
Obama rally draws huge crowd in St. Louis.

  1. Archie says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  2. Special Ed says:

    #64 – Fusion, this is one of my boys having an Obama victory dinner!

  3. grog says:

    bottom line:

    conservatives are weak and are incapable of piercing the liberal media’s stranglehold on americans.

    liberals are strong and have succesfully kept the conservatives down.

    you wanna tissue, cry babies?

    pull yourselves up by your bootstraps!

    maybe we need affirmative action for the gop, so they can get a fair shake.

    they’re so oppressed.

  4. geofgibson says:

    #36 – “There’s going to be a lot of enthusiasm for a smart guy, a younger guy, one who appears to have a clue and the answers we want to hear.”

    And what might those smart answers be? Higher taxes? “Spreading the wealth around?” What has he actually done to prove this ‘smartness?’ Lawyer for the voter fraud organization ACORN? Launching his campaign in the living room of a terrorist? Sweetheart real estate deal from disgraced criminal buddy?
    What legislation has he authored? What major accomplishment has ha had? This guy is a giant zero. That doesn’t mean that he won’t end up being a good or even great President, but there is absolutely no evidence to back up his anointment as The Chosen One.
    If he does win, I hope all you Obamatards are right, but watching politics for many years, I doubt it. I don’t even think Obama could rise to the level of Clinton, much less true greatness.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    So many posts, so few worth reading…

    It’s like some kind of Pavlovian response — “Ooh, they have posted something I find provocative! I must show myself as an uneducated, clumsy tool immediately!”

    What’s up with that? Is this blog some kind of sociological experiment?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #66, Ed,

    Yes, I see where he gets his genes from.

    LOL, 8)

  7. Special Ed says:

    #65 – Archie, I’m glad you liked it – I think. It was a joke FFS.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #71, Ed,

    Republicans don’t have a sense of humor as we know it. They prefer the old “lampshade on the head” type of laughs.


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