“You kids get outta my yard!”

This has been one, nasty campaign.

Lena Long doesn’t pull any punches. And it’s not punches she has in mind for the thieves – college students, she thinks – who stole the McCain/Palin campaign signs from her Ashland yard last week a few hours before sun-up.

“They’re going to be in for a surprise if they don’t stop it,” Long said in a phone message Thursday morning to the Tribune. “They might find electric shock, and it might shock some sense into their heads.”

Around noon, when Long picked up her phone to answer a return call, she was closer to making good on that threat.

“I found me an electric fence, and they told me, ‘You’re going to have to have that pole in the ground 6 foot,’ ” she said. “I told them if I had to stand out in the yard and peck all night, I’ll do it.”

At 5-foot-1, Long is hardly the picture of brute force, but the 66-year-old is determined to catch – or zap – the perpetrators. Her husband, Carl, a former city alderman, apparently has his own plans: “My husband is very upset. They might have a little BB stinging them in their rear,” Lena said.

  1. Rabble Rouser says:

    What a waste! She could have alarmed it with a simple device featured here: http://tinyurl.com/5mwsr3

  2. mthrnite says:

    Ninja suit – check
    Work gloves – check
    Wire cutters – check
    Liberal and/or anarchistic sensibilities – check
    Ok men, MOVE OUT!

  3. I says:

    Time traveling thieves attempting to steal what has become an incredibly rare artifact?

  4. Dallas says:

    Do what I do with my Obama sign – take it down at night and put it back up in the daytime. maybe I’m lucky that my local McCain vandals are also daytime cowards.

    This may be a better option than shooting at people or investing in an electric fence.

  5. I says:

    If you were to mix McCain and Palin together the result might look like the woman in the picture.

    [Har! – ed.]

  6. Special Ed says:

    Do you think those are breast implants?

  7. Lurker24 says:

    Just do what I did. Put an NRA sign right next to it. Gives them some pause.

  8. I says:

    “Do you think those are breast implants?”

    No. I’m certain it’s a McCain sign above a little rock garden.

  9. brendal says:

    Applying liberal Dem logic here: “Well, Cindy McCain admitted to papering Goldwater’s house as a teen, so the Repubs trespass and vandalize, too!!”

    Just thought I’d save you from posting…you’re welcome.

  10. grog says:

    this is the worst kind of crap that liberals can be engaged in.

    liberalism represents openness and inclusion, not vandalism, and recklessness.

    tearing down yard signs seems like playful fun to the young mind, but it sends a very negative message and plays into the divisive culture of conservativism.

    not to mention the fact that it is blatantly disrespectful and criminal behavior.

    this kind of shenanigans needs to stop.

    i am a tree-hugging liberal, and i approve this message.

  11. Improbus says:

    This will escalate to paint balls just watch.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    I’m not going to condone stealing but after reading the whole article I almost feel like harassing this old grump (ok maybe not but I wouldn’t want to live near her). In her yard she had 3 McCain signs! Then she talks about hearing a car at 4am. What does she do, keep track of every car? Grumpy old woman. No wonder she supports McCain. Maybe she hopes that he’ll make stricter laws against kids getting in her yard.

    The article also can’t figure out who to blame. In the first half of the article is blames college kids and then in the second half if blames high school kids.

  13. grog says:

    cnn put up sen. john mccain’s response, and for once left out any liberal spin.


  14. rbitting says:

    Just curious. Does ANYBODY drive by, see a sign for somebody running for office and say “Oh, I had no idea there was an election and they were running but a sign is all I need to vote for them!”?

  15. B. Dog says:

    I haven’t seen one single McCain sign in the liberal city where I spend so much of my time. I like to bicycle through a quiet town nearby. I see ’em there, even next to the gubnor’s mansion. He’s a Donk.

  16. MikeN says:

    Just put turpentine on top.

  17. QB says:

    I’m with JCD, this election can’t end soon enough.

    However, I do like any speculation involving breast implants.

  18. Chuck says:

    Meh, it happens. Someone stole our Obama signs within 24 hours of them going out. We got a couple more, and they’ve managed to stay out for almost a week now.

  19. Floyd says:

    #3: The vandals were probably Libertarians.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    Libs don’t have a real good grasp on personal property rights. They tend to think everything belongs to everyone. Kinda like a collective hive mentality.

    Oh well. Too bad she doesn’t live in Texas…

  21. Floyd says:

    #20: Other people have been stealing Obama signs, but they actually put them in their front yards.

  22. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I’d do her.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    They must be implants. Everything else about the McCain campaign is phoney. Sheet, I bet even her hubby has an implant. If he doesn’t that would explain the crabby behavior.


    Stealing signs is wrong. It happens. Signs from both sides have a habit of disappearing every once in a while.

    A woman in South Bend IN was recently arrested for stealing Obama / Biden signs from her neighborhood. As a Republican she couldn’t put them up in her own yard though.

  24. moss says:

    Actually, if you do a good enough job of booby-trapping – you’re the one who gets arrested.

    I had a client who business was burgled several times by gangbangers who broke through a skylight. Hit-and-run, they were out of his business before the cops could ever get there to respond to the alarm.

    He hung an old bedspring about 4 feet below the skylight and hooked it up to a 220 line. Came in one morning and found a roasted gangbanger and all the breakers off.

    Trouble is it literally was ruled overkill. He had to pay damages to the twerp’s family and as I recall did some short time behind it, as well.

    I think every other businessman in the neighborhood contributed to his defense fund. I certainly did.

  25. the answer says:

    “I found me an electric fence”

    Yup that pretty much sums up republicans.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #25 Bzzt! Ow! Oh, crap an electric fence!

    That pretty much sums up democrats.

  27. J says:

    # 20 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “Libs don’t have a real good grasp on personal property rights. ”

    Oh you mean like this woman?


  28. J says:

    # 20 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    Or this guy!


  29. James Hill says:

    If one story summed up the current state of things, this is it. Well done Dave.

  30. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    She’s my hero.
    Here’s another one who actually got arrested for keeping the kids football.You kids get off my lawn!


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