• Intel moving heavily into small microprocessors for iPhone-type devices.
  • Pew says phones strengthen the family unit.
  • Apple doing counter-Microsoft ads.
  • DTV transition freaking out the government.
  • Why is FCC buying ads for their own public service announcements?
  • Washington Post getting weird comments on it’s site?
  • Toyota leaked Prius car pics.
  • Open source war is over at Microsoft, finally.
  • Vista SP2 beta coming.
  • Oracle buying back more stock.
  • TI did poorly Q3.
  • Circuit City having problems.

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  1. Special Ed says:

    Turd polish!

  2. ECA says:

    V2 HITS MS..
    Wow, neat news..when Win 7? is due in about 1 year??

  3. hhopper says:

    If you think you have to have an iPhone, get an iPod Touch for all the goodies and then buy a cheap throw-away phone like JCD uses and you’ve got it made. An iPod touch is identical to an iPhone except it’s not a phone and it doesn’t have 3G, but it does have WiFi with WPA.

  4. JimD says:

    SP2 ??? Needs SAYONARA PACK – PERIOD !!!

  5. sargasso says:

    I just finished two weeks of chucking out the junk from my Vista Enterprise PC, honed the system down, and it’s better. A lot better. Remove all the annoying safeties, stop all the self starting apps, remove unused drivers, minimize the system loads on the hardware by using a barebones theme, and it is much better than XPSP3. What irritates me are the critics who never actually use it.

  6. Named says:


    You should just get Windows Server 2008 instead. It’s Vista, but Server grade. And pretty awesome. And if you want, you can add ALL the desktop effects from the consumer version.

  7. comhcinc says:

    if you are a student you can get a copy of server 08 for free.

  8. jim h says:

    #5 sargasso – that’s cool but – you’re saying you’re irritated by the “critics” who won’t just spend “2 weeks” getting Vista to run decently?

  9. ECA says:

    NOW try to backup the OS and programs SEPARATELY..

  10. The Warden says:

    The new Apple Ad with PC divvying up the $350 million AD/Fix Vista money is absolutely classic.

    One really has to scratch their head about just how horrible MSFT commercials (Mojave/Seinfeld) are. They have done more to hurt MSFT than help.

  11. Named says:

    See my comment #7.

  12. James Hill says:

    #6 – You do know there’s no such thing as Server Grade in Windows (or Mac) land, right? It’s the same base processes in both.

  13. steb says:

    re Vista: it took me less than 10 minutes to disable unneeded services, stop the UAC and tweak my 64bit Vista. Runs like a champ on my laptop.

    As a game developer, you wouldn’t believe the punishment we put our machines through.
    I don’t know any software engineer who would seriously use an Apple product when they can get so much more for their money.

    For the same price of a Macbook Pro, I have a laptop with a intel T9500, 2x320gb drives in raid, 8GB RAM, and an nvidia GeForce 9700M GTS.

    If you enjoy paying 2-3 times the price for your Macbook… just so you can come to web forums and post how clever you are… then good on you.

    I prefer to simply buy a better machine for my money.


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