Biden predicts international crisis if elected – McCain reacts | — This crazy gaffe was apparently buried by the media until all the right-wing talk shows began to hound them about it. Now it seems as if Biden will be off the tour until further notice.

“Mark my words: It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy,” Biden told the crowd. “The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Watch, we’re going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“He’s going to have to make some really tough – I don’t know what the decision’s going to be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it’s going to happen,” he said…

“What is more troubling is that Senator Biden told their campaign donors that when that crisis hits, they would have to stand with them because it wouldn’t be apparent that Senator Obama would have the right response,” McCain [said].

Why is the media quoting McCain quoting Biden when they heard it themselves?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    92 J blabbed: “LOL The Cuban missile crisis only happened because Ike let them get the upper hand on their nuclear weapons arsenal. ”

    Here’s the data:

    1960 Strategic nuc warheads possessed:

    USSR = 405
    USA = 7000

    Get a REAL education.

  2. bobbo says:

    92–J==you say “THEY SHOT DOWN ONE OF OUR PLANES YOU JACK ASS. THAT IS A DIRECT ACT OF WAR!!!!!!!” /// I think the direct act of war was USA putting a spy plane over their sovereign territory. Its why Eisenhower had to soft pedal the issue and even initially lied about it which was pretty stupid. The Cuban Missle Crises was all about USA wanting the Monroe Doctrine but trying to deny the same hegemony to USSR. That kind of hypocrisy continues even today. Its not about truth or honor or precedent or law, its all about power.

  3. J says:

    # 94 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    Only a fool like you would look at it that way. The difference is that they had more of the ones that were ready to launch on ICBM’s and we didn’t.

    “The U.S. has no ICBMs that are operational in the sense that they are in place and ready to be fired at an enemy. ” -Secretary McElroy

    Looking things up on the intertubes only helps if you know what you are looking for. You don’t!

    # 93 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    How fucking retarded are you? When the Cuban missile crisis took place the Soviets thought that they had more weapons. Therefore Balls!

    Besides you need to pick up a book or two and see what the details of the “Missile Gap” are. You can spin it anyway you want but the Soviets had more operational ICBM’s at that time than we did and everyone including Secretary McElroy knew it.

  4. J says:

    Before Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker tries to make an issue of it I am well aware that McElroy was not in the Kennedy admin

  5. J says:

    # 95 bobbo

    I know what you are saying but spying isn’t really an act of war. I mean it is but it is an accepted one. Unless of course you get caught.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #96 J blather again further showing his lack of education:
    “Only a fool like you would look at it that way. The difference is that they had more of the ones that were ready to launch on ICBM’s and we didn’t.”

    Umm, the USSR had 2 ICBM warheads ready in 1960, the US had 13.

    Go to bed. I’ll now only answer you when you have an actual point to make rather than blatant lies.

    Remember, admitting the problem is the 1st step.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #95 Yes, flying military spy aircraft over sovereign territory can be considered an act of war. That’s why the US didn’t retaliate. Under international law the USSR did nothing wrong.

    Bobbo, the rest of your post is correct also.

  8. BrimstoneAshe says:

    Paddy-O: It’s all a matter of perspective isn’t it? You talk about significance of the action of Russia putting missiles in Cuba in your comments to J. And what is the significance of Bush putting missiles in Poland?

    You seem to imply it’s Obama’s character that’s the reason for a test while ignoring what’s been done by the Bush administration to truly fuel it. So again, no matter who becomes president, they have some work to do diplomatically. And a test is in store for either.

    And as far as surveys of our troops… that’s a stretch. The Armed Forces have been pro-Republican for a long long time and couple that with the fact the GOP candidate is a PoW…. come on.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #101 “You talk about significance of the action of Russia putting missiles in Cuba in your comments to J. And what is the significance of Bush putting missiles in Poland?”

    Hmmm. A missile carrying nuclear warheads to kill millions or a missile designed to shoot down an offensive nuclear missile to prevent millions of deaths.

    What could I have been thinking! ROFL

  10. J says:

    # 99 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “Umm, the USSR had 2 ICBM warheads ready in 1960, the US had 13.”

    This is the problem when you get your information off the web. You see the real numbers aren’t actually known. I know where you got your numbers and sorry to say those are estimates based on unreliable data. You wouldn’t know that beacuse you are a dipshit that thinks the intertubes is a school.

