Biden predicts international crisis if elected – McCain reacts | — This crazy gaffe was apparently buried by the media until all the right-wing talk shows began to hound them about it. Now it seems as if Biden will be off the tour until further notice.

“Mark my words: It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy,” Biden told the crowd. “The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Watch, we’re going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“He’s going to have to make some really tough – I don’t know what the decision’s going to be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it’s going to happen,” he said…

“What is more troubling is that Senator Biden told their campaign donors that when that crisis hits, they would have to stand with them because it wouldn’t be apparent that Senator Obama would have the right response,” McCain [said].

Why is the media quoting McCain quoting Biden when they heard it themselves?

  1. J says:

    Nice out of context attack!!! JCD you are becoming sad very sad indeed.

  2. Dallas says:

    In other news, Palin says she will “attack Pakistan” while McCain sitting next to her looks on in disbelief.

    McCain was overheard referring to Palin as a stupid bitch.

  3. Sea Lawyer says:

    Most entertaining election cycle in recent memory, that’s for sure.

  4. McCullough says:

    #1. How is this out of context…please elaborate.

  5. Johnnycanuk says:

    #4 “Generated crisis” implies that the crisis will be pushed by some other entity just to see how Obama will react. It seems that Biden is saying that “history will judge” how good Obama is. He doesn’t seem to be negative.

    I only see McCain quoted as saying Obama may not have the right response. Where is the Biden quote that says it?

  6. Bob says:

    I am not a fan of either Obama or Biden. But I have to say that Biden is probably right on this. The reason why, is that, agree or disagree, most of the world perceives Obama as weak. Hell a good portion of the reason they rest of the world love Obama is that with him in charge, they think America will be less powerful.

    I would not be surprised is we have a middle eastern country, or Russia, push Obama pretty soon after he is elected, after all they will want to see what kind of America they will be dealing with for the next 4 years, and if it is a time for them to increase their power or wait for the next president.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    I wouldn’t get my panties in a bunch over this one.

    Practically every President gets pushed around sometime during their first year.

    If Iran doesn’t try his limits, it will be Pakistan, or Venezuela, or whomever.

    Even if no one puts Obama to the test, there will be some minor “event” which they will hawk as having been a “moment of decision” to make Obama look good.

    Par for the course.

  8. Johnnycanuk says:

    #6 I would agree. The fact that someone will test him is key. I would see Russia testing the waters early on. .

  9. bobbo says:

    #1–yes J, whats out of context? In fact, JCD tried to make it even MORE contextual by asking the excellent question: “Why is the media quoting McCain quoting Biden when they heard it themselves?”

    Still, its all rather foolish game of gotcha because NOBODY can predict the future and when they do there should be so many if/ands/buts/caveats/ and whatevers to make it meaningless puffery.

    Its also complete BS to assume that McCain has proven anything except the propensity to go off half cocked in the wrong direction===but even that can’t be predicted after he takes office.

    Political Posers All.

  10. Improbus says:

    I pity the fool that tries to test Obama. I have a feeling that Obama will not pull his punches go for overkill just to make a point.

  11. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Call me a pessimists, but I think anyone planning to be a president of the United States of America, it being amongst the wealthiest and most influential, can pretty reliable accept that they will have to 1. deal with international crises and 2. that these crises will be pretty big. Kinda goes with the job….

  12. JMcM says:

    Hillary’s going to call at 3 AM.

  13. reginald says:

    JCD left out the complete quote – as did McCain. No doubt for the same reasons.

    It didn’t take the rightwing mouths to promote this. Everyone who follows the RNC talking points had it within hours.

    Balderdash for True Believers.

  14. Balbas says:

    If the 9/11 attacks were planned by people inside the US Gov’t, then Biden’s declaration would make sense. The alternative is that Biden might be an agent of Al Qaeda.

    Just saying …

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    For fun, I listen to the Fox News morning thing on the way to work. Those people are clearly pushing for McCain, and they were all over Biden’s quote today. Funny thing, as some of you have mentioned, he’s not wrong and it’s not exactly a state secret.

    The idjuts on that show are really awful, yesterday that were all over Powell, too.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    This is another case where Biden talked too much. I’m learning to respect the guy but — goodness — he needs to hold his tongue.

    I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean to predict a crisis — but to expect one. JFK had his Bay of Pigs, LBJ the Vietnam War, Clinton had the first bombing of the World Trade Center. Bush, of course, had 911, the grand daddy of recent times.

    Heck, it looks like Obama’s is going to be the GIGANTO mess of Bush and 30 years of Reaganomics to clean up.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    >> Bob said, on October 21st, 2008 at 11:24 am
    >> The reason why, is that, agree or disagree, most of the world perceives Obama as weak. Hell a good portion of the reason they rest of the world love Obama is that with him in charge, they think America will be less powerful.

    No way.

    They are looking forward to an America that is thoughtful and judicious in its use of power.

    That is very different than week. Heck, it makes America stronger.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    AT least Joe is somewhere this side of Fantasyland. Check out this, yet another Palin gem:

  19. Rushlet says:

    “BIDEN: Mark my words, within the next — first six months of this administration, if we win, they’re going to — we’re going to face a major international challenge, ’cause they’re going to want to test him, just like they did John Kennedy, they’re going to want to test him, and they’re going to find out this guy’s got steel in his spine.”

    Oh, uh, RUSH has the complete quote on his site. Too much trouble for the Christian Science Monitor to get it right?

  20. John says:

    Tee hee hee. Mr. Dvorak doesn’t realize we’re living in The Matrix.

  21. ECA says:

    VIVA le’ duck…
    HOWARD for president.

  22. brm says:

    I’m confused – is Dvorak a right-winger or a left-winger? Help!

  23. Norma says:

    Gov. Palin’s little gaffe – Oooh..It’s just Sara being Sara..

    Of course the MSM would not make a big deal out of Biden’s scary gaffe…that’s just Joe.

  24. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    We can’t do much better than having an honest to goodness fortune teller as a vice prez.

  25. antix says:

    That’s a gaffe? Damn nuance! Damn realism!

  26. Paddy-O says:

    All I have to say is that it’s good Biden will be babysitting Omama. Biden should have been at the top of the ticket.

  27. J says:

    # 4 McCullough # 9 bobbo

    “How is this out of context…please elaborate.”

    He was discussing Obama’s readiness to be president and he was used the example that many presidents have to deal with crisis early in their terms that were a test of their character. Which he had talked about before the extracted quote.

    Clinton had the Bosnian War, GW Bush had 9/11 Bush one had the Gulf war the second year of his presidency. Regan, in his own words, said there was a financial crisis. and he had the on going crisis with The USSR.

    What he stated is true. It doesn’t mean another 9/11 it just means that there will be a “crisis” that will show the type of person and president he will be.

  28. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #22 brm – I’m not quite sure but I do know he has a bet that McCain will win. He’s supposed to eat a frog or something if McCain loses.

  29. bobbo says:

    J==thats exactly what I thought Biden was saying. Did John not send you flowers?

  30. J says:

    Oh it is not a prediction!! It is good assumption based on solid evidence of history.


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