Damn. I was hoping a fist fight would break out. At least they more or less actually ‘debated.’

Oh, well, you know what to do, Joe the Plumber.

  1. EvilPoliticians says:

    I think Barack and Joe should set the example and turn over their income and savings that are excessive. That would be very patriotic.

    And all of you that are supporting a tax hike because it is noble, there is nothing stopping you from sending in a check today. You may not make $250k/yr right now, but I am sure there is some tax out there you’d like so you can help out.

  2. I’m tired of hearing about Joe the Plumber. I’m tired of hearing about Joe Six Pack. Isn’t anyone worried about the opinion of Joe Cabernet Sauvignon?

  3. bobbo says:

    #63–evil==whats fair, noble, and honest is for people who are receiving a benefit (Medicare Medication) or creating a cost (Iraq War) PAY FOR IT and the only way to do that is to raise taxes.

    Otherwise, the payment gets shifted downstream to our kiddies by way of interest on debt payments, excessive overhead, all of which gets corrected finally by a deflated dollar.

    You are either for higher taxes or lower dollar. Whats fair and right is pretty obvious.

  4. EvilPoliticians says:

    Barack and Joe can set more examples and display their patriotic leadership for fellow rich citizens.

    Barack lives here in Chicago in a million dollar home. He could downsize, move out of the city into a less expensive area or just stay at the White House using hotels on vacations.

    Then send the proceeds from the home sale to the IRS. Or buy up some distressed properties to rent to others that lost their homes.

  5. EvilPoliticians says:

    #65 – what’s your fair share then? How much are you sending in to the Fed today?

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #63 “I think Barack and Joe should set the example and turn over their income and savings that are excessive. That would be very patriotic.”

    A common theme of despots (from any political party) is to demand sacrifices from the “masses” while not themselves sacrificing.

    You see this in small things. Voting themselves pay raises using the $ of the “masses, while the “masses” have no such ability during hard times, giving themselves full pensions (at taxpayer expense) while stealing from SS, etc.

  7. #61 – O’Pinocchio

    >>So he wants me to pay more but not? This is
    >>what his ACTIONS say. What a hypocrite.

    He said he’s willing to pay more taxes. Not that he’s willing to write a big check, no strings attached, to the government.

    Are you really as dumb as you appear, O’Pinocchio?

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #62 true enough, but that’s irrelevant in a discussion concerning whether the penalty characterization is valid in a tax rate discussions. You’ve still failed to explain why a KEEP rate of 61% (tax rate 39%) constitutes a penalty for working hard, whereas a KEEP rate of 64% does not.

  9. #68 – O’Furniture

    >>A common theme of despots (from any political
    >>party) is to demand sacrifices from the >>“masses” while not themselves sacrificing.

    Finally, I agree with you, O’Furniture. I’ve been saying that about Dumbya for 8 years. Talk about a guy who’s unwilling to sacrifice ANYTHING. Not his safety (Viet Nam), not his excessive vacation (brush clearing at the “ranch”), nothing.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #71 “Finally, I agree with you, O’Furniture. I’ve been saying that about Dumbya for 8 years.”

    I’m afraid it is true of most pols. Including those currently running for Pres.

  11. 9yo says:

    McCain tried to steal Obama’s nude erection…er a… “New Direction” then Obama said “Tit” tehe…

  12. bobbo says:

    #67–evil==You are either for higher taxes or lower dollar. Whats fair and right is pretty obvious.

    Whats fair for me, you, and everyone is to pay what is due under the current tax code, advocate for changes needed, and vote all encumbents out of office until a balanced budget is achieved with a positive balance to pay off the national debt.

    And yes, one is anti-American/Patriotic, in fact a theif, to under pay ones taxes and IS a patriot to overpay ones taxes although giving back thru charity comes pretty close.

    Joe the Plumber should pay accordingly.

    It takes a special kind of short sighted hypocrisy/stupidity to complain about being taxed on making more than $250K.

  13. MikeN says:

    Obama was lying in the debate when asked about his vote not to protect babies that survive abortion.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #75 “we liberals love free trade, free markets, etc.”

    But not freedom of choice for the individual…

  15. bobbo says:

    Dipshit anti-regulation repuglicans want the “so called” freedom to drive on the wrong side of the road.

    Doesn’t matter how many traffic accidents are caused by this repeated stupidity.

