I made one crummy comment on Twitter about Obama’s crazy “I visited 57 states and have one to go” comment and the Obamabots immediately came out of the woodwork to tell me what he meant to say or how he was tired and whatever. When this guy is elected, the concept of “politically correct” is going to be unbelievable, especially in California where the desire of the Progressives to lord it over everyone is extreme. But what really gets me to roll my eyes is the snippy and arrogant attitude of superiority of the bots like this guy who sent me a reply to set me straight. Har.

You can’t write this stuff.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Hummm, I guess the 51 and 52 states would be Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively….

  2. Moose says:

    If you wanted to have the job so badly, you’ve done a shitty job running, John.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    As seen above, the Obamabots are closing in on you, John.

    There is no place to hide, nowhere to run!

  4. Lordy Lordy says:

    So, we should judge people by their craziest stupid idiotic fans then, John?

    Is that what you really want us to believe?

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    And they all buy Apple computers and drink Caffe’.

    I think I’m going to hide in a shack in Montana until this whole thing blows over.

  6. Buzz says:

    Which card is California?

  7. Chris Mac says:

    Absolutely *Yawn* Zzzzzzz…

  8. Jim says:

    *shrug* So McCain bots would be better? I do think anyone who doesn’t know how many states are in the Union should be sent to a penal colony in Mexico.




  9. I says:


    In this weeks No Agenda you and Adam both railed about Obama’s usage of the figure of $12,000 for health cost. See above for a source for that figure – hint: it’s for family coverage.

  10. wiglebot says:

    Hey, JCD you are older than Boomers, right. I am a Gen X. Bommers and their kids are to blame.

    I don’t get boomer logic or speech. I call it metro-sexual ranting. It is the Me-Generation where everyone gets to talk, but no one listens enough to consider something other than what benefits themselves.

    Where in the Hell do you think Structured Finance came from.

    historically and statically crazy

  11. #9 — OK $12,000 for family but that is not what he said. He never mentioned family and he implied single person. This is what I’m complaining about. Someone else did the math on the 57 state comment and concluded that Obama meant to say 47 states, since he said there was one he didn’t go to and he was not going to Hawaii or Alaska, thus 50. Great, but that’s not what he said! So whatever Obama says, no matter how daft, is corrected by the bots with “he meant to say this not that.” So he can never be wrong. Gee, how convenient. And, note, Obama went to Hawaii and is going to Hawaii again. He also said he was the head of a committee he was not the head of and other gaffes that are all ignored.

    Or you end up with baffling comments like #2 above.

  12. geofgibson says:

    The key point here is that Bush could mis-speak and he would get ripped all day long, but when The Obamessiah speaks, all the monks must hunch over their desks and interpret the statements from The One.

    The self importance and hypocrisy of these morons is infinite and nauseating.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    “Political Correctness” is already insane in California.

    I wonder what will be the 51st state? Puerto Rico? Guam? The North Pole? (“Here’s your flag back, Vladimir. $500 fine for littering.”)

  14. brm says:

    Accusations of senility would be flying if McCain said this.

    McCain doesn’t know how many houses his WIFE owns (didn’t old man Hensley make John sign a prenup?), but Obama gets away with not knowing how many STATES there are?

    Obama was probably counting England, Germany, Sweden, Norway, France, Italy and Spain, because he campaigned there.

  15. Mark says:

    Yeah, but think of the Obama supporters that didn’t Twitter you. Besides, it’s clear that Obama was referring to the 58 states of transcending enlightenment, of those he has one more left to travel 😉

  16. brm says:


    The $12k/yr figure seems to be for employer-purchased plans. Individual plans tend to be much cheaper, afaik – I’m going off of the quotes insurance companies send me.

    That link says that the average cost of a single person’s premium is almost 400 bucks a month? I’ve seen decent plans for around $100 – plans with dental, vision, $20 co-pays, and $1.5 mil hospitalization.

    The lower price has been explained to me (by an insurance company) as being due to the fact that the pool of individuals is far larger than any individual company.

  17. The Warden says:

    In regards to cost projections and dollar figures, when has ANY politician EVER been right about what they say their plan will do? Answer is NONE! It’s all smoke and mirrors to appeal to the morons out there who buy hook line and sinker what ever crap that comes out of a candidates mouth. Most people have no understanding how congress works and that it’s congress that writes the laws. By the time the other criminals under the rotunda get their hands on a bill it becomes a vastly different bill full of pork and nonesense. Terrorists are jumping for joy because we have idiotic Americans who are doing more to destroy their own country than they could ever do with two planes.

  18. BdgBill says:

    I have met a surprising number of educated adults who insisted that the US has 52 states.

  19. simongiln says:

    Wow. Talk about a non-issue. It’s amazing how people take this stuff so seriously.

    It was a flub. Anyone who took it literally is stupid, and anyone who thinks it’s worth defending has lost his perspective.

  20. Joe Dirt says:

    John, I see your point but let’s be realistic both parties do it. Palin gets all the attention because she’s clearly not qualified. I wonder what the kids thought of her while SNL pokes fun at mommy and daddy. What would your kids think if that was you John?

    Perhaps you should start another thread to allow users to submit Obamabot and McCainbot sitings for comparison.

    Can’t wait for this stupid election to be over….

  21. Buzz says:

    #12 Quibbling. Obama is more inclined to address family situations, not bachelor situations.

    We call slip o the tongues “verbigraphical errors” around hear. I’ve heard you make them. I’ve heard Leo make them. I’ve heard McCain make them.

    Biden? Never makes them.


  22. Pekuliar says:

    “Politically correct” is just one step away from censorship. Wait until the “Fairness Doctrine” is passed by an Obamabot congress then you will see what many of us have known all along. Liberals love tolerance and diversity until you disagree with them. Then you are dismissed as “ignorant” and “intolerant”.Wake Up!

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    When smart people make mistakes most folks let it slide. When people who appear less smart than us make mistakes, they get hammered.

    On the anonymous Internet we’re all stupid until credibility in a particular forum is established.

  24. LibertyLover says:

    It’s gotten bad here, too.

    I fret what will happen if he is actually elected. Instead of internet bullies, we’ll have roving groups of thugs taking down people in the streets who have bumper stickers that supported anybody other than der Obama.

    And they’ll get off because they were misunderstood, because they’ve been abused by the republican party so long, they were just lashing out and should be excused.

    I guess it’s time to start hiding my money.

  25. Dallas says:

    #27.. Yes. Kill Him! Dvorak allegedly pals around with terrorists and middle name is Comrade.

    Here. This is what I like.

  26. obama says:

    worse and more is yet to come
    you are not imagining it
    what a con job

  27. moss says:

    This is what libertarians worry about, nowadays?

  28. the answer says:

    Do we REALLY have an article on Dvorak.org/blog about what is more then likely a typo?

  29. BigBoyBC says:

    Funny, Dan Quayle spelled potato with an “e” and has been ripped for it non-stop for years…

    Well the race isn’t over yet, but it’s not Obama vs. McCain, it’s actually Diebold vs. Acorn.

  30. mentor972 says:

    Wow, these guys sound just like Apple apologists.


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