There’s actually an error in this report. Joe doesn’t own the company he works for, Newell Plumbing, which may be in trouble for having Joe work in an area neither are licensed for.

Turns out that “Joe the Plumber,” as he became nationally known when Senator John McCain made him a theme at Wednesday night’s third and final presidential debate, may run a plumbing business but he is not a licensed plumber. His full name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. And he owes a bit in back taxes.

The premise of his question to Mr. Obama about taxes may also be flawed, according to tax analysts.

An official at Local 50 of the plumber’s union, based in Toledo, said Mr. Wurzelbacher does not hold a license. He also has never served an apprenticeship and does not belong to the union. (The national plumber’s union, the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Mechanics, endorsed Mr. Obama, it should be noted.)

“He’s basically playing games with the world,” Thomas Joseph, the local’s business manager, said in a telephone interview Thursday morning.
“All contractors are licensed, and he does not have a license, either as a contractor or a plumber,” the union official said, citing a search of government records. “I can’t find that he’s ever even applied for any kind of apprenticeship, and he has never belonged to local 189 in Columbus, which is what he claims on his Facebook page.”

According to public records, Mr. Wurzelbacher has been subject to two liens, each over $1,000, one of which — a personal tax lien — is still outstanding.

And his question to Mr. Obama about paying taxes? According to some tax analysts, if Mr. Wurzelbacher’s gross receipts from his business is $250,000 — and not his taxable income — then he would not have to pay higher taxes under Mr. Obama’s plan, and probably would be eligible for a tax cut.

Mr. Wurzelbacher is registered to vote in Lucas County under the name Samuel Joseph Worzelbacher.

Since his name is spelled wrong, doesn’t that mean he can’t vote?

And in case you hear about the supposed connection between Robert M. Wurzelbacher of Milford, OH and Charles Keating’s son-in-law of the same name, forget it.

Thanks to Misanthropic Scott

  1. J says:

    # 101 Paddy-O

    Paddy cake you are so droll. You know you have been bested now you resort to these silly games. Next time you should probably educate yourself before getting into a debate you know nothing about.

  2. J says:

    # 102 Pmitchell

    ” find it amazing that when a man simply asks a question of messiah Obama he is investigated ”

    The problem is he was a plant it was an attempt to deceive the American people into believing he is just a regular guy who can’t make up his mind about who to vote for. IT WAS A LIE AND PEOPLE KNEW IT!!!! Just like many things coming out of the Republican party these days. That is why they looked into it.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #102 “I find it amazing that when a man simply asks a question of messiah Obama he is investigated and berated …”

    Just a sign of a despot in training…

    Reminds me of a friend of mine. Regular Joe, who made about $40k/year filed non-itemized returns, all taxes withheld, etc. Well, he didn’t like his IRS tax rate so he e-mailed his Senator to complain. Unfortunately, it was Barbara Boxer (Marxist type). This was November. 3 days later the IRS contacts him because they were going to start an audit!

    Time for these scum to swing.

  4. J says:

    # 105 Paddy-O

    “Time for these scum to swing.”

    I would be careful Mr Paddy-O. That is dangerously close to a threat against public officials.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #106 “I would be careful Mr Paddy-O. That is dangerously close to a threat against public officials.”

    I’m not worried. I’ve worked with enough people at the top of DHS who know my true intentions…

  6. J says:

    # 107 Paddy-O

    Ok I will tell you what. I am going to call your bet.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #108 “Ok I will tell you what. I am going to call your bet.”

    Whatever you mean by that.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:


    Don’t you ever understand you lost? Your point was bullshit (or cow patties if you prefer) and quickly shown as such.

    “Joe Plumber” either was a Republican plant or on his own misrepresented his position in a question to Obama. Because of that he was used as an example by the right wing nut crowd. Then McCain used hm again as an example. Only they continued to misrepresent “Joe”‘s circumstances.

    Joe has been called out. If this is too onerous for him then blame those who perpetuated the Republican lie.

    As for your other lies, the chimney sweep and “Regular Joe”, I call bullshit. Very few people I am aware of earn over $250,000. Those that do are either professionals; artists or surgeons who are elite in their fields or top managers in large corporations.

    Most sole owner, private corporations that can afford to pay the owner that kind of money will re-invest it back into the business to help it grow.

    Political representatives do not forward complaints on to the IRS nor does the IRS take them. The IRS needs credible evidence before they will pursue an anonymous or third party claim. Being audited is nothing new. It depends upon his field but it is no secret that some occupations are far more prone to being audited or investigated than are others.

