Capitalism (not Socialism) any Republican would approve of or an easy way to keep the riff raff away? It’s pocket change to the networks, but to a blogger or freelancer for a free, local publication who might ask tough, real questions the about to be elected guy might not want to answer on a cold, windy Chicago November night…

If a reporter wants access to the file center–which will be the best place to find Obama officials and spokesmen–be prepared to write a check for $935. The cheapest place a reporter could stand on a riser with a view is $880.
This is an outrageous pay to play plan that caters to national elite outlets with deep pockets.

I am not asking for a free ride–news outlets pay for plane seats, other transportation organized by the campaign, hotel rooms, plus associated costs for filing centers.

But this Election Night list is pricey and does not take into account some reporters won’t need power, cable, internet or food but will crave the access more than the food.
The campaign could not have made going to the free space more unappealing. If will be “outdoors, unassigned and may have obstructed views. General Media Area credentials do not include access to riser positions, satellite truck parking or the press filing center.”

The article lists all the assorted services for which one may order. I wonder if McCain will do something similar.

  1. QB says:

    After the election, Palin will have to pay reporters to interview her.

  2. xr says:

    Well… at least he’s early with bringing it out. So all bloggers, local news outlets and the like can just stop giving any airtime to either of them if it’s not paid for.

  3. scadragon says:

    Mmmmm , gotta love that freedom of the press!

  4. Dallas says:

    Hey, it’s not cheap to look good and he looks Marvelous!

    Note the RNC shelled out $150,000 for Palin’s lipstick and hair.

  5. jerry says:

    Just like when Obama withheld his VP nomination from the press and then text-messaged it to his supporters instead, he is setting up for a stand-offish and hostile relationship with the press if/when he gets elected. Looks like he’s re-writing the rules of journalism. This pay for play thing is out of bounds.

    Who keeps the money and for what?

  6. jbenson2 says:

    The Messiah works by his own rules. Remember his “temporary” promise to follow the Campaign Finance Laws and then rejected public campaign funds.

    Don’t forget about his illegal off-shore contributors or these:

    Check out this frequent contributor:
    Name: PRO, DOODAD
    Works for: FDGFDGF
    # of transactions: 1,044
    Occupation: DFGFDG
    Amount: $17,130.00 in excess of the $2,300-per-person federal limit

    Here is Good Will’s information:
    Name: WILL, GOOD
    Works for: Loving
    Occupation: you
    # of transactions: 923
    Occupation: DFGFDG
    Amount: $10,450.00 in excess of the $2,300-per-person federal limit

    Some of the names are just blatant jibberish:
    Name: Hbkjb, jkbkj
    City: Jkbjnj
    Works for: Kuman Bank [doesn’t exist]
    Occupation: Balanon Jalalan
    Amount: $1,077.23

  7. bobbo says:

    Assuming whats posted is accurate, seems like wealthy donors can give unlimited amounts of $$$ as long as they do it in small amounts and they enter gibberish.

    Does seem like a loophole one could drive a truck full of cash through. I do assume McSame would have a lot of this on his side of the ledger too, if he had more big money support?

    I like the fact that Obama changed course on the campaign finance issue. Shows a pragmatism that is needed to be a world leader.

    Too bad right wingnuts can’t have it both ways==waaahhh, waahhh, waahhh==he’s too inexperienced. waaahh, waaahh, waaahh==he went back on his promise. Heh, heh, heh.

  8. Brian says:

    Change we can believe in.

  9. chuck says:

    How much to get a hummer from the chosen one?

  10. bobbo says:

    Well, lets see now. You have an area set aside for “the press” and you are inundated with so many jerk-off interwebitude posers you can’t get any effective coverage. Seems like you could screen the press according to some “standard” or you could use the free market system.

    I thought wingnuts were all for the free market?

  11. contempt says:

    Since Obama is going to lose anyway this is no big deal, but what a ego this maniacal douche bag has.

    What is more amazing are those that think this scum-sucking bottom feeder holds the answer to anything.

  12. jobs says:

    All good religions charge their parishioners to worship.

  13. GigG says:

    #8 That isn’t a loophole. A loophole would mean that it is legal. It isn’t.

    There are two possibilities to what it is.

    A. The Obama campaign intentionally set up a way for people to donate more than they are allowed to by law with no way to track back to the donor.

    B. The Obama campaign was to stupid to know that they were setting up a way for people to donate more than they are allowed to by law with no way to track back to the donor.

    Since the campaign hasn’t done anything really stupid yet I’ll have to go with A.

