I made one crummy comment on Twitter about Obama’s crazy “I visited 57 states and have one to go” comment and the Obamabots immediately came out of the woodwork to tell me what he meant to say or how he was tired and whatever. When this guy is elected, the concept of “politically correct” is going to be unbelievable, especially in California where the desire of the Progressives to lord it over everyone is extreme. But what really gets me to roll my eyes is the snippy and arrogant attitude of superiority of the bots like this guy who sent me a reply to set me straight. Har.

You can’t write this stuff.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    Pekuliar said: ““Politically correct” is just one step away from censorship.”

    Actually political correctness is censorship. No matter how much liberals deny it.

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    Hey John!!

    Maybe this “paul_silver” guy when to school with Adam Curry. Remember his story from No Agenda this weekend…

    Too Funny…

  3. ubiquitous talking head says:

    When smart people make mistakes most folks let it slide. When people who appear less smart than us make mistakes, they get hammered.

    In my experience, it tends to be just the opposite.

  4. J says:

    Do you REALLY think he didn’t know how many states there were? I have seen McCain make plenty of the same kind of mistakes. Need we bring up his “Al Qaeda in Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.” mistake? ONE THAT HE REPEATED MORE THAN ONCE!!!!! Which one could lead to a bigger potential problem??? How soon we forget!

    How lame as to try this type of nonsense besides we all know that there are only 13 states! LOL 😛

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Much ado about nothing.


    In fact there are really 46 States in the United States. Anyone who differs is an idiot who doesn’t know their geography.

    I’ve actually used this question of how many States in the U.S. many times. Amazingly the most cited number would be 50 at about 40% and 52 States at about 20% of the time. The other numbers range from 40 to 55 States.

    I have yet to be proved wrong either. And the correct answer isn’t 50 States. BUT, to the first person to prove my number of 46 wrong, I will acknowledge as smarter than everyone else.

  6. brendal says:

    John, I’ve been trying to set you straight for almost 16 years now…good luck to this guy who hopes to do it with one tweet! HAR!


  7. J says:

    # 42 Mr. Fusion

    Oh yeah. Going on that line of thinking JCD, That guy is correct! If you include commonwealths as states which is quite fair to do so there would be 52 states. If you don’t include commonwealths I think it would be 46.

    It all depends on how you define commonwealth!!

    I like how JCD makes fun of things he doesn’t understand and doesn’t know about. LOL

    Just like when he didn’t know that bosniacs was a word.

  8. Joe says:

    Witness the fascist left and their legion of useful idiots (read morons). If we start with the next congressional election, it will take a generation to roll back the stupid mistakes they’re promising to make.

  9. brendal says:

    #45 Say it ain’t so, Joe…although we know it is. 50 states…no more, no less.


    If Palin were EVER to say to anyone, “Hey, I’ve been to all 58 states!” the response would be…well, we all know what it would be.

    When I was a news reporter, I heard an ELECTED official use the n-word while a meeting was IN SESSION. When I reported it in my story, the editor REFUSED to run it. I quit. Am sure that the few African-American voters in the county (one was a doctor whose mother was a columnist for the DETROIT NEWS) would have loved to know his views. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to learn about it.

    I am proud to say I am no longer a member of the BIASED media…!

  10. jccalhoun says:

    Where did Obama say that? Just curious.

  11. jccalhoun says:

    So I did my own research and found out where he said this. Turns out it was several months ago. I thought it was a recent thing. Of course, the conspirators dug up some connection between Islam and 57 and are claiming that it is yet more evidence that Obama is Islamic (as if that were a crime or something…) http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/57states.asp

  12. KevinL says:

    Even George Stepalloverus is an Obamabot by “correcting’ Obama when he talked about his Muslim faith.

    The bots are especially quick to point out that Palin is definately not qualified to be president but isn’t she actually more qualified than Obama? Based only on work experience. That doesn’t mean she would be a good president or Obama would be a bad one but she is “more” qualified. How else do you decide what the qualifications are?

    John, the bots are are also card carrying members of the Dunning-Kruger Effect clan spread out over all 52 or so states.

  13. MikeN says:

    But no one in the press is making up these Obama quotes. They are doing this with GovPalin and McCain.

    For example, one newspaper gave the following quote for Palin:

    Writing in an open-ed piece for the New York Times, she said that these “magnificent, cuddly white bears are doing just fine and don’t need our protection. If the ice melts, they’ll adapt to living on the land.”

