Google and IBM profits soar. Android phone has a remote kill switch. Meanwhile, the phone is already getting bad reviews. No video? Gmail went down for a day. Google fighting lawsuit in Germany. Copyright stuff going to get worse before it gets better. Steve Ballmer ran Yahoo stock and down. The Microsoft FAST group busted in Norway. Botnets coming at your cell phone soon. Iomega has 1TB NAS for $300.

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  1. Gphone: Consumers should raise up and boycott any device which is not fully and truly owned after the purchase. But, with the iPhone and the like it is proven that the majority are sheep and get what they deserve.
    Why isn’t there anyone lobbying for the law that the consumer, after the purchase of a device fully and completely owns it. If manufacturer wants to make any (needed or not) change, the Owner should be notified and asked first and no change can be made unless he/she agrees.
    Why is so hard for Google (and Apple and MS,…) to simply send a notice first: “Hello, we think that the following needs to be done to your system. Otherwise, this or that bad thing can happen. Can we get permission to make this change on your device, please?”

  2. Malcolm says:

    I will never buy another Iomega product. Every one I ever used tried to take over my system. Their software was intrusive and disabling to the rest of my system. Never again.

  3. ECA says:

    I cant wait for 2 things to happen..
    1. remote access to ALL these Cellphone computers.
    2. ADVERTS popping up on the Cellphone computer as soon as you open it.

    -1. can you see someone RAIDING you cellphone computer while you stand in line or wander the MALL? MAKE it dial out and NOT TELL YOU.
    -2 can you see your phone ringing, and you pull it out, and its an ADVERT from the store infront of you??


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