Found by John Ligums

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I understand that ‘W’ got right on this and has FEMA helping these poor souls out with affordable penthouse double-wides.

  2. Hoamie says:

    that video would be funnier if it were… funny.

  3. skunkman62 says:

    looks and sounds like “the office” but not funny. yawn

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Sorry, but this actually pisses me off. Yeah, the brokers blew it, but there were thousands of other employees at Lehman Brothers who were innocent victims of this calamity.

    This video thumbs its nose at those people.

  5. a mac guy too says:

    how does it thumb its nose at those people? it doesn’t mention those people.

  6. usa35 says:

    It thumbs its nose at all of us who aren’t brokers.

  7. brendal says:

    Many more layoffs to follow, am sad to say.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    This isn’t from the Onion, is it?

    No way this is a real story, at least on the surface.

  9. sh says:

    A broker that got Broker…ah poor thing.

  10. Brian says:

    There’s no way this is legit…talking about how he’s going to ‘give it a shot’ at cleaning, or his first ‘rub and tug’, or sitting on the couch watching tv in a suit.

    Bad attempt at humor, trying to be marketed as a straight video.

  11. what are you guys on says:

    For the people who are incredibly dumb, this was a joke video.


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