Letterman Finally Gets His McCain, McCain Admits He “Screwed Up” By Canceling Previous Appearance – CBS News — Mccain is so relaxed and personable in a charming goofball way on these shows that you’d think he would be doing them all the time. Who is advising him not to?

McCain’s appearance on “Late Show” wasn’t without drama this time around either. There was a two-hour delay flying into the New York area, so McCain got off his campaign plane in Pennsylvania and took a helicopter to be sure to make the show.

Letterman’s verbal assault on McCain right after the cancellation was relentless.

Of course this blog predicted all of this.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Good for McCain. At least he got around to stating the obvious!

  2. LinkManDX says:

    I suppose he’s being told to not go on these shows because there’s a fear that a left-slanting host would try and grill him, but this is conditional on that a) there’s a left-slanting host and b) they are willing to show that they are a left-slanting host.

  3. jim h says:

    McCain should have run as himself, instead of pulling out the Karl Rove playbook one more time.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Sure, he can turn on the charm for 30 seconds or a minute, but put him in a room for 90 minutes with Obama, of 6 hours with “Vladimir” or Chavez, and he’ll blow his top. If Angela Merkel doesn’t agree with him, he’ll probably go all red in the face and bellow “AT LEAST I DON’T PLASTER ON MAKEUP LIKE A TROLLOP, YOU C&NT!!” at her.

  5. Grandpa says:

    Letterman should have had Bush on instead and accidentally call him McCain the whole time.

  6. jobs says:

    #3 “not going to be around for long” He has been on almost every night for 27 years, I think he has all ready been around for long.

    When McCain is on these shows he seem like a real human.

  7. Peter_m says:

    Joe the plumber for vice-president… way better then Palin!

  8. J says:

    “Mccain is so relaxed and personable in a charming goofball way ”

    Are you kidding me? He is as uncomfortable looking as a caged rat.

  9. bob says:


    Mr Leno?

    Letterman is great! And I think there’s a clip* out there of him saying he would vote for Ron Paul.

    *(the clip is from the late 80’s)

  10. Carcarius says:

    Who paid for the helicopter flight?

  11. J says:

    I will say though that McCain looked relaxed and was pretty funny at the Alfred E Smith Dinner tonight.

  12. J says:

    # 12 Carcarius

    “Who paid for the helicopter flight?”

    I think it was World Wide Pants.

  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I don’t think he looks very natural at all. As a matter of fact, I can’t vote for McCain unless he can prove that he’s not a robot. I think I remember reading that that he died last year.

  14. ramuno says:

    It turns out tha Joe is an unlicenced plummer making $40k last year and paid $0 taxes. The company he works for is out of his abilitiy to buy. Tha company makes $100k a year and would save around $500 under Obamas tax plan versus MCain’s.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #6 – Grampy

    >>Letterman should have had Bush on instead
    >>and accidentally call him McCain the whole

    I don’t think Dumbya is welcome back on Letterman. When he appeared in 2000, after Letterman’s quintuple bypass surgery, he was booed off the stage after making ill-considered remarks about Letterman’s open-heart surgery.


  16. Carcarius says:

    I still don’t think the jabs by Letterman against McCain hurt McCain in the least.


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