  14. I says:

    John McCain when told of the $935 tells reporters

    “I’m sorry guys. The most I can afford to pay you to come is $500”

  15. Sea Lawyer says:

    What’s the problem here? You have a limited amount of space for journalists, so you use price as a method for allocating them. Yay for economics.

  16. grog says:

    this is exactly how we liberals keep you whine-y conservatives in your place (i.e. the trailer park).

  17. bobbo says:

    #15–gig==I accept your definition although I think loophole can be seen as containing the illegal activities that cannot be stopped, BUT I thought of something more interesting to me anyway:

    What is a campaign headquarters supposed to do if a bag of cash, lets say 3 million dollars, is left in their mailbox with instructions to use for the candidate? No name, no nothing.

    And since I assume no one knows the legality of this, what “should” be done? Give the money to charity?

    Which leaves me with how can money and politics ever be separated?

  18. I also says:

    If they wanted to keep the riff-raff away they wouldn’t let the journalists in at all.

    So, Palin getting $150,000 for clothes from the RNC is not going to be covered?

  19. Paddy-O says:

    It’s his party, he can charge if he wants to.

    It’s not like the media, no matter how badly treated, will print anything negative about him.

  20. brendal says:

    He doesn’t support the 2nd Amendment either…what a guy!

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #22 brendal…better hide all your guns cuz Barack’s secret police will be coming to get them. When I lose mt job next year, I’m signing up for that crew.

  22. Steven Long says:

    Where does the money go?

    Is the single donor limit designed to prevent individuals from having too much influence? If a candidate doesn’t know who is donating then who can exert influence?

  23. James Hill says:

    #18 – And yet, liberals are failing at every turn. While the Great Black Hope will win, it doesn’t change the fact that liberals are unable to move forward with their agenda, and haven’t for 40 years.

    Face it: Liberals are owned in this country, just like you’ve been owned by me.

  24. cmcqueen says:

    Over this campaign all the candidates have had to spend many millions of dollars for advertising in print, television and radio.

    Print, television and radio – isn’t that who the reporters work for?

    They make millions and yet they gripe when they have to pay 900 bucks.

  25. Sinn Fein says:

    CHANGE…the only thing barely left in our demorat picked pockets and bank accounts after the election.

  26. brendal says:

    Passing this comment along:

    The examples of the Obama camp harnessing government to extinguish its critics are accumulating at a disturbing pace. If twice is a coincidence and three times a trend, then four times and more is megalomania. Obama has sicced his lawyers on TV stations airing NRA ads critical of his Second Amendment record, he’s called on the DOJ to shut down the American Issues Project for airing ads highlighting his relationship with Bill Ayers, his ACORN-styled “action wire” regularly calls on its foot soldiers to bombard any radio station brazen enough to invite on Obama-skeptics like David Freddosso and Stanley Kurtz, his “truth squads” has recruited government prosecutors in states like Missouri … And now the latest: the campaign’s general counsel Robert Bauer is demanding the DOJ punish McCain and certain surrogates for raising objections to ACORN’s flagrant and wide-scale voter fraud. Of course, by sticking up for ACORN Obama explicitly rejects his previous assertion that his relations with the group are limited to some mid-90s legal work, but even more worrying is what this whole pattern portends. In an Obama administration, there would be no hesitation to use the forces of government to suppress speech and thus solidify Obama’s power.

  27. grog says:


    if liberals were truly owned, then why is it that conservatives admit every single day that american is being run by the liberal media?

    why do you fear latte-sipping liberal elites?

    because your political philosophy doesn’t sell well enough, and your leaders are too weak to break through, that’s why.

    see, gop == pwned!

  28. Sinn Fein says:

    OBAMA, Making Fascism Fashionable for the Masses.

  29. grog says:

    #31 GODWIN!

    #26 you conservatives went from “the great communicator” to the dude that barfed at a state dinner, to a guy who slurs and can barely manage to speak in complete sentences.

    good grief. you’ve made dumb seem folksy and noble, then you wonder why we liberals can keep you in check just with a few news articles and stories on the nightly news here and there.

    we got you chasing your tail! hahahahahaaa

    you guys would like to conduct a witch hunt, but we keep you chasing shadows.

    “hey look what the new york times said today!”

    hahahahahaha, made you look! that’s all it takes to keep you busy all day doing nothing to support your candidate because you’re too busy trying to debunk the liberal media.

    too easy…

    it’s like shooting harry whittington in a barrel.


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