Criminal charge for 89-year-old who wouldn’t return errant football – On Deadline – — Note that this story has become international news with stories appearing everywhere. Most take the side of this granny.

Edna Jester, 89, faces a petty theft charge because she refused to return a football that ended up in her yard while children were playing in her Ohio neighborhood, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer. The paper says she wouldn’t cooperate with the police officers, even after they warned her that she was facing possible criminal charges.

“I said go ahead and arrest me. Handcuff me if you’d like, because I said I’m not guilty of anything,” Jester tells WCPO-TV. The officers cuffed her and took her to the station in Blue Ash, Ohio. She’s due in court next month.

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Arresting Officer

Found by Thomas Scrace.

  1. JimS says:

    I don’t know about the rest of you but if I don’t do what the police say I end up in jail… If you have an issue with a neighbor, and it can’t be resolved by yourself, you call the police, that’s what they are for. If the woman dropped her cane and the kid kept it he’d be the one in trouble… This just sounds like another crazy old lady to me.

  2. Brian says:

    I’m glad that old bitch got arrested. She had it coming, and good to see the cops weren’t afraid to do the right thing. She intentionally took the ball (this is theft, people) and, given a chance to do the right thing, she refused.

    I don’t say this often, but great job, cops.

  3. Curly says:

    The ball is out of bounds. If it went in the street and I ran over it with my car, is it my fault? If it goes down the street gutter and floats away, is it the city’s fault? The kid had multiple warnings. The ball belongs to the lady. Teach the kid that life is not fair, there are no “do-overs” in real life.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, Counselor,

    She is a kicker. You should see her kick while on her back. OOooowee, get any red blooded American red-neck’s blood arisen’.

  5. deowll says:

    Mr.Fusion you need to climb to be a red neck.

    My dad would have considered her to be a jerk but she was a jerk on her property. That means we bug off and leave her in peace.

    Not sure there were any good neighors there.

    Had a kid warn me while I was mowing my yard to be careful they were playing with BB guns on my property. Nice of them.

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Charges were dropped when she stole the fingerprint kit and wouldn’t give it back.


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