Sex offenders in Maryland have begun receiving paper signs in the mail that read “No candy at this residence,” which they must post on their front doors or possibly face a parole violation. The signs began arriving last week in the mailboxes of the about 1,200 violent and child-sex offenders across Maryland. The signs were accompanied by a letter explaining they must stay at home, turn off outside lights and not answer the door on Halloween.

Maryland is also distributing pamphlets statewide to warn families to stay away from homes with the pumpkin signs. “Halloween provides a rare opportunity for you to demonstrate to your neighbors that you are making a sincere effort to change the direction of your life,” the letter to sex offenders reads.

Maryland, which began the program in 2005, is among a number of states placing Halloween restrictions on sex offenders. Maryland’s regulations are almost identical to those adopted in Missouri, where four convicted sex offenders and the American Civil Liberties Union are challenging the state law in federal court.

I predict lots of eggs and toilet paper for offenders.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    I wouldn’t have a problem with this but, I believe (correct me if wrong) an 18 year old high school student can get this label for having a 17 year old girl friend.

  2. JimD says:


  3. JimD says:

    Sorry, that’s “Joe the Plumber” …

  4. Ben says:

    I ate all the candy I bought for the trick-or-treaters. Can I get one of these signs even though I am NOT a sex offender? I don’t want to buy any more candy because I will eat it all before Halloween night.

  5. SparkyOne says:

    Hey, my brokers new van!

  6. Dave W says:

    An 18 year old high school student with a 17 year old girlfriend can be convicted for statutory rape in most states, let alone being labeled a sex offender.*

    Being labeled a sex offender can spring from simply taking off your shirt in the wrong place, if you are male. *

    All the above is bad enough. Now apparently we have mandatory speech instead of free speech. Clearly the fascists and terrorists have won.

    * Yes, I know that these are rare events. But they can and have happened.

  7. prh says:

    If these people are dangerous, why aren’t they still in prison? It seems these release programs are an elaborate name and shame system and nothing more. Don’t be surprised when they bring back the stockades in the public square.

  8. tcc3 says:

    Even if they aren’t the absurd special cases above:

    If they truly cannot be rehabilitated and will always be a danger, then why are they free? Either imprison forever or kill them. It would be more humane than this scarlet letter bullshit.

  9. AC_in_mich says:

    hmm, well I was just hearing on the radio about a story out of Chicago where some guy is going around in a van dressed as a clown with balloons and trying to lure young kids into the van, so I don’t feel sorry for the majority of Sex criminals. Sure, the 18 year old with 17 year old GF is another matter, but some of these people just don’t deserve to live is my opinion


  10. Paddy-O says:

    #8 “If they truly cannot be rehabilitated and will always be a danger, then why are they free?”

    One word,
    Democrats Guess who appoints judges like her?

  11. Dallas says:

    I think I just found my Halloween party outfit – Joe the Plumber! Better yet, since I’m going to a gay street party, I only need a tool belt!

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2 & 3, Jim,

    And if Tom is a tax cheat, then he should also have a sign.


    Can the “sex offenders” put up a sign suggesting they will still do tricks?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Cow-Paddy,

    So what is your point? That the Constitution doesn’t count if enough people don’t want it in their State? You want to be known as the constitutional expert around here, what part of this law or the California Constitution allows it to trump the 4th, 5th, 9th, and 14th Amendments?

    When a case is brought before a Judge, that Judge is expected to rule up[on the merits and the law. In this case there is sufficient contravention of the Constitution of the United States of America to nullify the Proposition. Numbers don’t matter when it comes to protecting minority positions.

    I hate using this tired analogy, but if the States were allowed to ignore the Constitution we would still have legal segregation in many States.

  14. N74JW says:

    I am in no way shape or form in support of sex offenders, but this is a little much. They did their time in jail, which was probably a living hell. Those have paid or are paying their debt to society.

    What next? Arm-bands w/Sex Offender written on them?

    If they are that dangerous then they should be in a hospital somewhere. maybe we should export them to Mexico?

  15. Dallas says:

    #14 Ha ! LOL. Yes, of course.

  16. Jägermeister says:

    Joe the Plumber says Trick and eat!

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – Dallas – I think I just found my Halloween party outfit – Joe the Plumber! Better yet, since I’m going to a gay street party…

    So’s James Hill

  18. Special Ed says:

    I’m going naked on roller skates as a pull toy.

  19. Angel H. Wong says:


    That’s because American children are the dumbest, idiotic, can’t-wipe-their-own-asses-witout-assistance, useless, imbecillic sacs of flesh and water in the universe.

    Well, that’s what all those “for the children” groups in the USA are advertising with all of their outrage for just anything that isn’t dull and bland.

  20. Numerically speaking there are relatively few re-offending sex offenders. Most criminals that commit a sex crime did not have a sex offense on their record. recidivism is actually a very minute occurrence in general. However, instead of all these laws brought on to “protect the children” after the fact why not working towards prevention before the fact. It is much more a disease than a criminal behavior. Just check out NAMBLA.

    When the witch hunt is over maybe politicians will take their heads out of their asses and stop worrying about re-election and start worrying about the people that elect them.

  21. clone4crw says:

    #20 is so true. Guess who made that picture


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