A man discovered making kebabs near a corpse has been banned from managing food businesses and fined 3,800 pounds, according to Wolverhampton City Council.

Jaswinder Singh, 45, was found by police making kebabs at Pappu Sweet Center and Catering in Wolverhampton in August in a kitchen where a dead man was lying on a sofa.

As well the corpse, the policeman discovered another man smoking and spitting repeatedly on the floor, while in a room near the kitchen, a defrosting chicken, oozing blood and juices, was covered with flies.

Environmental health officers had visited the shop over a number of months previously where they had warned Singh to improve his food hygiene standards after finding rat droppings as well as a dead rat beneath a pot.

We were called to reports of a sudden death,” said West Midlands Police spokeswoman Joanne Hunt. “A post mortem was carried out, but found the death was not suspicious, so the matter was referred to the coroner.”

Remind me – please remind me – not to grab a snack here.

  1. Eateries says:

    Sounds like either good cuisine to me – loyal customers who appreciate a good meal or very poor treatment of workers or labor

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Good help is hard to find.

  3. Dallas says:

    Let’s not jump to conclusions. Their french fries may be great or they may have a nice wine cellar.

  4. Thomas says:

    CA essentially solved this problem with the public rating system. In CA, all restaurants have to clearly post the rating they got from the health inspector on the outside of the restaurant. That effectively ended this sort problem. It is probably the biggest thing I miss when traveling outside of CA or abroad in that I have no clear method of determining whether a given place is going to give me an intestinal gift that will keep on giving.

  5. admfubar says:

    #4 and all kitchen areas should be visable from the dining/or counter areas.

  6. KarmaBaby says:

    Those kebabs must have been “to die for”.

  7. James Hill says:

    But… did the dead body attract more cats?

  8. bobbo says:

    Indian immigrant to London became depressed. Went to several Western Doctors with various diagnoses but not help. Finally went to the Indian Town Faith Healer who heard his story and left the room returning with a bucket. He told the man to stick his head in it and breath deeply three times a day until he felt better.

    Two weeks later the man returned to the Faith Healer fully recovered and cheerful. He asked what was in the bucket. Faith Healer said OH it was just some dog shit mixed with cat urine and a dead chicken. You were just homesick and the smell reminded you of growing up in your old home town.

  9. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Sounds like a job for Gordon Ramsey and Kitchen Nightmares!

  10. Balbas says:

    All these Sweeny Todd wannabes just don’t have any real style. A stiff on a sofa awaiting a good fricassee?

    Who’d want to eat there?

  11. Paddy-O says:

    “Environmental health officers had visited the shop over a number of months previously where they had warned Singh to improve his food hygiene standards after finding rat droppings as well as a dead rat beneath a pot.”

    Where else is he supposed to keep ingredients but in the restaurant?

  12. Rick Cain says:

    I will never eat indian food again.


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