal says:

    #35…don’t waste your time…pearls before Chicago swine.

  3. bobbo says:

    Looks like we have names, post #’s, and issues all confused.

    The Monyihan insights is directly what I am referring to, so I didn’t read the article already being fully in agreement with it, or others I have read.

    Social Policy. Can it ever be better if all we care about is ourselves?

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #37 read the article.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Social Policy. Can it ever be better if all we care about is ourselves?

    It’s all about me. I grew up with privileges, a nuclear family, and the right-colored skin. Screw everyone else if they can’t do as well as me.

    That’s what I’m hearing from today’s “Republicans.”

  6. Thomas says:

    > Chicago and the Chicago
    > area are predominately
    > Democrat with a few minor
    > exceptions.

    Not only has Chicago been predominately Democrat for eons, most of the Black vote has been predominately Democrat for many years. What have the Democrats done with that vote and that control of Chicago? While Chicago has some nice areas, it has *a lot* of cesspools and as you admitted, this goes back many years during both Republican and Democratic Presidential administrations. Obama was a Senator in Illinois for seven years. How is it that this neighborhood has made no progress and in fact sounds like it has deteriorated? How is it that in 2008 we have mail carriers that are too scared to go into some neighborhoods?

    Perhaps if you spent more time on articulation and less time on “I know you are but what am I” responses, you might sway some opinions instead of lowering people’s opinion of you. It is possible to disagree with someone without resorting to childish name calling.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #40 “It’s all about me. I grew up with privileges, a nuclear family, and the right-colored skin.”

    Hmmm, I grew and had to work as a teenager and pay for all my living expenses & college. I’m a minority and the only “privilege” I had was growing up in America.

    Kinda throws a spanner into your diatribe, doesn’t it?

  8. John says:

    I live in a different part of Chicago and my netflix didn’t make it back overnight. Life is cruel.

  9. Ben says:

    Arm the postal carriers. Arm the whole neighborhood. Since the police refuse to enforce the area, let the citizens enforce the law and take back their own neighborhood from the high crimes rate, the gangs, and the prostitutes.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #44 Ben “Arm the whole neighborhood.”

    Sorry Ben, no can do. Omama & his cronies are firmly against the 2nd Amend & citizens being able to defend themselves. No victims = no votes…

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Way to go, Mr. Community Organizer Obama

    Baghdad Safer Than Chicago

  12. J says:

    # 41 Thomas

    “While Chicago has some nice areas, it has *a lot* of cesspools”

    As do all large cities. Your point?

    ” Obama was a Senator in Illinois for seven years. ”

    And? His was the 13th Senate district and it didn’t include Harvey. Your buddy Bush has been President for 8 years and our country is in much worse shape than it was 8 years ago? How do you explain that?

    “How is it that this neighborhood has made no progress and in fact sounds like it has deteriorated? ”

    Well ever since bush took office it has gone down hill. You know by his “No child left behind” policy. Which sure left a lot of those kids behind.

    “Perhaps if you spent more time on articulation and less time on “I know you are but what am I” responses, you might sway some opinions instead of lowering people’s opinion of you.”

    Perhaps you are confused. I don’t come here to sway opinions and I certainly don’t come here for approval. LOL You may however and I do think that is sad.

    “It is possible to disagree with someone without resorting to childish name calling.”

    One thing you may not have noticed of me Thomas is that I usually respond in kind. BUT I will call a spade a spade.

    # 42 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “I’m a minority and the only “privilege” I had was growing up in America. ”

    Stupid is not a minority in America.

    # 45 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “Omama & his cronies are firmly against the 2nd Amend & citizens being able to defend themselves.”

    In case you are unaware. The problem is there are too many guns in that neighborhood.

  13. LibertyLover says:

    #40, My family spent the first half of my school years living in the projects. My father dug himself out of that hole by going to trade school to learn how to weld. Meat was a rare commodity in our apartment.

    Two years after finishing that school, we lived in a real house and had steak everyday during the summer.

    I, like Paddy-O, worked as a teenager to earn enough money to buy my own vehicle. I joined the service after high school and learned a trade. I got out and worked to pay for my college (The GI bill was available during my years in the service). I now own my own company.

    Hard work digs people out of poverty, not handouts.

    People expect sympathy from me? Do not hold a gun to my head and force me to help. Show me you tried and I’ll lend a hand.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #47 “In case you are unaware. The problem is there are too many guns in that neighborhood.”

    How is that the problem? Where I grew up every house had guns and so did all of my friends (10-12 year olds) and there were no shootings at all.

    I’m afraid you don’t know how to evaluate data.

  15. J says:

    # 48 LibertyHater

    “My father dug himself out of that hole by going to trade school to learn how to weld. ”

    Good for him. What about those that can’t afford it or are unable to learn a profitable skill. Not everyone can be a welder.

    “I, like Paddy-O, worked as a teenager to earn enough money to buy my own vehicle. …..”

    OH Boo fucking Hoo!!! My violin is playing for you. We are all so proud of you. lol Please spare me your fucking lame ass I came from the ghettos story!

    # 49 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “How is that the problem?”

    Well when you combine illegal gun ownership with poverty you tend to have more crime.

    P.S. I don’t blame guns!! But guns are also not the answer.

    “Where I grew up every house had guns and so did all of my friends (10-12 year olds) and there were no shootings at all.”

    Yeah well were I grew up we all had nuclear submarines and no one ever launced one.