    And last, you still claim to know all about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. For some reason I am still waiting for you to explain where in the Constitution it forbids Congress to regulate wages. After all, the enabling section even uses the word “regulate”. While you are at it you might also answer why the States are allowed to leave the federation under the Constitution. If you can’t find anything Constitutional maybe a Supreme Court case or two would suffice.

  9. J says:

    # 110 Pmitchell

    “Just so you know you dont have to be a licensed plumber to work as a plumber you can work under a licensed plumber”

    WRONG!!! In his county you most certainly do. It is required that you have a personal license unless a licnes plumber is on the site at all times. They are a two man group. Not to mention it doesn’t appear his employere has a license either.

    “where is your proof he was a plant. ”

    OHHHH Republicans want evidence now???

    Well lets see.

    He is a Registered Republican

    He has donated to the Republican party this year.

    Everything he said was a lie.

    He used Republican talking points.

    The Campaign itself were yelling at one another for doing it because they knew that he was connected to Keating.

    It was overly promoted by the Right Wing talks shows. THE MINUTE IT HAPPENED!!!!

    He had his own camera man right there with him.

    I don’t know that is pretty good evidence for me. It is more evidence than the Republicans have for things like Obama is a Muslim, Obama started his campaign in Ayers Living room, Obama wants to hurt small business.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #111 Mr. Orb ‘O Confusion said,

    “Very few people I am aware of earn over $250,000.”

    I’m sure of that. Successful business people don’t associate with people like you. Plus, a basement is a pretty boring place to hang out…

  11. J says:

    # 114 Paddy-O

    “Plus, a basement is a pretty boring place to hang out…”

    You would know!

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #115 JJ said, “You would know!”

    Ouch, your witty retorts are too much. LOL

  13. Mr. Fusion says:


    As usual, you have a difficult time responding with any intelligent thought. The few times it appears you are about to put forward something it turns out to be bullshit currently floating around the Talk Radio crowd.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #117 Mr. Orb ‘O Confusion said,

    “it turns out to be bullshit currently floating around the Talk Radio crowd”

    Wow! I must be prescient as I don’t listen to talk radio.

  15. LibertyLover says:

    I am still waiting for you to explain where in the Constitution it forbids Congress to regulate wages

    This has already been answered: The 10th Amendment. Lots of people tend to forget that one.

    Those that do are either professionals; artists or surgeons who are elite in their fields or top managers in large corporations.

    And you want to take their money. That just doesn’t make sense. Who gets to decide “how much is enough” they guys make?

    “Everybody wins! Prizes for Everybody!”

    “Who gets to choose the prizes?”

    J and the Mister Twins — you guys need to read “Free to Choose.”

  16. JCD's Lovechild says:

    I’m getting a big kick out of fringe whackjobs suffering from Joe the Plumber Derangement Syndrome.

    It might help to get out once in a while. You know…get out of your basement room and get some fresh air. It’s OK to leave Mom’s house once in a while…

  17. Paddy-O says:

    Here’s a funny one from the Boston Pravda Newspaper:

    “Real plumbers don’t like Joe. Or at least the ones supporting Democrat Barack Obama.”

    Really? Unions are against people who embarrass Omama?

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #119, Loser,

    So Cow-Paddy can’t answer for himself, he needs other people to screw up the answer for him. There is a specific section that allows the Congress to regulate wages. That negates the Tenth Amendment. C’mon, find it, you two pretend you know the Constitution. The Constitution isn’t that big a document.

    Isn’t it funny when these wing nuts pretend they know basic crap only to be shown they are talking out their ass. Then they have the unmitigated audacity, the brazen gall, the almighty nerve, to become so intoxicated upon the exuberance of their own verbosity that they completely resemble the imbeciles they are.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #124 “There is a specific section that allows the Congress to regulate wages. ”

    Bzzzt. Wrong. That’s why you can’t list it.


    Don’t you get sick of eating Rice-a-Roni?

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #114 – O’Furniture

    >>I’m sure of that. Successful business people
    >>don’t associate with people like you.

    Yeah. Like your imaginary friend who makes $0.5 million/yr putting screens on chimneys in “SoCal”?

    I’ll bet blue-collar guys like that hang out at the opera and the theater, gabbing with the liberal elite.

    Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

    Give it up, O’Pinocchio. Joe the Plumber was a phony, he got busted, and we’re all sitting here on tenterhooks waiting to see what kind of scam the Repugs are going to try next for their Hail Mary pass.


