Proposed USPS Mail Delivery Vehicle

HARVEY, Ill. (CBS) ― Dozens of mailboxes remain empty after the post office suspends service in one south suburban neighborhood. Some people get angry when their mail is late. But in Harvey, people have been waiting for days and days. They’re not getting any mail at all. CBS 2’s Dana Kozlov reports that one mail carrier in Harvey feels threatened.

The U.S. Post Office seems to think that this is one of the most dangerous blocks in the country. People who live on it say they haven’t gotten any mail delivered to their homes in almost two weeks. Venus Jones is one of them. “Between robberies and shootings and delayed police response, several things going on, that would make it unsafe,” said Harvey resident Venus Jones.

One of those shootings on the morning of October 10th reportedly happened yards away from the mail carrier. That’s when the mail stopped on Marshfield between 151st and 152nd streets, but the post office didn’t tell anyone. “Some of the people didn’t even know that it was being held at the post office,” Jones said. Now Jones, who says her own home has been broken into three times in 30 days is talking to her neighbors about the mail problem and what should happen next. Jones says someone from the post office told her they were going to put a cluster box for mail at the corner of 152nd and Marshfield. But she says that’s not a good idea.

“We have a lot of elderly people, a lot of older people that’s working, and for us to have to go to that corner to pick up our mail, that’s unsafe for us,” Jones said.

Who would have thought Mail Carrier was on the list of dangerous occupations?

  1. Libertican says:

    Colin Powell for Postmaster General

  2. Dallas says:

    .. and Charles Bronson as mailman !

  3. Paddy-O says:

    Isn’t this the So Chicago area? I thought Omama blessed that area and all was well…

  4. Improbus says:

    Maybe the mailman should get a pit bull to help him carry the mail.

  5. brendal says:

    Maybe the mailman should be come an Obamacorn community organizer.

  6. Improbus says:

    Is there a Godwin’s law corollary involving mentioning election crap in a politically neutral post? I will be truly grateful when November 5th rolls around.

  7. J says:

    # 3 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    No! Harvey is a south suburb. It is economically depressed and has been for many many years. Long before Obama was even a state senator. It is not nearly as bad as areas like Compton or the entire east side of L.A. It is a working class low wage area and always has been.

    I personlly don’t think Harvey is all that bad.

  8. bobbo says:

    Well==this is just the type of neighborhood the repuglicans are aiming for. This is what happens when people fall thru the safety net and feel America has nothing or too little to offer them. Its the break-down of society.

    Under continued Bush top down trickle tax cut theory, this type of cancer can only grow==grow until it hits the gated communities and protected enclaves of those who imagine a sane tax and spend policy is a violation of their personal liberty.

    Idiots like Paddy who can spout his bumpersticker inanities but can’t defend them past repetition.

    Good job boys.

  9. riker17 says:

    I would suggest arming all mail carriers, shoot first, ask questions later.

  10. J says:

    # 8 bobbo

    “this is just the type of neighborhood the repuglicans are aiming for. ”

    I really don’t think so. Its population is prominently black if not 100%.

    # 9 BryanP

    LOL uuuuh NO!

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #7 J “No! Harvey is a south suburb.”

    Of Chicago. Exactly as I said. Or, do you think it is a South Suburb of New York?

  12. brendal says:

    Yah…Obama did such a great job in S. Chicago postal carriers are afraid for their lives there. Awesome!

    Let’s have him run the country, too! YAY! I want a pony for Christmas – do you think Obama-Claus will give me that, too??!!

  13. bobbo says:

    11–J==I’m talking tax/social policies and where they are taking this country. Not about race. Although to be fair, perhaps the black community really is that canary in a coal mine, being an early warning for us all.

    Speaking of which, I just saw the extended Obama/Joe the Plumber exchange on a taped Olberman show (yesterdays I think). Listen to the whole thing and Obama really comes off well.

    Sad that so many republicans are just like Joe the Plumber. Imaginary Millionaires duped into voting against their own (their families) economic self interest. Makes the Repug leadership worse than the mafia.

  14. J says:

    # 12 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    No you said “So Chicago area”

    It is not the “So Chicago area” It is the “So Suburban area”

    “So Chicago” is actually a REAL NAMED area about 10 miles north east of where Harvey is. Not really in the “AREA”. I forget though that you are ignorant and don’t know such things.