  16. GF says:

    # 15 Bobbo Yer so full of it.
    In the Joe video Obama confuses a flat tax with sales tax and even gets that wrong, it would take a flat tax of 20% to 25% not 40%. He then says he’s going to lower capitol gains which MIGHT help small business. Unless your business is real estate or investment banking a capitol gains tax cut ain’t gonna do shit for you. But one thing is for sure lowering capitol gains would definitely help Wall Street. So Obama’s plan is for small business to pick up the tab and Wall Street gets a bonus. Way to go Obama, stupid is as stupid does.

  17. Ron Larson says:

    The USPS did a similar thing in LA a while back. Guess how they let the residents know about the termination of service and how they need to go to the post office to collect mail?

    … yup… you guessed it. They mailed them letters (that of course never arrived).

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #50 “Well when you combine illegal gun ownership with poverty you tend to have more crime.”

    We lived in a poor area. Once again, your ability to analyze data is not high.

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Paddy… Can you say “anecdotal evidence” ???

  20. Bob says:

    Obviously all we need to do is have Obama, go down their and talk to the neighborhood. Once he does that, everyone will understand everyone else, and all will be well.

  21. J says:

    # 53 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “We lived in a poor area. ”

    Sure you did!!! Did you and LibertyHater know each other?

    You seem to like to call people liars a lot. Perhaps thats because you see in others what you see in yourself.

  22. grog says:

    While you can argue about the wisdom of Obama’s proposals for America’s Cities, you can’t talk about McCain’s, for the very simple reason that they do not exist. Like most Republicans of the last 30 years, McCain has no vision for cities like Chicago. They see cities only as crime-ridden cancers to be avoided unless you have Bears tickets.

    Republicans offer nothing to city dwellers other than to gut public transit, starve schools, strip-mine their tax bases and belittle their values.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #55 Bob, “Obviously all we need to do is have Obama, go down their …”

    Yep, no worries.

  24. bobbo says:

    #51–GF==I don’t recall talk about flat tax. What I thought was well stated was he told Joe that for the last 10 years he could have been paying less taxes and maybe bought his business even sooner. Then with new employee tax credits he might even now wind up paying less tax under Obama than under McCain. Always better to work off a transcript than a memory and who knows if we are talking about the same clip?

    Again–all this hysteria about taxes is really amusing. Brings out the child in the underinformed and assbackwards values voters.

    What is the most important issues Obama has raised is getting energy independent and out of Iraq. All other issues are for goobers.

  25. J says:

    I love how todays Republicans apply a double standard to Democrats.

    They have to fix every single problem or they are ineffective. Yet the Republicans not only don’t fix any problems, other than making the wealthy more rich, they make more.

  26. grog says:

    Republicans simply don’t care about American Cities. They call us city dwellers “Latte-Sipping Elitists” and “Communists.”

    They make fun of us all the time. They blame our newspapers for everything.

    They call our Universities “Ivory Towers.”

    They insult us on a daily basis.

    They tell us that only in small towns are people “Pro-American”

    Then they wonder why we don’t vote for their candidates.

  27. BillZ says:

    > Good for him. What about those that can’t
    > afford it or are unable to learn a
    > profitable skill. Not everyone can be a
    > welder.

    I did not go through 12 years of school and 2 years of trade school, work my but off in a hot steel mill and after 25 years work my way up in the company to have my hard earned dollars spread around to people who quit school ,did not study, did not want to better them self by learning a trade. why dosn’t obamey just say (from each acording to his ability to each acording to his need)
    There are jobs in america!If not then why are there people willing to jump the Reo Grande to build houses, brick them ,put roofs on them,clean them, then send the money they earn south. Its just more profitable to get your girl friend pregnant,put father unknown on the birth record so she can get wellfare then just dont get caught liveing in the section 8 house or eatting the free cheese the government gives her,all while selling your dope on the cornner so you can have pocket money.
    Well it was a technecal colage and spelling wernet my high point.

  28. grog says:

    Be respectful of other people.

    Be respectful of other Christians.

    We’re all in this together.

    I’m in it for me.

    Business needs sound regulation to prevent malfeasance.

    Business works best without regulation. We can try to prosecute criminals after they’ve plundered the coffers.

    We support the rights to privacy.

    If you have nothing to hide, you don’t need privacy.

    Find the root causes of terrorism and work to cure it.

    Bomb the f**k out of anyone anywhere near a terrorist.

    Education is good.

    Smarty-pants are the problem.


    Kill ’em all and let God sort it out.

    Do you really need an assault rifle? Really?

    Guns will save us from everything.

    We’d like to pay for out nation’s infrasture without financing it.

    Screw that, I’ll be dead when the bill’s come due.

    The police are not above the law.

    Yes they are.

    Our politicians are not above the law.

    Yes they are.

    The constitution is a living document.

    No it’s not, it’s dead and it keeps getting the way of kicking ass.

    It’s okay if you’re different from me.

    Why aren’t you exactly like me? You must be a terrorist. BANG!

    Treat addiction and reduce demand for drugs.

    Just throw everyone in jail.

    go ahead now, spew your rebuttals. it should keep you busy for an hour at least. that’ll keep you from getting out the vote for the GOP.

    i’ve done my part!

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #62 “why dosn’t obamey just say (from each acording to his ability to each acording to his need)”

    Well, he pretty much did…

  30. J says:

    # 53 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “Once again, your ability to analyze data is not high.”

    Really? Have you even bothered to look up the connection of violent crime and poverty? If you had you wouldn’t be making such dumb dumb statements


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