  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #126, Cow-Paddy,

    Oh, but I can and anyone who understands the Constitution could also point it out. The problem is that YOU claim the Constitution forbids it. You won’t answer how that can be or where in the Constitution Congress is forbidden to regulate wages. Instead of answering the challenge, you resort to your childish nya nya nyas.

    Here, allow me to help you out. But first, which way did you come in? You may leave the same way.

    Seriously, The Constitution. Browse it and see if you can’t find where:

    1) Congress can/can not regulate wages.

    2) The States are forbidden to leave the federation.

    3) States may write laws contrary to the Constitution.

    These are all issues you have raised.

  22. LibertyLover says:

    The Mister Twins,

    The lack of evidence is not evidence in and of itself.

    Just because there is no law that says, “The Federal Government Can Regulate Wages,” does not mean it is legal to do so. The 10th Amendment clearly states they cannot do anything unless it is specifically spelled out in the Constitution.

    Yes, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the authority to regulate wages under the Interstate Commerce section. However, that was a recent “re-interpretation” of what the Founding Fathers intended. The problem is there isn’t a politician in Washington DC with a hair long enough on his ass to fix the problem.

    And you know it.

    Claiming it is in the Constitution is misleading — something the Republicrats are good at.

    Forcing companies to do business a certain way is pure and utter BS. This slow chipping away of our rights is going to get a LOT of senators and reps fired this Nov. I for one am looking forward to it.

    BTW . . . have you guys read “Free to Choose” yet?

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #130, Loser,

    The 10th Amendment clearly states they cannot do anything unless it is specifically spelled out in the Constitution.

    Wrong. Why not read the 10th Amendment again. Here, let me help,

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    Now read carefully. That amendment does not say that they cannot do something unless it is specifically spelled out. It uses the words POWERS and DELEGATED.

    Yes, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the authority to regulate wages under the Interstate Commerce section.

    If I agreed then I would be giving Cow-Paddy the answer he doesn’t want to admit to. BUT, I will acknowledge you are correct.

    However, that was a recent “re-interpretation” of what the Founding Fathers intended.

    How so? The language of that specific section is quite explicit. It gives Congress the power to REGULATE interstate commerce. Using that section surely gave Congress the authority to enact any legislation it pleased to that dealt with interstate companies. Not just recently, but since the acceptance of the Bill of Rights.

    Claiming it is in the Constitution is misleading — something the Republicrats are good at.

    Aahhh, this is where you are again mistaken. Cow-Paddy was the one that insisted the Constitution forbade Congress from enacting any law regulating (financial institutional CEO) wages. Repeatedly I have called upon him to show us where in the Constitution they were forbidden. No trick. No slight of hand. No bullshit. No misleading question. He made the claim and got called on it.

    But again, as Cow-Paddy says the Constitution doesn’t allow it, I’m asking him to show us where. I even offered to allow him to use a Supreme Court case or two. Now, I can’t allow you to answer for him simply because you agree he is wrong.

    Forcing companies to do business a certain way is pure and utter BS.

    Again, you are very wrong. If you ask any business, the two main things they want are a level playing field and stability. Responsible companies recognize they are part of the community and have certain obligations to that community. Regulation, be it pollution controls or accounting procedures should be the same for everyone.

    BTW . . . have you guys read “Free to Choose” yet?

    No. Nor do I have any reason to believe I should read it. Have you read Das Kapitol or Quotations from Chairman Mao? But then I don’t need someone telling me what to believe.

    Or, since your reading appears to lean to fiction, how about Lord of the Flies or The Admirable Creighten? What about A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court or The Plague. All great political and social contrast works. I guess Robinson Crusoe would be a great example of a society where community doesn’t exist.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    RE # 131,

    Oopps, my bad. I wrote

    Using that section surely gave Congress the authority to enact any legislation it pleased to that dealt with interstate companies. Not just recently, but since the acceptance of the Bill of Rights.

    That last sentence should have read

    Not just recently, but since the acceptance of the Constitution.


  25. Up Yours RIAA says:

    Plumbers butt! Schweet!!

  26. sarg says:

    Why dosent McCain pay Joe the Plumbers back taxs or maybe Fox news will since as a big victim of the media and the Obama campaign. Or that preacher turned politician Huckabee, all playing this Tax evader non Plumber fibber as a victim and even having him giving plumbing advice GIVE ME A BREAK


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