![]() Barry Steinhardt, |
You’re driving along a remote, dusty road, when suddenly you come upon a border patrol checkpoint. There, agents demand to see your identity papers, and search your car. You are taken by surprise, because you know you haven’t wandered across the Texas-Mexico border. In fact, you’re quite sure of that, because you’re driving through rural Wisconsin countryside west of Green Bay. Even the Canadian border is more than 90 miles away.
This scene is not as far-fetched as you might want to believe. The government is turning vast swaths of our country into a “Constitution-Free Zone” in which U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is allowed to exercise extraordinary authority that would not normally be permitted under the Constitution. The government says that “the border” — where there is a longstanding view that the Constitution does not fully apply — actually stretches 100 miles inland from the nation’s “external boundary.” And increasingly, we are seeing DHS vigorously utilize that authority.
Today we held a press conference at the National Press Club here in D.C. to try to draw attention to this problem — and the fact that, as we showed, nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population live within this “Constitution-Free Zone.” That’s 197.4 million people.
Found by Ian Warner
Never trust a story on Prison Planet. Here’s the ACLU’s actual story http://www.aclu.org/privacy/spying/areyoulivinginaconstitutionfreezone.html
Consider the source of this information. It’s the freaking ACLU. There is no mention of senior government officials or congressmen who have approved this “tin foil” concept. A bogus report.
Areas marked on that map look similar to areas marked “democrat” on some other map I recently saw in a newspaper.
This from the organization which is suing so sex offenders don’t have to put a sign on their doors saying “No candy here” on Halloween.
Reply to #1, #2 and #4.
Is there no end to your ignorance of history? Have you no concept of what freedom means?
You have a problem with the ACLU, and probably hate lawyers because they defend “guilty” people; but when you get snagged in some anti-constitutional activity, or get mistakenly accused of a crime, you will go running to those people as fast as you can.
A terrorist’s “job” is not to kill us, it is to create terror — paranoia, suspicion, mistrust, all those nasty emotions — in the hopes of coercing us to give up our freedoms.
Give into it and the bad guys have won. Resist the urge to trade liberty for security, and we win. Democracy can stand up to terrorism without becoming the mirror of our enemies. Don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise,
You will only know the true meaning of freedom when you lose it.
I grew up in a country called “The United States of America” This WAS the country founded by the likes of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc. It was a great country.
Unfortunately it no longer exists.
We now live in “America”. A fascist state similar to Germany of 1932. At this point one of two things could happen. We may continue along this route, and become like Germany of 1939. Or we MIGHT have a chance of reviving that once proud country of Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin. Organizations like the ACLU give us a fighting chance. However as long as people keep calling those trying to exercise their constitutional rights “Anti-American”, I fear we may have to learn to say “Seig Heil” or something similar.
The terrorists of 9/11 need not plan another attack ever. They may have already won.
#1. So how does your link prove that the information posted on Prison Planet is not trustworthy…I mean what is your point?
This bit from CBP itself for recruiting in Wisconsin:
where you’ll find this:
Our agents protect America in America,” said Joe Abbott, national recruiting director.
Why wasn’t the American Communist Liberal Union screaming about the whole US being a “zone” when DC was taking away our 2nd Amend rights?
No credibility.
Here’s a new one. A McCain volunteer robbed & mugged by an Obama supporter. The guy then carved a B on her face.
Let’ see, robbed & tagged. Yep, sounds like Obama’s platform…
#11 I’m sure the Herr Goebbels PR Director at ObamaNation HQ is already calling the MSM outlets to put a lid on this and/or spin it…
Apparently the Nazi’ have won.
#10, Cow-Paddy,
Her wound is suspicious. Most amazing though is in the reports I see, there is no mention of how the “mugger” saw her bumper sticker or that he said anything. Plus her activity previously on Twitter. I think this has a high chance of being bogus. Besides, the backwards “b” would lead most people to think it was self inflicted.
Hey, typical last minute Republican try though.
#14 “Besides, the backwards “b” would lead most people to think it was self inflicted. ”
Or, that the mugger was illiterate enough to be an Omama supporter… 😉
I think drug-sniffing dogs should not be permitted to be used to violate the right to be free from unlawful search and seizure.
Any dog can be trained to start barking as soon as they’re given a tug on their collar. Then the police can say “oh it could be drugs, so we can do anything we want now.”
#11, peehead,
This is quite common, and illegal.
July 18, 2008
February 01, 2008
I can’t believe anyone is ok with this.
I call bullshit on this. Sounds like lefty scare tactics to me.
#17 – Mr. Fusion
April 22, 2008
lol. The Constitution has been shredded for years.
It doesn’t actually matter if this story is true of not. If they wanted to do it, they would just do it. And no one could do anything about it.
Land of the Free. Right.
#22 Don’t like it, move. See if its much better elsewhere in the world.
#23. gqauglia- I sort of hate to say it, bad decorum and all but FUCK YOU, YOU MOVE. I am so tired of people who criticize those of us who would like to see this country back on the right track as being unpatriotic. Putting up with this nonsense is both UNPATRIOTIC and COWARDLY. If you are too big a coward to stand up for Constitutional rights you have no business in a free country.
And I apologize to everyone else for that outburst.
It is not bullshit. And it is not new either. I personally have been stopped by border patrol road blocks on I95 over a 100 miles from the Canadian border.
I guess we just got to stop this Canuck treat. You know they all have floppy head like on South Park and say “aboot” instead of “about”! And it is from them, not the arabs that we buy most of our oil – that proves they are all terrorists!!! And Palin can see them from her bedroom!!!
#23 – gquaglia
Fick dich selbst.
paddy-o, pedro, guaglia
you guys are on this forum talking about how freedoms are going to be taken away by the democrats.
but it seems that people like you only care about the 2nd amendment.
once the 1st and 4th amendments are gone, what in god’s name makes you think your guns are safe?
for your own self-interest, you might consider that.
actually, if mccain gets elected and this trend continues, it won’t be long before you have to prove your citizenship for everything.
you’ll be screened by the police, your phone calls tapped, your urine checked, your children strip-searched, oh and if you don’t go to a christian church, you’ll be deported.
the constitution will be formally flushed down the toilet.
“Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep.”
Thank your lucky stars that McSame is toast.
#29, deoll,
Do you even know what the American Civil Liberties Union does?
I didn’t think so.
Then two thirds of Americans live in Dick Cheney’s Americka. Goooood Morning comrades.
I believe that the ACLU basically tries to do good. But occasionally goes a bit overboard, defending one side more than it should (or more than that side deserves). Like over gays’ right to be married. Representing a tiny fraction of the whole US population, in such a rarely occurring situation. While so many other injustices still exist. Yes, the ACLU can make mistakes. They’re not perfect. But at least they hadn’t sent thousands of troops to their doom, over fictional WMDs in Iraq. And you know the current administration is just going to walk away blameless for all this, after January. While the ALCU gets bashed over exercising a little too much vigor, over some of its cases. Yeah, well the US Supreme Court’s record isn’t spotless either.
odd. I live in that zone shown, and yet I just bought a new handgun a few months back. I’d say that was me exercising my constitutional rights. I, as a rule take reading the info on blogs with as much salt as a horse can take, but from the ACLU?