• Microsoft has emergency patch to stop unknown worm. Users need to patch now.
  • Sun Microsystems having all sorts of problems. Investment group wants to shake things up.
  • Toshiba R600 is 800 grams.
  • Comcast 50Mbps coming.
  • 1050 MPH car coming. Yikes, look out.
  • E3 will be bigger than ever.

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  1. Comcast: At 50 Mbps it takes about 15 hrs to chew through Comcast 250 GB monthly data cap. What’s the point of such speed with the cap…?

    Microsoft: To quote SC Mag’ : “Basically if file sharing is enabled and the security update is not installed yet, the computer is vulnerable,”
    But, anyone reckless enough to enable file sharing on the open Internet is a good Darwin Award candidate with or without the patch and with or without this worm. File sharing on Windows is unsafe by its very definition.

  2. JJ Daddy-O says:

    Wowee. So .02% of the U.S. Population will be able to buy 50Mbps Internet at an inflated price.
    I just saw an announcement that parts of Japan will be getting 1000Mbps internet service for about $50/mo. THAT’S 1*0*0*0 M b p s!
    As far as the “information superhighway” (remember that?) goes, the US is in danger of turning into one of those towns that was never quite the same after the Interstate bypassed it.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Comcast 50 Mbps Coming Soon

    When are they going to introduce uncapped 100 Mbps?

  4. hhopper says:

    Welcome to the Information Dirt Road in the US.

  5. Chris Mac says:

    Isn’t it a bit more like a gravel road?

    Sure seems bumpy.

  6. Carmi says:

    Let’s see: should I buy groceries this week or pay for an even faster Internet connection?

    Food? Or faster downloads of illegal software?

    Tough choice. Great timing, Comcast.

  7. Al says:

    Fairfield, Iowa a town of 10000 has an ISP.
    with fiber at 100 Mbps to the home.

    I guess we are the silicorn valley of the Midwest.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Comcast at 50MBS?

    Just watch that it’s another boondoggle like their powerboost!

    Available for only a few moments if you happen to be in one of the service areas which happens to have free bandwidth available at the time…

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, and Carmi, go with the high speed internet.

    If you play enough Warcraft, you won’t even notice you’re starving to death!

  10. Thumpar says:

    Comcast 8mb equals 3 maybe 4mb in real life, so 50 would be 20-50mb? We do the 7mb dsl (actually is 90+% claimed speed) over the cable 8mb because comcast can’t support the claims.

  11. Thumpar says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  12. Glenn E. says:

    These auto land/speed records are stupid. It’s just a propaganda tool to keep us all hooked on the gas guzzling auto. Because even though electric cars are much faster now, than they once were. They’ll never be supersonic! Nor will anything else you could buy. Because this 1050 MPH “car” probably uses rocket fuel. But that won’t stop these engineers from building them, with grants from the automakers. Just as it doesn’t slow down all the NASCAR racing, that the average person can’t drive anything that fast. These races help keep the “fueled” cars as king, in the public’s mind. There will never be an all electric car race. The powers that be won’t allow it.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    Hey John D. The next time you’re on TWiT with Jason Calacanis. Suggest that he organize a rally of electric cars and add is Tesla Roadster to the race. An all electric version of the Gumball Rally. There ought to be plenty of homebuilts and retrofitted imports that could qualify. They would just have to work out the recharging cycle rules and such. But if Calacanis is really proud of this technology. What better way to help it along than to organize a rally? Don’t hold your breath waiting for Hollywood to make a film.

  14. GregA says:

    Until someone can give me a legitimate reason to download more than 250gig of crap on a residential line, STFU. If you download a 720p HD movie every day that is still only 150gig.

    Also, just checked Comcast in Detroit area across several of the PC’s I manage, and on speed tests they all get 20Mbit+, meaning Comcast speed boost is fine.

  15. RandyP says:

    The Brits are trying to break the unofficial land speed record. The official speed record requires the engine to be connect to the wheels like a regular car or truck. If it has a rocket or jet engine it sets the unofficial record. Seems silly but that they way they sat it up.

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Can you download any faster if you’re driving the 1050 mph car and using the new Comcast High Speed access? Or could Comcast make the car go faster? I believe an experiment is in order here.

  17. JimD says:

    Comcast 50Mbps – with DOWNLOAD CAPS – an example of GOING NOWHERE FAST !!! Idiots at Comcast !!!

  18. Special Ed says:

    Apparently they found that small, unknown worm in Baldmer’s pants.

  19. Special Ed says:

    “Toshiba R600 is 800 grams.”

    I don’t know what it is but it sounds like something to be snorted.

  20. Special Ed says:

    “1050 MPH car coming. Yikes, look out.”

    I want the popcorn concession at that accident!

  21. Special Ed says:

    “E3 will be bigger than ever.”

    Well, at least twice as big as E1.5

  22. GregA says:


    Your analogy is wrong. You are trying to drive a great big truck over bridges and roads designed for vehicles that weigh less than 6 tons. Although you can go as fast as you want, as long as you abide the speed limit.

    So what you want is a DS3 line and get the SLA agreement. Then you can get that 50Mb internet connection and use it as heavily as you like.

  23. gadlaw says:

    Well, Comcast is ending Usenet availability so they can wave bye bye when the Fios comes around. Be distracted by the fake numbers while they slow down your youtube videos and take your usenet away.

  24. GregA says:


    Comcast ceased hosting usenet a bunch of years ago, and they just handed it off to some third party usenet service, where you were limited to a gig of usenet downloads a month. It looks like all they changed recently is they ended that free usenet service. Now you are on your own to find a usenet server.

    Man, I don’t think I have used usenet since the mid 90’s, when the spammers took it over. Do people still have conversations on there? I thought that was all replaced with blogs and web bbs’s by this point.

  25. Altopia says:

    Yes, conversations still happen on Usenet!

    BTW, if you are in need of a Usenet source now that Comcast has stopped providing it, consider Altopia.


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