    Heard last night that since 19whenever there have been 6 market crashes caused by “securitization of land based mortgages.” Don’t know how exactly true that is but something the numbnut free regulators/fraudsters constantly fail to appreciate is that a well regulated market is attractive to investors while a free one without sufficient regulation is not.

    If you personally are making money from this recent market crash, then good on you. If you have lost money, don’t you even now understand what just hit you in the face? Fools.

  16. EvilPoliticians says:

    bobbo – “It takes a special kind of short sighted hypocrisy/stupidity to complain about being taxed on making more than $250K.”

    So where have you drawn the line? What is your definition of rich? Obviously $250k/yr is too much in your view. What about $100k? And does it matter where you live? People in Oklahoma can live very well with $100K/yr. Try that in NYC.

    Once you define “rich”, how much do you take from them? 90%? More?

    And don’t think this will stop with just the rich. Look at Obama’s district. Highest sales tax in the country (10.25%). And Cook County just massively raised property taxes that hit the poor the hardest. Didn’t hear Obama much on these – too busy posturing for the next step in the career to care about the little guy in the city he shares.


  17. bobbo says:

    #79–evil==you post like a dog chasing its tail. Round and round you go to what goal?

    You are either for higher taxes or lower dollar. Whats fair and right is pretty obvious.

    I would MUCH, MUCH, MUCH rather pay more taxes on making $250K, than get a small tax rebate on making $100K.

    What tax rate in your mind is so confiscatory that you would stop doing what you do? Thats a hard number.

    How stupid can YOU get?

  18. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #78 wrote “…a well regulated market is attractive to investors while a free one without sufficient regulation is not.”

    Excellent point, bobbo. We’re still seeing the list of companies holding worthless notes from Lehman Brothers dribble out, and questionable valuations of esoteric, often unmarketable financial instruments relating to many companies continues to be a problem. This only adds to the many concerns investors already have, as well as the resulting fear of what we don’t know.

  19. Dallas says:

    #54 Mustard, that was funny.

    This Paddy-O clown and his juvenile ‘LOL’ are just slightly less annoying than Palin’s ‘You Betcha’ and wink.

    I think he should be killed.

  20. #79 – EvilPoliticians (multiple personality disorder?),

    bobbo – “It takes a special kind of short sighted hypocrisy/stupidity to complain about being taxed on making more than $250K.”

    So where have you drawn the line? What is your definition of rich? Obviously $250k/yr is too much in your view. What about $100k? And does it matter where you live? People in Oklahoma can live very well with $100K/yr. Try that in NYC.

    I live in NYC. True that many in Manhattan will pay higher taxes under Obama. However, it is also true that those making over $250K can afford to pay a bit more, even when living in NYC.

    Or, even more accurately, because of the borrow and bomb repugnicans, more taxes will have to be collected in order to prevent this country from declaring bankruptcy and defaulting on the $10T of debt that we now have.

    So, someone has to pay more. That is a given. Anyone who does not think so has their head up their ass so far that they should just stick it in a bit farther and hope to see the light of day.

    Who would you make pay? Would you tax the health benefits of someone making $50K (as McBush would) or would you raise taxes on someone making over $250K? Remember, McBush is going to raise the taxes on those making barely enough to get by. He will do so by taxing their health care benefit from their employers. Obama will cut taxes on these people, quite significantly in fact, unlike the insignificant cut McCain will give (and then take away by taxing benefits).

    Who will get McCain’s tax cuts? ExxonMobil. He said so at the debate. He is going to reduce taxes on corporations. That’s what we need. Let’s give some tax breaks to Halliburton and ExxonMobil. That should help pay down our debt … somehow … unless it doesn’t.

    Remember, not only was the tax rate higher under Clinton, but people could afford to pay it. With the economy in shambles from 8 years of borrow and bomb economics, we must recognize that we cannot continue such policies.

    Even if you never travel outside this country to see that the dollar is worthless (ahem … I mean worth less, of course), you must be seeing higher prices at home. Do you wonder that Swiss cheese has gone up in price by 50 percent? Do you note that the Euro has gone up relative to the dollar by that same 50%? Do you think this might have anything to do with the nation’s (ahem … federation’s) crippling debt?