  15. James Hill says:

    Relax guys. Everyone knows Chicago sucks already.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    Very interesting report on how Obama got a custom made district so he could be elected in Chicago to the State Senate:

  17. Carcarius says:

    Really, what does Obama have to do with this? Next, we’ll be saying that McCain has something to do with the leaky borders between US/Mexico. Give me a break. Have either of these guys done anything within their current senatorial responsibilities over the past year anyway?

  18. J says:

    # 15 bobbo

    “Although to be fair, perhaps the black community really is that canary in a coal mine, being an early warning for us all.”

    Yes I do believe it is. BUT Harvey has been low income for a VERY VERY long time. Has it gotten worse over the last 8 years? Was it better during the Clinton Administration? Yeah kinda’. Tax breaks for these people can mean the difference between feeding your kids or paying the rent.

    # 17 James Hill

    “Everyone knows Chicago sucks already.”

    Bite your tounge you dumb fucking hick!!!

  19. tmomaslomez says:

    There are some neighborhoods that the Chicago Tribune also does not offer delivery service…

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #20 “Next, we’ll be saying that McCain has something to do with the leaky borders between US/Mexico. ”

    Yes, he and everyone else in Congress that hasn’t acted to make sure our borders are secure…

  21. John says:

    In the mid-80’s we moved into a new neighborhood in a Fort Worth suburb. The Post Office refused to deliver mail to our neighborhood just because. I was a teenager at the time and my parents had me drive to the post office to pick up our mail everyday. I finally got the cojones to ask the postmaster why. He was a real jerk and basically said, “Because I can.”

    I sent a letter to our congressman who also happened to be Speaker of the House. Within two weeks we had mail delivery.

  22. bobbo says:

    Now Pedro. Chicago is the same as every other place on earth–a combination of good and bad.

    So simplistic to put labels on complex issues. Silly.

  23. BillM says:

    Hey Bobbo right on. We need to set up some kind of program that helps these people financially. We can even give them more money if they have more children. It may be easier on them if we don’t require fathers to step up to the plate and help out. I know, let’s call it The New Deal! The problems will be solved in just a few years.

  24. James Hill says:

    I did own J. Chicago sucks at all levels. Quite frankly, if you look through history and geography (beyond map study), you’ll find that Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, St. Louis and Indianapolis all exist… and at various levels excel as cities… because of how much of a hole Chicago is.

    As for why this involves Obama, it’s because this is his backyard… and his constituency.

  25. bobbo says:

    #27–BillM==you touch on a fascinating public/social policy issue. Welfare did unintentionally destroy poor families making them choose between feeding the kiddies and being married.

    There are other better approaches some of them very rarely discussed because this country is too far right wing.

    Still, keep up your isolation, “The Dance of Red Death.” You can’t stay isolated forever and when your end comes you’ll still be thinking it is someone’s fault other than your own.

    Self centered, mean spirited, short sighted, craven repugs.

  26. J says:

    # 18 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    LOL Your ignorance precedes you. The amount of support Obama received he could have been elected no matter what. Chicago and the Chicago area are predominately Democrat with a few minor exceptions. Since I live in the Chicago area I can tell you those maps are completely wrong as is the conclusion drawn from them.

    # 25 pedro

    “I think you owned J”


    # 28 James Hill

    James you are so stupid and as uneducated as Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker.

    You really should look at the history of Chicago before you make such dumb dumb statements.

    Not to mention two of the “Best places to Live” this year were suburbs of Chicago. I wonder why????? LOL DIpshit!!

  27. Buzz says:

    “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”

    Time to take back the gloom of night and lock and load some appointed rounds.

    You thought we were dangerous before when we brought guns to work?
    We are going postal on Harvey, starting now.

  28. BillM says:


    There are other better approaches some of them very rarely discussed because this country is too far right wing.</i?

    By this if you mean getting a job, supporting your family, dragging the kids butts to school and sitting with them at night while they do their homework, then I’m right with you.

  29. bobbo says:

    #33–Pady==nice image. What about people too unskilled to get anything more than two minimum wage jobs? Doesn’t leave too much time for that Sat Evening Post cover family does it?

    No, you are describing the families who in fact are “making it.”

    Now, for the sake of society imagine for a moment how to best address those millions of families for MANY REASONS both public and self created who are not/cannot make it.

    I guess you just want them to stay quiet until they die? That too would be nice but they aren’t going to do it. With the top 1% of the population “earning” 22% of the nations income, surely something is wrong with the wage structure of the USA? Joe? Joe the Plumber? Paddy the Plumber?



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