
Obama rally draws huge crowd in St. Louis.

  1. Improbus says:

    Wow. McCain would need digital effects to get a crowd that big.

  2. J says:


  3. moss says:

    He did almost as well in Kansas City. 75,000 over there vs. 100,000 in St. Louis.

  4. Dallas says:

    What a BEAUTIFUL sight!

    McCain could never inspire that many Americans. Same sight is seen when Obama travels to cities outside the US.

    As Colin Powell so eloquently put it, ‘Obama is a transformational figure’.

    I’m expecting that McCain will soon endorse Obama for president sighting lack of confidence in his running mate, Palin.

  5. shinderpal jandu says:

    are they crazy ?
    Are they brainwashed
    Reminds me of 30’s era German rally
    Only the faces have changed
    The agent of change ?
    He sat for 2 terms – did little
    The only thing Obama seems to know is how to find and work with the worst types of people and make excuses
    Are we sheep ?

  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    I think I see the Pope-mobile driving up to the stage.

  7. I says:

    Good to see the crowds of the 57th state coming out en masse.

  8. J says:

    # 5 shinderpal jandu

    It is difficult for you when your candidate doesn’t get that kind of support isn’t it?

  9. Ralph says:

    look what happens when you hold a rally on the 15th of the month outside the welfare office

  10. Ralph says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  11. WmDE says:

    Oh-ba-a-a-a-ma! Oh-ba-a-a-a-ma! Oh-ba-a-a-a-ma!

  12. MikeN says:

    So liberals, this is shades of the Third Reich, right?

  13. Libertican says:

    I admit the crowd shot is pretty amazing, but what is the value of attendance, except for being able to brag to your buddies that you attended an Obama rally before he was elected? I guess I am too old to care about that anymore.

    Also, I don’t think I have seen as many t-shirts and posters with a candidate’s image on them as I’ve seen with the Obama campaign. That’s creepy to me.

  14. Libertican says:

    “Wow. McCain would need digital effects to get a crowd that big.”

    …and he’s only up 6% over McCain in the national polls?

  15. TrampyKnight says:

    If this wasn’t edited that is truly impressive.

  16. MikeN says:

    It’s liberals that kept making these comments every time a Republican draws a big crowd.

  17. johnnp says:

    another false anti-christ, see how the people are fooled by fool. He doesn’t speak in facts only BS, Hitler style and the people are fools to listen to this liar and hater of whites.

  18. Floyd says:

    #17: The last time a big crowd gathered for McCain was in St. Paul MN at the Republican convention.

  19. Named says:


    That’s because when Repubs draw those crowds they are fascist crowds. Call it they way it is.

  20. Libertican says:

    Not to add credence to the whole ‘Hitler rally’ thought, but the crowd’s arms are all pointing toward the stage in a very peculiar way. (i know that they are just cheering)

    Also, James Carville is correct, if Obama does not win, it will be …just horibb…i mean…i shudder to think. This picture proves it.

  21. pintocalle1 says:

    I guess everyone wants to drink the kool-aid. Isn’t that the same following Jim Jones had?
    I used to respect Colin Powell, until this. Can anyone name one time in his past where he endorsed a candidate that was a liberal and was inexperienced? This race is all about race. If Obama was not a man of “color”, this would never be happening. I would also like to point out that his vp pic Mr Biden just said that all nations will be testing the Obama nation if that happens. AKA terrorist attacks due to the fact that Obama is inexperienced. Anyway, I’m not worried because all the polls are liberal. I have not been included in a poll neither has anyone I know. Remember Reagan was 11 points behind the day before election day & he won by a landslide. McCain is a great american & I know he will be our next president.

  22. MikeN says:

    Well Biden has just told us that Obama’s election will cause a major crisis.

  23. MrRight says:

    A sea of ignorance, sailed by Captain Government. There is no stopping the tide of stupidity…

  24. EvilPoliticians says:

    See the guy in the back wearing the red shirt? Neither can I. And Obama looks as small to those people in the back as they do to us. Now that’s allegiance to the Obama. Crazy. Wonder if they could hear anything back there.

  25. Dallas says:

    What a bunch of incoherent loser puds. You’re in panic mode like the McCain campaign.

    I can see why – 4 minutes left in the 4th quarter and your down by 10pts. I can see your plays from here.

    Wide receivers on the field
    #13 : Obama supporters are the 3rd Reich
    #19 : Obama is Hitler
    #22 : Powell is a racist and so can you.
    #23 : Obama is Jim Jones
    #24 : Obama will bring a national crisis

    Oh my God!!

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #23 Pinhead – Fear,Fear,Fear,Fear,Fear,Anger,Anger,Anger,Anger,Anger,Anger,Anger.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    Geeze the McCainites sound bitter.

    No, McCain never drew a crowd remotely this size during the Republican Convention.

    People want change. They will get it. The neo-cons are toast.

    Comparing this crowd to “Hitler” is just a demonstration of how desperate the McCainites are.

  28. Jim W. says:

    so who was playing at the free concert before/after the speech?

  29. AC_in_mich says:

    Hey, McCain was in Missouri on Monday – Drew a crowd too! 15 People, LOL

  30. jk says:

    great point Jim.

    Obamas biggests crowds happen when he has springsteen, etc. giving free concerts. Palin drew 80k people in Florida with no celebrities or concerts

    oh and I must make the obligatory “photoshop” comment


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