    # 100 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    “Yes, flying military spy aircraft over sovereign territory can be considered an act of war. That’s why the US didn’t retaliate. ”

    It is not officailly an act of war!!! Shooting the plane down however is an act of war!!

    The U.S. didn’t retaliate because it is part of doing business not because they didn’t have the justification. Shooting the plane down however is an act of war.

  11. J says:

    # 99 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    Oh and it doesn’t really matter how many of anything anyone had anyway. The soviets believed they did and so did Kennedy. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #104 “Oh and it doesn’t really matter how many of anything anyone had anyway.”

    That’s almost an admission that you either, A: have no education or, B: are a pathological liar.

  13. J says:

    # 105 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    No it is a statement of fact. You tried and succeeded in dragging the conversation into a rabbit hole that is irrelevant.


    We don’t now the real numbers. This is due to lost records and the Soviet secrecy. Can’t really rely on the CIA data because well there are huge gaps in the records and or the records are not available for public view (Well that and the CIA has been know to be wrong remember the Iraq war of 2003? lol I don’t think that is the problem though). BUT

    Secretary McElroy stated in 59 “The U.S. has no ICBMs that are operational in the sense that they are in place and ready to be fired at an enemy.” Key words NO, OPERATIONAL, READY TO BE FIRED.


    If you don’t then I will chalk it up to the fact that you are too fucking stupid to understand the topic.

    All of that doesn’t matter though because Kennedy and Khrushchev both thought the USSR had more. You can’t judge a persons behavior based on what they didn’t know. That is the point.

    I will admit however that you are an ignorant douchnozzle.

  14. BrimstoneAshe says:

    Paddy-O: “Hmmm. A missile carrying nuclear warheads to kill millions or a missile designed to shoot down an offensive nuclear missile to prevent millions of deaths.

    What could I have been thinking! ROFL”

    Kudos for completely avoiding the question. Bush putting missiles in Poland, regardless of what kind they were, DID NOT sit well with Putin. Poland says OK to our missiles despite very vocal objections from Moscow, and a little while later, Russian bombers land in Venezuela. Coincidence? No that is the SIGNIFICANCE.

    But in your mind they are there in case Obama becomes president. It has nothing to do with Bush’s wonderful work at eroding relations with Russia.

    Obviously you seem intent on seeing things with blinders on. Perhaps instead of asking yourself what could you have been thinking, you should ask why you should bother trying to think at all.

  15. J says:

    # 105 Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker

    Oh yeah there is no evidence from 1961 that shows the status/”gap” between the U.S. and Soviet OPERATIONAL, READY TO BE FIRED.
    ICBM capabilities had changed.

    If you wern’t such a dick I wouldn’t have to spell out every fucking piece as to not allow you to mis represent what was posted.

  16. Ballenger says:

    On the Cuban Missle Crisis issue. In the 70s I worked for one of the diplomats who delivered Kennedy’s case to European Heads of State prior to the news of the US blockade of Cuba being released to the media. In his opinion, and vitually everyone else’s close to the situation, both sides painted themselves into a corner with continuing deployment of troops and weapons to every corner of the world. The most salient error was both sides not recognizing or not acknowledging that they were engaged in a zero sum game, which was much harder to stop than it had been to escalate. They learned that nearly at the expense of the entire planet. It’s something we should work hard not to forget.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #110, Alex,

    Good point.


    Cow-Paddy the shit talker supreme.

    By the end of Eisenhower’s administration, the USSR had already put several objects into space including men. The US was still working on missiles of that power.

    What was known was that the USSR also had nuclear weapons and long range bombers. Through conscription they had several million men in their army with advanced weapons (the Kalashnikov was the world’s best assault weapon at the time), more tanks than NATO combined, and formidable fighter planes.

    NATO equipment might have been superior in quality, but definitely inferior in numbers. NATO top of the line equipment never went up against the Soviet’s equipment head to head.

    The Soviets also had many well trained and intelligent military leaders. Their allies in the Eastern Bloc were trained by he Soviets to act as one force under one command – Moscow’s. The NATO military was more fractured, less well trained and equipped.

    While you may talk about NOW and the actual numbers we know of, that wasn’t the case in 1959 / or 60. The Pentagon simply didn’t know how many of what weapons the Soviets had or where they were.

    As others have told you, try to learn some history before putting your foot in your mouth. Again.


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