Every American soldier knows that you never leave a buddy behind. Sergeant Gwen Beberg knows it. So do 30,000 other people who have signed an online petition urging the US Army to show some compassion. The maxim stands even if the buddy is a scruffy dog named Ratchet.

“I just want my puppy home. I miss my dog horribly,” Sergeant Beberg, 28, e-mailed her mother after being separated from Ratchet, whose life she saved by rescuing it from a pile of burning rubbish in May. The split came after the sergeant was transferred from her base in Iraq in preparation for a return to the United States next month. “I’m coping reasonably well because I refuse to believe that Ratchet has been hurt,” she wrote. “If I find out that he was killed though . . . well, we just won’t entertain that possibility.” Military sources on the ground have indicated that the dog is alive.

US soldiers in Iraq are prohibited from bringing home stray dogs but the Department of Defence has made exceptions in the past. Ratchet’s cause has been taken up by Operation Baghdad Pups, a programme set up last year by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) International.

So far the programme claims to have facilitated the transfer to America of fifty dogs and six cats. Terry Crisp, of Operation Baghdad Pups, flew to Dubai yesterday and is due to arrive in the Iraqi capital tomorrow to speak to members of the military. “Iraqis view dogs and cats as rats, as nuisances, carriers of disease,” she said, noting that US soldiers had rescued many abused animals, such as a puppy that was being kicked by a circle of Iraqi men.

“This is a story about people and animals. This is a story about people caring about other people,” he told The Times. It is a view shared by thousands of people who have signed the “Clemency for Ratchet” petition. Many have left comments, expressing their support and distress.
The military said in a statement that Customs procedures often prevented foreign animals from entering the US without vaccination records and other medical documents.

I’ve been avoiding this story for days but it keeps cropping up. I confess, I am a sucker for animals but I think there is a bigger issue here. If this dog will help a soldier in her transition back to the states then it’s a good thing, and maybe there will be one less suicide. It wont cost the taxpayers anything but even if it did the benefits would certainly outweigh the cost. You can find the petition here if so inclined.

  1. Dallas says:

    I agree we need an executive order for “Saving Private Ratchet”. Whatever it takes.

    I fully expect this to be on the debates tonight as undecided voters are watching carefully.

    [Thanks, I’m going to use that – ed.]

  2. joe says:

    Putting her life on the line!?!?!

    She fuXXing deserves her dog.

  3. green says:

    Fuck the iraqis. Dogs are more important.


  4. buzzerd says:

    the sentiments of a true American, green.

  5. Wendy Keelan says:

    Please reunite this lovely lady and her beautiful dog. They belong together. Cut the stupid redtape and let them be together.

  6. Floyd says:

    It’s her dog, dammit, and she’s his human. Give Ratchet his shots, put him quarantine if need be, and get the pup back to the States.

  7. maddmaxx says:

    Please go sign the petition. After serving for all of us it’s a damn shame that she has to go through all this trauma just to get her dog home. Hell someone pay for the airfare and I’ll go give him his shots.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    mmmmmm, canine,

    slice ’em thin and saute` with some onions over low heat.

    #3, fuck you. People come first, not our pets.

  9. Todd says:

    #8. I believe he was being facetious. And yes people do come first, except people like you. If you were on fire, I wouldn’t waste my piss on ya.

    Fuck you.

  10. LinusVP says:

    I hope something good can come out of this mess. Bring ’em home. All of them!

  11. DrewC says:

    Why not petition the SPCA? They have a whole website dedicated to this exact cause:


    Wish I could email this soldier this link. There’s hope yet for sure.

  12. DrewC says:

    Note to self: be more thorough when reading blog posts.

  13. Sister Mary Hand Grenade says:

    #8 – If it was my choice between you and the dog, you’d be gone like Betty Ford’s tits.

  14. named says:

    Face it… she’s only in the news because she white, kinda blonde, somewhat attractive, and has two different coloured eyes.

  15. maddmaxx says:

    Hell someone pay for the airfare and I’ll go give #8 and #14 their shots as well. Damn what happened to the milk of human kindness? I guess it curdled in their hearts. And yes as far as I can see my dog is worth a hundred of those assholes.

  16. troublemaker says:

    How sweet. I wonder how many Iraqi children the bitch tortured and killed.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, maxx,

    Damn what happened to the milk of human kindness?

    Somehow our concern for our fellow humans is replaced by a concern for animals. Placing an animal above the life of a human only shows how ignorant the writer truly is.

    #9, Todd,

    If you were on fire, I wouldn’t waste my piss on ya.

    Fuck you.

    This is an example of the mentality the “animal lovers” have stooped to. I don’t care how much of an asshole you are, I’d gladly piss on you.

    With all respect due to Dallas and Angel, Todd sure sounds like gay name.

  18. Moe Skito says:

    The dog is now back in the states and at the vet in the soldier’s home town.

    Post the info so as to stop causing undue stress for the military who are having to react to all the letters and emails regarding this unfortunate situation.

  19. WTF says:

    you all concern about a silly fuckn dog!!!

    what about a million Iraqi children died during the war?

    What about the million girls lost after the destruction?

    What about the million orphans cauesed by the iraqi war?

    What about the”girl”Abir raped and killed like an innocent butterflies then burned her home by US solders!!

    we concern for a dog!! a Fuckin dog!!

    Wake up people

  20. Carbon says:

    This wasn’t about human life vs. nonhuman life. This was about a woman who put her life on the line to save others. A woman who deserved to keep the dog because she did so much for her country. Get over yourselves and get off your high horses. You’re no saints.


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