    Her actual editorial:

    ABOUT the closest most Americans will ever get to a polar bear are those cute, cuddly animated images that smiled at us while dancing around, pitching soft drinks on TV and movie screens this holiday season.

    This is unfortunate, because polar bears are magnificent animals, not cartoon characters. They are worthy of our utmost efforts to protect them and their Arctic habitat. But adding polar bears to the nation’s list of endangered species, as some are now proposing, should not be part of those efforts.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    I can’t believe there are idiots on here who don’t know what a state is and think the number is something other than 50.

    These are the same ones that will say it is not a police state when Omama is having people arrested for “offensive speech”.

    Well, at least it will be interesting to watch them defend Omama as he proceeds to spend more than any admin is history.

  15. History Repeating says:

    Yup, sounds just uppity as when League of W folks were so happy the Bushies were taking over from Clintons painful then painful now.
    In some ways the change remains the same.

  16. J says:

    # 51 Paddy-O

    Oh paddy cake you had to come on and spread your ignorance again. Please explain why DC and Puerto Rico are not a states and why each one is different in different ways and how they differ from commonwealths. If you can’t answer those questions then you don’t know what a state is either.

    Just to be clear I think there are 50 states I just want to know if you have any idea what you are talking about or are just talking shit like you usually do.

  17. Buzz says:

    Heinz 57. That was the connection. He had Ketchup on his burger that day. There’s your terrorist connection.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #53 LOL!

    Get a copy of the Constitution and read it. Statehood is well covered in there.


  19. J says:

    # 55 Paddy-O

    “Get a copy of the Constitution and read it. Statehood is well covered in there. ”

    Oh I know what a state is I just want to see if you do because I don’t think you can make a valid argument as to why Puerto Rico and DC are not states other than the constitution says so. What parts of Article 4 don’t they fit?

    I await your ignorant answer.

  20. jccalhoun says:

    “These are the same ones that will say it is not a police state when Omama is having people arrested for “offensive speech””

    Yes because no one has been arrested for “offensive speech” like wearing anti-war t-shirts at Bush rallies or anything…

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #56 JJ the ignorant said, “Oh I know what a state is”

    Not per your post # 44 “That guy is correct! If you include commonwealths as states which is quite fair to do so there would be 52 states.”

    LOL! Unbelievable. Well, I guess based on your past posting history I can believe that you don’t know. ROFL!

  22. MikeN says:

    How many Senators does Rich Port have again?

  23. J says:

    # 58 Paddy-O

    As usual you only read what fits your pre defined bias. You seemed to have missed the KEY part of my comment. “Going on that line of thinking ” I couldn’t expect a dipshit like you to bother to read the whole comment though.

    Now DON’T IGNORE THE REST OF THAT POST. PLEASE indulge us with your continued ignorance

  24. Paddy-O says:

    #60 JJ

    It’s OKAY to not know what a State is. I just didn’t expect you to admit to it on a blog. No worries.

    On another note, the military is short of Omamabots. 68% of those in the military are voting for McCain. No faith in Omama as Commander in Chief.


  25. Malcolm says:

    John: Why all the whining? Just because you’re going to lose a stupid bet? Get over it, a slip of the tongue is just that, a slip. It has zero meaning, just like most of the replies to this trivia.

  26. J says:

    # 59 MikeN

    “How many Senators does Rich Port have again?”

    Puerto Rico has 17 senators. I don’t know how many represent Rich Port though.

    Perhaps if you are going to be sarcastic you should least know the correct question to ask? LOL

  27. J says:

    # 61 Paddy-O

    You can’t answer the question can you? Once again you prove that all you do is talk shit!!!!

    From now on you will be known as Paddy Cake the Ignorant Shit Talker.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    #64 JJ said, “You can’t answer the question can you?”

    Oh yes, but my rate for tutoring is $150/hour; 5 hours paid up front.

    Do you want to set up an account?

  29. J says:

    61 Paddy-O

    “It’s OKAY to not know what a State is.”

    Are you trying to make yourself feel better? There is a very clear definition of what make a U.S. State. I don’t think YOU know what it is. You point to the constitution and babble that it is well covered when in fact it really isn’t but you won’t tell use the difference between what Puerto Rico is and what DC is and how they differ from U.S. States.



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