![]() Heheheheheh
Washington Times – Biden routes campaign cash to family, their firms — Stop the presses. A Democrat funneling money to his friends and family? Who’da thunk it?
Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. has paid more than $2 million in campaign cash to his family members, their businesses and employers over the years, a practice that watchdogs criticize as rife with potential conflicts of interest.
The money largely flowed from the coffers of Mr. Bidens failed presidential campaign during the past two years to a company that employs his sister and longtime campaign manager, Valerie Biden Owens, according to campaign disclosure filings.
The senator from Delaware also directed campaign legal work to a Washington lobbying and law firm founded by his son R. Hunter Biden, the disclosures show.
please, please get your facts straight before posting. Mean while we have Nations in South-America calling Bush a comrade, laughing about how at the end of his term manage to nationalize the biggest banks and insurance company in the States. They have name for that??? don’t they rofl
I don’t see anything obviously wrong. He has relatives in businesses that do campaign-related work, and he sent business to them.
So far this “story” appears to be just hype.
Biden’s expenditures were reported to the FEC, that’s why we are hearing about it now… But even TRY TO AUDIT HALLIBURTON/CHENEY’S LOOTING OF THE TREASURY – ***GOOD LUCK*** !!! THEY DON’T EVEN TRY TO KEEP RECORDS !!!
#30 – Jim H
>>I don’t see anything obviously wrong. He has
>>relatives in businesses that do campaign-related
>>work, and he sent business to them. So far this
>>“story” appears to be just hype.
I think the only scandal here is that John C. Dvorak is spreading dirty rumors (even stooping to posting articles from the Moonie paper) about the Obama Biden winning team in a vain attempt to win all those wagers he made that McBush will win the election.
Unless it is revealed that McBush is the Second Coming of Christ, or Obama is charged with multiple felonies (including sexual abuse of children), that’s just not going to happen.
I love these posts, they show the hypocrisy of the responders. Especially those who are left of center.
If it’s a negative story about McCain/Palin, you’re all over it like it’s gospel reguardless of source or accuracy.
Yet if it’s an Obama/Biden negative story, it’s a bogus story or an unreliable source.
If you guys can’t make a convincing argument, you attack the poster or the respondent.
Both campaigns are rotten to the core, neither has the moral high-ground to point fingers at the other. They’re just using us, one distraction after the other.
If you think anything these guys are promising will actually happen, your crazy. No one ever keeps campaign promises.
#32 Mr ‘tard said, “Unless it is revealed that McBush is the Second Coming of Christ,”
Not likely. Omama already got that title by being able to raise the dead, so they can vote for him. LOL
Please point out where he broke the law or ethics standards.
There is nothing to explain because it is all PERFECTLY FUCKING LEGAL!!!!!!!! AND COMMON!!!
#10…it’s called nepotism…and it’s unethical.
#35 J “Please point out where he broke the law or ethics standards.”
Well, first the financial records would have to be closely examined to see if he paid more than the “going rate” for the services, and if said services were actually delivered…
But, that would involve a willingness to investigate… By the media…
#35 J “There is nothing to explain because it is all PERFECTLY FUCKING LEGAL!!!!!!!! ”
So, J man. In order for it to be legal he’d have to have only paid the going rate for the services and actually had the work performed.
Since you assert that nothing illegal happened, you have investigated to ensure the points of the law were followed? Or, are you lying when you say you know nothing illegal took place?
Are you lying again J?
# 37 Paddy-O
So basically you can’t point out any unethical or illegal then?
Just as I thought!
# 38 Paddy-O
You do understand the concept of burden of proof don’t you?
#40 You do understand the concept of burden of proof don’t you?
Yes, you asserted that nothing illegal happened. What is the basis of that?
Now, if you say he hasn’t been convicted that’s different. You asserted that you KNOW that nothing illegal has happened.
Did you investigate or are you lying to us?
nepotism n. Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business. [French népotisme , from Italian nepotismo , from nepote , nephew,
# 41 Paddy-O
Sorry paddy cake that isn’t the way burden of proof works. The burdern is on those making accusations because people are innocent until proven guilty.
# 42 brendal
Yeah sorry but there is nothing in that definition that says it is illegal or unethical.
Why are you the only one on your own blog site to expose the hypocrisy of the left yet you have a at least 3 or 4 leftist goons posting their drivel?
#43 So you lied. The 1st step to handling that problem is admit that you have a problem…
# 46 Paddy-O
Like I thought you have no argument.
Anybody else notice that Biden and Dvorak could be brothers? The resemblance is uncanny at times……
Its funny watching the Obamaniancs come out of the woodwork to defend this.
Why are people acting surprised? As long as it isn’t illegal why not keep the money in the family?
Besides they must do good work. After all he is now going to be VP rather than President. That doesn’t sound…never mind.
#35 – Boy-O
>>If it’s a negative story about McCain/Palin, you’re
>>all over it like it’s gospel reguardless of source
>>or accuracy.
>>Yet if it’s an Obama/Biden negative story, it’s a
>>bogus story or an unreliable source.
Sorry if that’s inconvenient for you, Boy-O, but the negative stories about Mcbush/ Palin usually turn out to be well-founded in fact.
The negative “stories” (and that’s just what they are, fairy tales) about Obama/ Biden either come from kooks like the Moonies or bitter, disillusioned, right-wing bloggers.
Paddy O’Pinocchio would try to paint this as a “coverup” by the Drive-By Media, the that’s a crock of stinking dump.
The Edwards affair was “covered up” by the D-B M until it was broken by the National Enquirer. Then overybody was all over it like stink on shit. The Moonie Times has “broken” this “scandal” about Biden using campaign funds for perfectly legal, ethical, and moral purposes.
Why isn’t anybody else covering this besides the Moonies (and the bitter disillusioned right-wing bloggers)?
Is the Moonie Times less credible than the National Enquirer?
I think I just answered my own question
What the hell happend! My post was #33 not #35, now the comment thread doesn’t match-up.
People are reference my post when they were actually responding to someone else.
[Some comments are held in the moderation queue until an editor checks them out. In the meantime, if other comments are posted, the ones in the queue show up in between them. Blame WordPress. – ed.]
Why do people take offense to this BS? It’s just more proof that the only difference between the two parties is the lies they spout.
Mr Mustard,
You just proved my point of my first post!!!
You guys are so busy spinnig every story to suit your own agandas, none of you can tell the difference between truth and bullc**p anymore.
In this day and age, the tabloids have been more accurate than the mainstream media.
All i can say is that is not surprise me
Woody Allen’s comment was that politicians were on notch below child molesters
I fear you are probably the closest to being correct.
And what is really happening now is of tectonic proportions.
Not too surprising. The Democrats would have kept control of Congress in 2002, except Terry McCauliffe was funneling all the party’s money to his father-in-law’s campaign for governor of Florida, while justifying it with Bush-hatred.
Hey J-J! If you can’t figure out that favoritism in hiring relatives over other qualified candidates is unethical…it’s NO WONDER YOU’RE ON THE BIDEN TEAM!!