Trying to reach across party lines McCain’s shock collar goes off.

  1. Sinn Fein says:

    BO spreads his SBD farts like he wants everybody else to spread their wealth!

  2. Jägermeister says:

    How close Palin is to become the President of the United States of America.

  3. Carcarius says:

    Watching SNL now…not funny yet.

  4. ECA says:

    duck duck GOOSE!!!!

  5. nunyac says:

    McCain reacts to Presidential race leader BO.
    (Oh! did we forget the comma?)

  6. Freyar says:

    Excellent.. My evil plan is afoot. He will die in three, two, one..

  7. MikeN says:

    Media photographers and editors engage in more bias. This time McCain’s tongue after a series of pictures of Palin’s heels.

  8. Thumpar says:

    Oh crap, change is coming out of his ass.

  9. GetSmart says:


  10. ECA says:


  11. eyeofthetiger says:


  12. wwht says:

    Well, what do you think? They had to kiss our ass & like it too!!! Senator McCain responding to questions about how his family had treated their slaves.

  13. Funny Man says:

    John’s reptile genes make an appearance.

  14. uzam says:

    Mr.McCain was exhausted!

  15. ECA says:


  16. Dallas says:

    “Candidates after debate bio break”

  17. Nth of the 49th says:

    Trying to reach across party lines McCains shock collar goes off.

    (stole that off digg from the same pic)

    [Perfect! – ed.]

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    MacCain likes black asses.

  19. Montanaguy says:

    My god! How many bean burritos did that one eat?

  20. ECA says:

    Can we resurrect the “FICKLED FINGER OF FATE” Award…??

  21. faylasoof says:


  22. rance bleester says:

    I gotta puke!
    Find me a lap.

  23. Hugh Ripper says:

    “There was an old man who swallowed a fly. Don’t ask me why he swallowed a fly.”

  24. JimD says:

    McCain Seys: “All this LYING, LEAVES A BAD TASTE IN MY MOUTH!!!”


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