Where’s that silly Wabbit?

  1. Adam says:

    Big Truck, Big Gun, Small Penis

  2. Joe says:

    The next words outta yor mouth betta be, “I do”.

  3. the answer says:

    Best not be talking about my hand (or mullet) boy!

  4. The DON says:

    Its my God-Damned Constitutional Right God-Damn It. I need to defend myself.

  5. Mac Guy says:

    Say hello to my little friend!

  6. Mac Guy says:

    Come and take it!

  7. Jeremy Pyne says:

    Where’s that silly silly wabit.

  8. Floyd says:

    Big gun => big gut => small willy.

    What will really be funny is when he tries to fire that weapon when it’s not on a solid mount.

  9. Dallas says:

    What #4 said!

  10. Gasbag says:

    Go a head make my day

  11. Libertican says:

    An old advertisement for the 1996 Ford Explorer that ran in Guns & Ammo magazine.

  12. Gasbag says:

    When a pissie little 38 will not do

  13. marinella says:

    Guitar Hero

  14. sinisterdesign says:

    yeahhh, Sarah is meeting me here. this should take out those m#@$%*&@*! moose.

  15. Improbus says:

    I am going to need a bigger gun rack.

  16. moondawg says:

    Oddly enough, NO, I’m not compensating for something. Hold this while I show you my “Big Gun.”

  17. Michel says:

    It is the brother of Chuck Norris. OMG!

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    The South will rise again. See, the South is rising. See, right there. That little bulge in my pants. Ok, maybe you can’t see it, but take my word, it is rising.

  19. MacBandit says:

    Scene from the new movie “Deliverance 2”.

  20. Ben says:

    “I trust you will respect my daughter’s chastity?”

    “Todd Palin putting the smack down on his other daughter’s dates.”

    “My other gun is crew served.”

    “The other woman in the Todd Palin / Sarah Palin triangle.”

    “Have my daughter back before curfew.”

  21. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I is it quail season already?

  22. Rabble Rouser says:

    Look Ma, No terrists!

  23. mthrnite says:

    You think THIS is big, you should see the Cracker Jack box!

  24. Mr Meloche says:

    ” I can shoot Russia from here”

  25. toddt says:

    Bubba’s skill with the sniper rifle was a close second to his skill with photoshop.


    What cost more, the gun or the truck?

  26. Dallas says:

    #27 wins !

  27. rgspro says:

    Don’t worry little girl, I’ll get your cat out of the tree. My brother Tackleberry showed me this trick! Move it, move it, move it!

  28. J says:

    Billy Bob just got his concealed carry permit.

  29. Breetai says:

    Why the “F” Did I get photoshopped?

  30. gquaglia says:

    Vote for Obama.


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