    If you think the repugs have any plans to pay it back, then you must not be aware that the debt doubled under both Bushes and was decreased under Clinton. Perhaps you have failed to recognize that, believe it or not, Democrats are actually more fiscally conservative than Republicans of late. At least Dems recognize that the bills must be paid.

    With McBush’s plan to stay in Iraq for 100 years, where do you expect the money to come from? Will no one talk about the huge cost of the war? Will no one mention that it has been paid for by China? Will you not expect them to eventually collect at least the interest on their loans?

    Wake up!!

  21. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #80 Buzz, if that story can be independently confirmed, it will bury McCain in the minds of any independents who may have admired his “straight talk.” Of course, the only reliable source for political news is Fox News, so I’ll wait to see if they carry the story 😉

  22. #83 – Dallas,

    Ooo. Did someone mention Palin?


    Click around on stuff. Have fun.

    I think he should be killed.

    Please, let’s not be like McCain and his supporters. We don’t need to kill our opponents. And, we should reign each other in when we go a tad overboard, in much the same way McCain does not with his supporters.

    Cow Paddy doesn’t add much that is useful to any debate. But, that is not reason for a lynching.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #84 “If you think the repugs have any plans to pay it back, then you must not be aware that the debt doubled under both Bushes and was decreased under Clinton.”


    The national debt increased EVERY year under Clinton.

    09/30/1999 5,656,270,901,615
    09/30/1998 5,526,193,008,897
    09/30/1997 5,413,146,011,397
    09/30/1996 5,224,810,939,135
    09/29/1995 4,973,982,900,709
    09/30/1994 4,692,749,910,013
    09/30/1993 4,411,488,883,139
    09/30/1992 4,064,620,655,521
    09/30/1991 3,665,303,351,697

  24. Montanaguy says:

    Obama is either blindly dense or lying. With an economic downturn like this, all of the people making good money will have large capital losses to write off against income and gains. They will actually be sending less money to the treasury, even with Obama’s tax increase. Thus, the tax increases will trickle down to those who simply have to pay up. The idea that Obama is actually going to ONLY increase taxes on those making more than $250K is a joke and he either knows it and is lying or he is really stupid. Or at least he knows that most of those buying into this are stupid.

  25. Sorry Paddy, I was momentarily confused. Have you looked at the numbers as a percentage of the GDP though? Do you see a trend about which party is raising the debt to GDP ratio and which is consistently lowering it?

    National debt by U.S. presidential terms

    From Reagan forward, the only president to lower the ratio has been Clinton. Hell, even carter lowered the debt to GDP ratio. So, back to the borrow and bomb republicans. Why do you think them more likely to get us out of this mess than the democrats?

  26. bobbo says:

    #88–montannadude==wtf are you howling about? Tax rates don’t “trickle down.”

    Obama himself said McCain tax break for capital gains wouldn’t mean much at this time. I have to think he does know a tax increase would have the same effect in times of loss and loss carry forwards for the next decade?

    So YES==tax revenues most likely will be down from past estimates, and YES both candidates are lying about the effect this downturn will have on the Fed’s ability to deficit spend, but how do you get to trickle down tax rates?

    Please detail this for us.

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Paddy-O, you seem to be catching a lot of flak from some of the liberals (including myself) here, so let me take a moment to say a kind word. I may occasionally disagree with your politics, but I’ve always found both you and your furniture to be remarkably durable and weather-resistant. Thank you for your service 😉

  28. #88 – Montanaguy,

    So, I guess you’re expecting the losses to continue indefinitely and are assuming that no one is making money in all of this?

    Keep in mind that one may only deduct a $3,000 passive loss per year from investments against any ordinary income. I don’t know what percentage of wealthy losers are considered professional traders for whom the loss would be an active one and realizable in the current year. I also don’t know what percentage will truly not make any money again for the next four years.

    For the shareholders, the real question will be whether it is their primary business. For executives, those golden parachutes will be taxed, as will the income from their new jobs.

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #89 “Sorry Paddy, I was momentarily confused. Have you looked at the numbers as a percentage of the GDP though?”

    What the GDP was in ’99 doesn’t help with paying the $5,656,270,901,615 that was the nat debt of that year. It is a nice justification but has of yet never has it help lower the debt on a year to year basis.

    Face it. Neither party is willing to spend less to actually bring down the debt 1 red cent.

    That is proven FACT.


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