Will Stroh got me this $10,000,000 note — classic hyper-inflation money. The added twisty is that the money expires. You should note that there is a watermark, some special weird ink is used (that you cannot see on the scans) and there is a security stripe inside the bill. Before it expired it may have been worth as much as US$40,000 according to some money conversion formulas. So, when it was in circulation, it has some unusually high value for paper money. I need to dig up some old Brazilian money next.

  1. sargasso says:

    Traveling there, stash a few hundred US$ and never, ever, buy at the official conversion rate.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – sagasso

    You don’t want to travel to Zimbabwe nowadays… 😉

  3. Docfester says:

    I think Congress should be paid this way. They might actually get some work done…

  4. green says:

    Laugh now. greenback later.

  5. chuck says:

    #1 (#2 has it right) – a white guy walking around in Zimbabwe is considered to be a walking cash machine.

    Until he runs out of cash. Then he stops walking and becomes dead.

  6. Jetfire says:

    Best thing for the Bank is they printed it on July 1st. LoL

  7. luiz br says:

    Mr. Dvorak, the Brazilian money never got that high, we had inflation, but not on that scale.
    i still remember that time, is very difficult to find that money, the government took all back to exchange for “real” money.

  8. George says:

    Just remember that “white folks’ greed runs a world in need”.

  9. R.O.P. says:

    Jesus, it took you this long to post this? Maybe you need to cut down on the “No Agenda” shows to twice a month.

  10. contempt says:

    When Zimbabwe was a real nation known as Rhodesia it was a safe and thriving country. Of course we couldn’t allow this to continue because it was governed by those evil white people.

    In just a few short decades of black rule it is now nothing but a hell hole of crime, poverty, corruption and disease whose people survive off of mostly foreign aid.

    There’s a lesson in there somewhere.

  11. Inflation says:

    Rhodesia used to be a very prosperous country

  12. chuck says:

    What people don’t realize is that when Obama said he’d only raises taxes people who make more than $250K, he was referring to Zimbabwe dollars.

    Ok that was a joke. But at the rate things are going, we’ll all be using Zimbabwe money is a few months.

  13. brendal says:

    I’ve got some Indonesian currency from my trip to Bali that will make you feel like a ROCK STAR! When I checked out of the Ritz-Carlton there, I felt like a queen…even got a PERSONAL escort through customs by their uniformed staff…no baggage search for me!

  14. R.O.P. says:

    “Safe” for white folks contempt. You missed your KKK meeting today. You really are a racist a**hole!

  15. Stars & Bars says:

    Re: “I need to dig up some old Brazilian money next.”

    And after that, we all will be able to produce a Federal Reserve Note.

    Better cash out your IRA’s & 401k’s before the penalty for doing so becomes prohibitively expensive and all of your investments magically get converted from mutual funds to long term U.S. Treasury Notes.

    And you thought it was over, it hasn’t even begun.

  16. R.O.P — Yes, I’m not getting these things done expeditiously. I’m noticing too.

  17. Nimby says:

    I once saw a 500,000,000,000 (five hundred BILLION) Serbian dinar note. My driver (in Kosovo) told me that, due to government price controls, one month his pay check was barely sufficient to meet his obligations and feed his family. The next month, the same salary was sufficient to buy a new car AND he paid the phone bill for his entire apartment building!

    But my favorite was Angola – 1992? – when their hyperinflation was in midstream but the government had not reprinted larger denominations. I think the largest bill was 50,000 kwanza. Everybody carried a bag of money with them. In restaurants, it was common to pay the dinner check by weighing stacks of bills instead of counting them.


  18. Gasbag says:

    That one expensive piece of toilet paper

  19. contempt says:

    #14 ROP

    >>“Safe” for white folks contempt. You missed your KKK meeting today. You really are a racist a**hole!

    What was I thinking? You’re right it’s much better now. White guilt has been appeased and the god of political correctness is satisfied.

    I bow to your superior intellect.

  20. The DON says:

    Haven’t you just broken some law in making a copy of that note?

  21. jbellies says:

    BBC’s “From Our Own Correspondent” podcast had a show a few months ago, reflecting upon the demise of the Zimbabwean dollar. Ten years earlier, a certain amount of currency (I don’t remember how many millions), would have bought you a gold mine (literally!). Five years later, the same amount would buy you a luxury house. Three more years, only a car. At the time of the broadcast, the same figure would buy a cup of tea!

  22. Farquaon says:

    I have a 150 billion Zimbabwe note, you want a scan of that? It expires the end of December. John, 10 million is so…last week!


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