A PASSENGER jet coming in to land at Heathrow had a near miss with a UFO, the MoD files revealed. The Alitalia flight’s captain, Achille Zaghetti, was at 22,000ft when he saw the brown, 10ft-long, missile-shaped object 1,000ft above him. He said: “At once I said, ‘Look out’ to my co-pilot, who looked and saw what I’d seen.” Air traffic controllers also reported an unidentified object on their screens.
The incident in 1991 over Lydd, Kent, was investigated — but after ruling out a missile, weather balloon or space rocket, the MoD left the matter unsolved. The unexplained close encounter with the Alitalia jet is one of many recounted in military UFO documents made available online today by the National Archives. Pilot Mr Zaghetti added: “As soon as the object crossed us I asked to the ACC (area control centre) operator if he saw something on his screen and he answered ‘I see an unknown target 10nm (nautical miles) behind you’.”
A CAA document notes that Southern TV broadcast a story about a 14-year-old boy who reported seeing a missile flying at low level before climbing through the cloud and disappearing on the same evening. Radar images showing the UFO were initial labelled “cruise missile??” but it was quickly established that it was not a military weapon. By July 2 the MoD had concluded that the object had not come from the Army firing ranges in the Lydd area and that there was no known “space-related activity” that night.
There were, however, a number of other similar incidents recorded the same year.
Sounds like a drone.
Drone on a test flight, yeah. Man-made for sure.
#1 & #2, Without knowing the speed of the object that is nothing but a guess. If the response from the tower took 30 seconds (not likely) the combined speed of the the 2 craft would be ~1,200 kts.
Considering the jet was probably going 250 kts
that makes the “drones” speed ~900-950 kts.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
#4 bobsucker said, “Who cares if the Sun posted it “today”?”
Do you have a clue as to why it was posted today?
#5 paddy’s asshat said “mrphgrglmrph”
It’s in the SUN! Who gives a shit? I’m ashamed of you, paddy.
#6 bobsucker, “It’s in the SUN! Who gives a shit? I’m ashamed of you, paddy.”
LOL! You didn’t read or even know why this is significant. I guess ignorance is bliss, or something.
Certainly would not be the first time a possible errant missile was involved. Still a lot that is classified even after all these years.
Fascinating, Captain.
Ahh paddy me ladd-o – did you REALLY LOL?
hmm… National Archives, UFO’s still unidentified, lunatics, whitewash, warrior women, lozenges, 1991… I’m gonna go with ‘warrior women’.
I’m still ashamed of you.
#4. The MoD has opened up it’s classified docs. Thats why it’s old. If new information was revealed about the Kennedy assassination, wouldn’t you want to hear about it?
Pure ‘X’ files, but I do remember “flying telephone poles” coming up out of the clouds 35 years ago… (they were’nt UFO’s… )
It was an object, it was flying and it was unidentified, therefore it was a UFO – an unidentified flying object. That doesn’t mean it was of extra-terrestial origin.
#13 Yes, the only thing we know is that no terrestrial origin has been identified.
It was a missile, those Muslims never RTFM.
That was Obama coming from Krypton.
Obviously military in origin. You don’t expect them to admit to secret operations do you? Of course they say there was no military activity. That’s what they always say. Probably 90% of UFOs are secret military ‘black’ projects or experimental aircraft.
#17. Yeah, but it’s that 10% that’s worrisome….
England has the most heavily crowded airspace in the World. Look up, and you are almost guaranteed to see an aircraft. Flying saucers, too – depending on how sauced you are.
#17 “Obviously military in origin.”
No. Nothing to this day has been fielded that is this effective. That’s the weakness of this line of argument. Based on the # of different, incredibly ultra-high performance UFOs that have been documented over the last 50 years, how come no production craft remotely like those have put into production?
#19 – Speaking of flying sauced.
It’s obviously a UFT – Unidentified Flying TURD !!!
Pilots in Viet Nam likened the SAM Missiles that whizzed by to “Flying Telephone Poles” ….
I, for one, welcome our new cigar-shaped overlords! (Just don’t go near them with a lighter!)
If it was ID’ed as a missile then it isn’t a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). But until it is ID’ed then it remains a UFO.