1. Chris Mac says:

    Did you see the juggling bear on the unicycle ride through?

  2. Stu Mulne says:

    I hope they’re talking about financial aid, but it’s still funny….

    My club range hosts some older Scouts who could be of even more help, if it wasn’t for some silly laws 🙂

  3. Ghost says:

    Well they did say that they are offering the exams in their basement #2.

  4. V says:

    Come on… give the originator a plug. This is from The Onion.

  5. Sex Lessons – 1st lesson free!

  6. ECA says:

    Im hoping this is fake…
    If it isnt, CAN I help? I’ll do the older ladies..

  7. Special Ed says:

    I’m willing to take them around in my breast exam van.


  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’ve been a Scout leader for a long time, and I gotta say this is very funny, so long as it stays underground. The BSA won’t be amused.

  9. JimD says:

    The Boy Scouts gotta watch out for that older Lady offering free prostate exams to the boys !!! She offers “Rubber Glove” or “Strap-On” !!!

  10. Geoffrey says:

    It’s a good deed, sure, but I bet if you take a pic of the Boy Scouts doing this good deed, that’s highly illegal.

    Will undercover female cops be offering up their potentially malignant love bumps to young men inorder to catch the sex predators who show up to watch this obscenity take place?

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I love The Onion! They only want younger women because the older ones already know this stuff. HaHaHaHa!

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    I’ve long let it be known I give free breast exams.

  13. JMcM says:

    It’s dedicated youth like this that make our country number one.

  14. amodedoma says:

    It’s a joke we’d’ve never got away with in the 70’s. Hell, we were too busy trying to be really useful to society. We were recycling paper and glass and cleaning up the countryside long before it was popular to do so. It was something that needed to be done. We represented a certain set of predefined values that were worth protecting. Nowadays I wouldn’t think of letting my kids join the scouts – I’d be too afraid some pervert scoutmaster would abuse them. Values and traditions are what make a country great or poor, too bad the US seems to be pissing on theirs in the name of political correctness.

  15. admfubar says:

    uhm there’re not the only ones….

  16. admfubar says:

    oops that link didnt work out right

    hope this one does

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    # 14 amodedoma Nowadays I wouldn’t think of letting my kids join the scouts – I’d be too afraid some pervert scoutmaster would abuse them.

    It’s 2008, not 1977. Five years ago When the Catholic church finally decided to implement a youth protection system, they looked to the Scouts for a model that has worked exceptionally well. Abusers know that Scouting is a bad place to get their targets, and abuses are very rare unless a whole chain of adults and Scouts in a unit ignore the rules. You’ll see far, far more abuses happen in youth sports and organizations other than Scouting.

    I’ve done the training for this program in Scouting, and it works. Everybody knows the rules, and those rules drive nearly every gathering and indoor/outdoor event. We’re not just talking lip service, this topic is always a big deal. Always. BSA does background checks on leaders, too.

    So let’s end that rumor right here, OK? You can see the details…you don’t have to be a member to take Youth Protection Training:

  18. ECA says:


  19. amodedoma says:


    Wasn’t trying to spread rumours. Just expressing my fears for an organization that did alot for me as a kid.
    The most important thing BSA imparts are civic values. We were trusted, people expected us to be kind, courteous, and helpful, and we were all of that. What kind of impression does this cause on the general public? What next.. girl scouts offering prostate exams?

  20. ECA says:

    programming our kids to be NICE, HELPFUL, knowing WHERE to go, and what to do, preparing them for the FUTURE…
    IS it worth it?
    For a life that does NOT reflect what ADULT life is about, I’d rather teach my child to be the ASS of school, show him haw to COVER his tracks, and know EVERY excuse out there. Show him how to GET what he wants. Teach them how to CHEAT, STEAL and NEVER get caught…just like ANY politician/boss/manager..

  21. amodedoma says:


    The future is what we make it, parents abandoning values and not passing them on to future generations results in a society of full of selfish, irresponsible, and unreliable members. Sound familiar?

  22. great article. I will bookmark this


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